Information about Accepted manuscripts
Articles are posted in the form of author manuscripts (following peer review and article acceptance) and may contain errors and inconsistencies that will not be corrected until the paper has been copyedited, typeset and formatted by our experienced editorial and production teams, and the final version has been published in a journal issue. Consequently, there may be textual differences between the accepted author manuscript and the final version of the paper. There may also be differences in the size, quality and format of the figures and tables.
All Research Articles, Short Communications and Methods & Techniques papers are posted as Accepted manuscripts, unless the author has requested otherwise or unless there is an editorial reason not to do so. Editorial considerations for not posting a paper as an Accepted manuscript include coordinated publication of companion papers or special issues, preparation of an accompanying press release and possible media embargo, and unsuitability of the accepted version of the paper. Reviews and Commentaries are not generally posted as Accepted manuscripts.
The accepted author manuscript remains on the Accepted manuscripts page until the final version of the paper (version of record) is published in an issue. At this point, the paper will move from the Accepted manuscripts page to the issue's Table of Contents. A link to the Accepted manuscript version is available from the final version.
How to cite Accepted manuscripts
Accepted manuscripts should be cited using the digital object identifier (DOI) as follows:
Author, A., Author B. C. and Author, D. E. (Year). Title of paper. J. Exp. Biol. doi:10.1242/jeb.0XXXXX.
After the article has appeared in an issue, use the citation format:
Author, A., Author B. C. and Author D. E. (Year). Title of paper here. Journal name. Volume, article ID. doi: xx.xxxx/xxx.xxxxxx
For example:
Smith, T. and Evans, R. S. (2018). Transgenic mouse model of cutaneous adnexal tumors. Dis. Model. Mech. 310, dmm123456. doi: 10.1242/dmm.12345