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Keywords: manoeuvres
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Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1987) 128 (1): 419–425.
Published: 1 March 1987
... angles. There was a significant correlation between wing loading and turning curvature, indicating that low wing loadings improve manoeuvrability. * Present address: Department of Biology, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Downsview, Ontario M3J 1P3, Canada. 17 11 1986 The bats...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1985) 118 (1): 247–265.
Published: 1 September 1985
... have assumed to be small) and to imprecision in determining the image locations to be digitized. Accurate reconstruction of the flight path and of body movements in three dimensions is essential if the mechanical factors underlying flight performance and manoeuvrability are to be understood...