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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2020) 223 (Suppl_1): jeb213447.
Published: 1 February 2020
... currently is more restricted to organisms with smaller genomes. Moreover, many promising genome manipulation technologies, like CRISPR, are only established for a handful of organisms, although this is changing. Embryos from animals with external fertilization are much easier to manipulate and thus genome...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2020) 223 (Suppl_1): jeb206516.
Published: 1 February 2020
... of electroporation for delivery of ubiquitous and cell type-specific transgene constructs, including CRISPR gRNAs. (A) Schematic diagrams showing the basic strategy for brain electroporation in chicks post-hatching. A, anterior; P, posterior; D, dorsal; V, ventral. (B) Electroporation with a mix of RFP, GFP...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2020) 223 (Suppl_1): jeb208835.
Published: 1 February 2020
.... Behavior Cavefish CRISPR Behavioral genetics Neurogenetics A central challenge in behavioral neuroscience is understanding the molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying behavioral evolution. Functional studies, possible because of the availability of genetic tools in classic model organisms...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2020) 223 (Suppl_1): jeb206482.
Published: 1 February 2020
... changing as a result of recent advances in the large-scale sequencing of nematode genomes and the development of new techniques for their genetic manipulation. Notably, skin-penetrating gastrointestinal nematodes in the genus Strongyloides are now amenable to transgenesis, RNAi and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2020) 223 (Suppl_1): jeb208181.
Published: 1 February 2020
... transgenesis of the Drosophila melanogaster Y-chromosome using CRISPR/Cas9 . Insect Mol. Biol. 28 , 65 - 73 . 10.1111/imb.12528 Buchman , A. , Marshall , J. M. , Ostrovski , D. , Yang , T. and Akbari , O. S. ( 2018a ). Synthetically engineered Medea gene drive system...