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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2020) 223 (17): jeb224824.
Published: 4 September 2020
... in sparser populations. However, the mechanisms through which conspecifics drive metabolic suppression remain unclear. Although food competition is a potential driver, other density-mediated factors could act independently or in combination to drive metabolic suppression, but these drivers have rarely been...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2014) 217 (3): 351–358.
Published: 1 February 2014
... of competitor and caged-predator environments and measured their development, growth and production of hydrophobic skin peptides after metamorphosis. In the absence of predator cues, or if the exposure to predator cues was late in ontogeny, competition caused more than a 250% increase in mass-standardized...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2012) 215 (9): 1575–1583.
Published: 1 May 2012
... up to 8.9 μmol l –1 Cd and 15.3 μmol l –1 Zn. In competition studies at 0.6 μmol l –1 Zn and Cd, the presence of Cd slowed Zn accumulation by 35% while Cd was unaffected by Zn. At extreme concentrations (listed above), Cd accumulation was unaffected by the presence of Zn whereas Zn accumulation rates...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2011) 214 (10): 1754–1762.
Published: 15 May 2011
... of an auditory neuron mediating phonotaxis in the rainforest cricket Paroecanthus podagrosus , suffering from strong competition, in comparison with the same homologous neuron in two species of European field crickets, where such competition does not exist. As predicted, the rainforest species exhibited a more...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2004) 207 (5): 813–825.
Published: 15 February 2004
... analyses suggest the possibility of a mixed competitive/non-competitive interaction at the highest lead concentration tested (4.8 μmol l -1 ). Branchial lead accumulation was reduced with increasing waterborne Ca 2+ concentrations, suggesting a protective effect of Ca 2+ against lead uptake at the gill...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1996) 199 (12): 2631–2643.
Published: 1 December 1996
... axon elimination competition serotonin gastropod Achatina fulica snail The ability of invertebrate nervous systems to undergo regeneration and plastic changes following injury has been well documented over a wide range of species. Analyses performed at both the single cell and population...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1987) 132 (1): 231–247.
Published: 1 September 1987
...I. Parnas ABSTRACT The problem of ‘competition’ between neurones innervating the same target can be studied in simple neural systems such as the central nervous system of the leech and the lobster neuromuscular junction. Intracellular injection of pronase to kill selectively a single neurone shows...