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Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2022) 225 (9): jeb243922.
Published: 5 May 2022
... of this response in aquatic reptiles, including sea turtles, remains under debate. Using the parasympathetic blocker atropine, we evaluated the involvement of the parasympathetic nervous system in heart rate reduction of loggerhead sea turtles ( Caretta caretta ) during voluntary diving in tanks. The heart rate...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2001) 204 (20): 3553–3560.
Published: 15 October 2001
... equipped with an arterial catheter for measurements of blood pressure and heart rate, and autonomic tonus was determined following infusion of the β-adrenergic antagonist propranolol (3 mg kg –1 ) and the muscarinic cholinoceptor antagonist atropine (3 mg kg –1 ). The mean heart rate of fasting animals...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (2001) 204 (8): 1519–1527.
Published: 15 April 2001
... amplitude ( V AMP ) and frequency ( f V ). Separate series of experiments were conducted on control, atropinized (100 nmol kg −1 ) and branchially denervated fish to investigate putative CO 2 -chemoreceptive sites on the gills and their link to the autonomic nervous system and cardiorespiratory reflexes...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1999) 202 (24): 3647–3658.
Published: 15 December 1999
... temperatures. In addition, the cardiorespiratory responses to hypercapnia and atropine injection (5mgkg−1; 7.4 μmol kg−1) were studied at 25 °C. At 25 °C, systemic blood flow ( Q̇ sys ) exceeded pulmocutaneous blood flow ( Q̇ pc ), indicating a large net right-to-left shunt ( Q̇ pc / Q̇ sys was 0.39). Q̇ pc...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1995) 198 (11): 2307–2315.
Published: 1 November 1995
...Pierre E. Signore; David R. Jones ABSTRACT Neural control of free and forced diving bradycardia and peripheral resistance was studied in the muskrat ( Ondatra zibethicus ) by means of acute pharmacological blockade with the muscarinic blocker atropine, the α -adrenergic blocker phentolamine...
Journal Articles