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Keywords: expectation
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Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2001) 204 (24): 4291–4300.
Published: 15 December 2001
... Procambarus clarkii for a class of OFF-effects shown in humans to index expectancy. Disproving the hypothesis, we find, using chronic, implanted preparations, that a good omitted stimulus potential is reliably present. The system learns in a few cycles of a regularly repeated light flash to expect one...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1999) 202 (10): 1339–1347.
Published: 15 May 1999
.... * e-mail: [email protected] 22 01 1999 21 04 1999 © 1999 by Company of Biologists 1999 electric fish mormyrid synaptic plasticity corollary discharge expectation electrosensory sensory processing cerebellum This paper is concerned with synaptic plasticity...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1996) 199 (1): 141–146.
Published: 1 January 1996
...Randolf Menzel; Karl Geiger; Lars Chittka; Jasdan Joerges; Jan Kunze; Uli Müller ABSTRACT Navigation in honeybees is discussed against the background of the types of memories employed in the navigational task. Two questions are addressed. Do bees have goal-specific expectations, and when are novel...