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Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2020) 223 (2): jeb201525.
Published: 27 January 2020
... never been tested. We hypothesized that one advantage of precise information on muscle tension would be lower and more predictable limb bone stresses, achieved in tachymetabolic tetrapods by having less variable substrate reaction forces than bradymetabolic tetrapods. To test this hypothesis, we...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2009) 212 (13): 1995–1999.
Published: 1 July 2009
...Samuel P. Caro; Marcel E. Visser SUMMARY The timing of reproduction varies from year to year in many bird species. To adjust their timing to the prevailing conditions of that year, birds use cues from their environment. However, the relative importance of these cues,such as the initial predictive...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1990) 151 (1): 1–19.
Published: 1 July 1990
... predict the magnitude of EMG activity from one bite to the next, but that predicting the direction of change in EMG activity (i.e. increases or decreases) may be possible, given the relative magnitude of a bite. The patterns observed also show that the degree of variability between masticatory cycles...