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About Journal of Experimental Biology




About us

Journal of Experimental Biology (JEB) is the leading primary research journal in comparative physiology and is published by The Company of Biologists, a not-for-profit publishing organisation dedicated to supporting and inspiring the biological community. From its launch in 1923 (as The British Journal of Experimental Biology) to the present day, JEB publishes papers on the form and function of living organisms at all levels of biological organisation, from the molecular to the integrated whole animal (see aims and scope). Our authors and readers reflect a broad interdisciplinary group of scientists who study comparative biomechanics and molecular, cellular and organismal physiology in an evolutionary and environmental context.

All research articles published in JEB are subject to rigorous single-blind peer review, and editorial decisions are made by a team of expert researchers in the field, supported by an international Editorial Advisory Board. In addition to primary research articles, JEB publishes a range of commissioned review-based articles aimed at synthesising the latest advances in the field, putting forward new hypotheses to provoke debate and inspire new research directions, and educating newcomers to the field. JEB also publishes themed special issues on specific topics within the comparative physiology field. For more information on publishing in JEB, please visit our submission, manuscript preparation, article types and journal policies pages.

JEB offers advance online posting of accepted author manuscripts on its Accepted manuscripts page, which is updated daily. Publication of the final version of record is by a continuous publication model; as soon as an article is ready to be published, it is immediately released online rather than waiting for other articles in the issue to be completed, resulting in faster access to the final version of the article.

The Journal of Experimental Biology [ISSN 0022-0949 (print) ISSN 1477-9145 (online)] is a continuation of The British Journal of Experimental Biology (ISSN 0366-0788).

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Why choose JEB?

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Supporting the community

JEB is a community journal that strives to support the members and the research of the comparative physiology community. For example, JEB supports younger researchers in the community through its Travelling Fellowship programme, which offers up to £2500 to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers wishing to make collaborative visits to other laboratories. The Company of Biologists, the publisher of JEB, is also a generous financial supporter of the Society for Experimental Biology and sponsors numerous conferences and workshops in the field through its Meeting Grants.

In addition to supporting external conferences, JEB funds and hosts its own annual symposium; these themed meetings unite outstanding biologists and bring together their varied expertise on one particular subject, culminating in the publication of an annual special issue of the journal.

JEB strongly believes that research in general, and comparative physiology in particular, should be accessible to the lay public as well as practicing scientists. As well as highlighting upcoming and current journal content on Facebook, X and YouTube, it actively encourages interaction with the scientific and lay media through embargoed press releases and by making research content available to journalists in advance of publication.

Publishing in JEB (under our green Open Access model) is free of any charges, and authors are provided with free electronic reprints of their papers. All of JEB’s content is also freely available to community members in lower income countries through the HINARI initiative.

The Company of Biologists is committed to improving equity, diversity and inclusion in all our activities. We believe that diversity – in areas including but not limited to geography, ethnicity, gender and career stage – is essential for a community to thrive. As such, we aim to engage a broad and diverse group of authors, reviewers, editors, staff, readers, grant awardees and meeting participants. Find out more about our EDI activities to date, and our plans moving forward, on our EDI page.

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JEB online

All JEB's content - including the entire archive dating back to 1923 - is available online and is fully browsable and searchable. All JEB papers are freely available online six months after publication, and authors may choose to make their articles Open Access by paying a subsidised fee. Special issue volumes of JEB are always freely available online from the time of publication. In addition, JEB deposits manuscripts in PubMed Central for those authors whose funding providers mandate deposition.

JEB is also a participant of the LOCKSS/CLOCKSS project, an international community initiative through which libraries and publishers work together to preserve their digital content for the long-term.

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Focus on biodiversity: The Forest of Biologists

The Forest of Biologists logo

The Forest of Biologists is a living and growing forest that has been created as part of a biodiversity initiative that celebrates author and reviewer contributions to the journals of The Company of Biologists. For every Research Article and Review-type article published in Journal of Experimental Biology (starting in January 2023), a real tree is planted in new forest and a representation of that tree appears in a virtual forest. In addition to planting new trees, we are also funding the restoration and preservation of ancient woodland and dedicating these trees to our peer reviewers, who help us preserve the integrity of the scientific record. The Forest of Biologists is a symbol of the work of the biologists whose research and expertise fills our journal.

The Company of Biologists has chosen to work with the Woodland Trust, the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity, focusing on the role that trees and woods play in tackling the threats of climate change and nature loss.

Read the Editorial to find out more about The Forest of Biologists.

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Journal metrics


JEB is a signatory of the DORA declaration, which makes a number of recommendations for improving the way in which the quality of research output is evaluated (a useful guide on the responsible use of quantitative indicators in research assessment is available). In accordance with the recommendations, JEB uses a number of metrics that together provide a rich view of the journal's performance. In addition, Altmetric data and usage statistics are available for individual articles.


  • 2023 Impact Factor: 2.8
  • Five-year Impact Factor: 2.9
  • Two-year citation median: 2
  • Eigenfactor score: 0.01711
  • Article influence score: 0.884
  • Cited half-life: 13.3
  • Immediacy Index: 1.2
  • h-index: 211
  • Scopus CiteScore: 5.5
  • SJR indicator: 1.017
  • SNIP: 0.945


JEB is abstracted and/or indexed by (amongst others): BIOBASE, CAB Abstracts, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Current Contents, EMBASE, Web of Science, Medline and Scopus.


As a Transformative Journal, Journal of Experimental Biology will provide more transparency around pricing and publishing metrics in line with the Plan S Price and Transparency Framework developed by Information Power. More details can be found on our transparent metrics page.

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Last updated: 27 August 2024

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