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Open Access

For further details on licensing, reuse and deposition, visit our rights and permissions page.

Publishing options

Journal of Experimental Biology (JEB) is a Transformative Journal. This means that we currently offer several publishing options and that all authors are able to publish with JEB, whatever their funder or financial status. We believe that Open Access is the direction of travel and it is clear that, as well as reader benefits, Open Access provides our authors with a wider readership and higher usage for their articles. 

We currently offer the following three publishing routes:

Publishing options

Articles that are published under option 1 will be made free to read for everyone 12 months after publication date.

For authors who may need to follow the Rights Retention Strategy to comply with funder/institute mandates, we would allow this route to self-archiving of the Author Accepted Manuscript (in an institutional or subject repository immediately under a CC BY license) in cases where none of our standard routes (outlined above) comply with the relevant mandate.

Why publish Open Access?

Publishing Open Access is so much more than making an article free to read. When you publish Open Access your article will be published under the CC-BY license. 

A CC-BY license means that anyone can share and adapt the work, as long as appropriate credit is given. More information can be found on the Creative Commons website.

There are also other added benefits to publishing Open Access. When we compared usage, citations and altmetrics for OA vs non-OA research articles, across our portfolio of journals, we saw a clear benefit for articles that had been published Open Access. The benefits below reflect averages across the Company's five journals.

Benefits of OA publishing

Find our more about the advantages of publishing Open Access.

Article processing charge (APC)

To provide Open Access, the costs of publication in JEB are covered by charging a fee to the authors or the research supporters for each accepted article. This article publication charge is $5,000 per article (plus VAT if applicable), increasing to $5,200 for new submissions from January 1 2025. The cost of publishing in JEB includes costs relating to quality peer review; support for academic editors; plagiarism and image manipulation checks; text and figure checking; layout; and online hosting, dissemination and archiving. APC fees are set in three currencies, US dollars, pound sterling and euros, and do not follow the constantly changing exchange rate. This means that authors are not adversely affected by fluctuations in their local exchange rate.

If you pay for Open Access publication and we fail to fulfil our Open Access commitments, an APC rebate is available – please contact the Editorial Office.

Journal of Experimental Biology only offers APC waivers to corresponding authors from participating institutions in our Read & Publish initiatives, including authors from specified low and middle income countries as part of our agreement with EIFL.

Institutional Read & Publish agreements

The Company of Biologists is further embracing the move towards Open Access through transformative Open Access agreements with institutional libraries and library consortia.

Our Read & Publish Open Access initiative has a wide range of benefits for researchers at participating institutions. These include:

  • unlimited access to new and archive content
  • immediate, uncapped and APC-free publishing of Open Access research articles by corresponding authors
  • CC BY licence terms with authors retaining copyright
  • easy compliance with funders’ Open Access mandates
  • higher visibility of articles
  • no barriers to sharing and reuse

Check the list of participating institutions to see if you are eligible.

Find out more on our Read & Publish pages.

Last updated: 30 December 2024

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