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Keywords: Arbacia punctulata
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1999) 202 (22): 3111–3119.
Published: 15 November 1999
...Florence I. M. Thomas; Toby F. Bolton ABSTRACT Shear stresses experienced by eggs in the oviduct of the echinoid Arbacia punctulata during spawning were calculated using engineering equations that describe laminar flow through pipes. Shear stresses in the oviduct ranged from 0 to 58.7 Pa. Two...
Journal Articles
J Exp Biol (1997) 200 (24): 3185–3192.
Published: 15 December 1997
... ( Arbacia punctulata ) were placed in a Plexiglas chamber (69 mm×45 mm×15.5 mm; length × width × height). A system was constructed to minimize convective flow by limiting temperature differences within the chamber to less than 0.1 °C. The movement of sperm was video-recorded at two levels:⩽100 μm (3 body...