Table 2.

Mean values of adrenergic light response parameters after treatments with NO donors as compared to control (Δ)

SNP (N=21)SNAP (N=13)
ΔTLmax (min) 5.47±3.55 3.07±7.29 
ΔTL1/2 (min) -0.97±7.30 -19.23±4.60*** 
SNP (N=21)SNAP (N=13)
ΔTLmax (min) 5.47±3.55 3.07±7.29 
ΔTL1/2 (min) -0.97±7.30 -19.23±4.60*** 

SNAP, S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine; SNP, sodium nitroprusside; TLmax, time to maximal light emission; TL1/2, time from maximal to half extinction of light emission.



Adrenaline controls: TLmax=36.40±3.9 min; TL1/2=43.78±6.27 min (N=21).

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