a activator (Ca2+) concentration 
a,b constants 
Act crossbridge activation level 
CE contractile element 
f function of... 
G Po/a = Vmax/b 
HL `labile' heat 
HM `stable' heat 
HS `shortening' heat 
HT `thermoelastic' heat 
K value of a at which 50% of the crossbridge activation sites are occupied 
LCE length of the CE 
LMTU length of the MTU 
Lo optimal muscle fibre length 
LSEE length of the SEE 
MTU muscle–tendon unit 
n Hill coefficient 
P instantaneous force produced by muscle 
P′ maximum isometric force scaled by muscle velocity 
Po normalised maximum isometric force 
S relative SEE stiffness 
SEE series elastic element 
SH upper limit to the relative stiffness 
SL lower limit to the relative stiffness 
t time 
VCE contractile element velocity 
Vmax maximum shortening velocity 
Xo force relative to Po where stiffness changes from SH to SL 
τ1, τ2 time constants 
a activator (Ca2+) concentration 
a,b constants 
Act crossbridge activation level 
CE contractile element 
f function of... 
G Po/a = Vmax/b 
HL `labile' heat 
HM `stable' heat 
HS `shortening' heat 
HT `thermoelastic' heat 
K value of a at which 50% of the crossbridge activation sites are occupied 
LCE length of the CE 
LMTU length of the MTU 
Lo optimal muscle fibre length 
LSEE length of the SEE 
MTU muscle–tendon unit 
n Hill coefficient 
P instantaneous force produced by muscle 
P′ maximum isometric force scaled by muscle velocity 
Po normalised maximum isometric force 
S relative SEE stiffness 
SEE series elastic element 
SH upper limit to the relative stiffness 
SL lower limit to the relative stiffness 
t time 
VCE contractile element velocity 
Vmax maximum shortening velocity 
Xo force relative to Po where stiffness changes from SH to SL 
τ1, τ2 time constants 
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