Table 3.

Locomotor energetics reported for females of three species of tarantula at similar temperatures (23-25°C)

SpeciesMean mass (g)CO2max (μl CO2 h-1)Cmin (μl CO2 m-1)
Aphonopelma anax (present study) 15.72 2301 32.32 
Unknown (Herreid, 1981) 12.7 2220 5.02 
Brachypelma smithi (Anderson and Prestwich, 1985) 26.92 4210 — 
SpeciesMean mass (g)CO2max (μl CO2 h-1)Cmin (μl CO2 m-1)
Aphonopelma anax (present study) 15.72 2301 32.32 
Unknown (Herreid, 1981) 12.7 2220 5.02 
Brachypelma smithi (Anderson and Prestwich, 1985) 26.92 4210 — 

Cmin, minimum cost of transport.

For comparison, data were converted to units of whole-animal CO2 using a respiratory quotient of 0.92.

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