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Keywords: Tadpoles
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2015) 218 (9): 1402–1409.
Published: 1 May 2015
... survivorship of tadpoles in the presence of predators when egg incubation (15 or 25°C) and tadpole acclimation temperature in microcosms (15 or 25°C) coincided at 15°C. Tadpoles that survived predation were smaller, and had faster burst swimming speeds than those kept in no-predator control conditions...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1996) 199 (6): 1245–1260.
Published: 1 June 1996
...Hao Liu; Richard J. Wassersug; Keiji Kawachi ABSTRACT The hydrodynamics and undulating propulsion of tadpoles were studied using a newly developed two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling method. The mechanism of thrust generation associated with the flow patterns during swimming...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1986) 122 (1): 1–12.
Published: 1 May 1986
... beat frequency is approximately 10 Hz and, unlike for most aquatic vertebrates, is not correlated with specific swimming speed. At higher speeds, tail beat frequency and speed are positively correlated. Xenopus tadpoles show an increase in the maximum amplitude of the tail beat with increasing velocity...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1985) 119 (1): 1–30.
Published: 1 November 1985
...Richard J. Wassersug; Karin Von Seckendorf Hoff ABSTRACT The kinematics of swimming in tadpoles from four species of anurans (Rana catesbeiana Shaw, Rana septentrionalis Baird, Rana clamitans Latreille and Bufo americanus Holbrook) was studied using computer-assisted analysis of high speed (⩾200...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1983) 104 (1): 79–95.
Published: 1 May 1983
... are small. By contrast, body size markedly affected the aerial and the total of the larvae (see Fig. 2 ). At normoxic PO 2 , the small larvae depended more upon aerial than the large tadpoles. As the PO 2 declined, however, this relationship reversed and large larvae depended...