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Keywords: vascular impedance
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Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1991) 158 (1): 291–306.
Published: 1 July 1991
... elasticity Windkessel vascular impedance pressure wave velocity Bufo marinus The viscoelasticity of the arterial tree is a major haemodynamic determinant that influences the pulse-wave velocity, the hydraulic input impedance and the shape of blood pressure and flow waveforms. Wave propagation...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1987) 130 (1): 87–106.
Published: 1 July 1987
... haemodynamics vascular impedance pressure wave velocity Windkessel The circulatory system in cephalopod molluscs is remarkably different from the low-pressure, open vascular systems which are typical of other invertebrates. In cephalopods, blood circulation is through a well-developed, closed network...