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Keywords: jamming avoidance
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Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2014) 217 (16): 2885–2891.
Published: 15 August 2014
... microphone mounted on the bats' backs, and their adaptation based on acoustic characteristics of emitted pulses was assessed in terms of jamming-avoidance responses (JARs). In experiment 1, frequency-modulated jamming sounds (3 ms duration) mimicking echolocation pulses of P. abramus were prepared. All bats...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2008) 211 (1): 106–113.
Published: 1 January 2008
... of the preferred baseline frequency of the bat. The duration of their emissions did not differ between the jamming and no-jamming trials. The jamming avoidance response of bats may serve to avoid masking or interference in a narrow range of frequencies important for target detection. * Author...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2001) 204 (8): 1401–1412.
Published: 15 April 2001
... fish mormyrid Gnathonemus petersii mormyromast central command nucleus jamming avoidance communication electric organ discharge electrolocation Weakly electric fish electrolocate objects in the dark by discharging their electric organs and monitoring the spatiotemporal distribution...