Table 2.

Results from the discriminant function analysis comparing the barking calls from male Australian sea lions

Acoustic variableRoot 1Root 2
Dur –0.730 0.704 
Interval Dur 0.627 0.822 
Peak 1 –0.238 –0.068 
Peak 2 –0.065 0.090 
RAMP 0.064 0.122 
Eigenvalue 4.426 1.394 
Cumulative proportion 0.724 0.951 
Acoustic variableRoot 1Root 2
Dur –0.730 0.704 
Interval Dur 0.627 0.822 
Peak 1 –0.238 –0.068 
Peak 2 –0.065 0.090 
RAMP 0.064 0.122 
Eigenvalue 4.426 1.394 
Cumulative proportion 0.724 0.951 

Dur, total duration of the barking call; Interval Dur, duration between barking calls; Peak 1 and 2, frequency value of the first and second maximum peak in amplitude, respectively; RAMP, ratio of the amplitude values of Peak 1 to Peak 2

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