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Keywords: Novelty response
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Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2021) 224 (4): jeb239855.
Published: 23 February 2021
.... Electronarcosis Strongly electric fish Electric shock Predator Novelty response Starting with the remarkably detailed accounts of the ancient Egyptians ( Gamer-Wallert, 1970 ; Westendorf, 1999 ), the African electric catfish ( Malapteruridae ) has been renowned for its ability to generate powerful...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2008) 211 (18): 2919–2930.
Published: 15 September 2008
... congruent stimulation in the presence of a moving object. The current study is the first to quantify the magnitude of multisensory enhancement across these mechanosensory and electrosensory systems during moving-object recognition. We used the novelty response of a pulse-type weakly electric fish...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2002) 205 (21): 3307–3320.
Published: 1 November 2002
... pulses between two electrodes placed at the head and tail of a G. carapo . They report that switching this train from consistently coinciding with one extreme of the EOD to the next resulted in novelty responses. The magnitude of the novelty response observed in their `phase-switching' experiment...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2002) 205 (16): 2525–2533.
Published: 15 August 2002
... of transcutaneous current flow associated with each EOD. Here, I report that a prior interruption to the continuous train of EODs dramatically affects a response shown by many pulse-type gymnotids. In this so-called novelty response, fish normally raise their electrosensory sampling rate in response to novel...