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Keywords: organ size
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Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2009) 212 (14): 2167–2175.
Published: 15 July 2009
... organ size phenotypic flexibility Phenotypic flexibility refers to reversible changes in the traits of organisms due to changes in internal or external environmental conditions( Piersma and Drent, 2003 ). These adjustments may imply different levels of biological organisation (i.e. biochemical...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2009) 212 (6): 808–814.
Published: 15 March 2009
... flexibility of internal organ size and CS activity was strictly proportional to the organ mass (in the case of kidneys and liver, also mass-specific CS activity) prior to an increased energy demand. Thus,phenotypic flexibility had additive rather than multiplicative dynamics. Our results also suggest...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2005) 208 (9): 1677–1686.
Published: 1 May 2005
... and hair strand diameter of the fur coats of animals, and the existence of optimal organ sizes. Body size and configuration are intrinsic parts of the deduced configuration. They are results, not assumptions. The constructal law extends physics(thermodynamics) to cover the configuration, performance...