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JEB - 100 years of discovery

JEB centenary visual


In the realms of science and engineering, 1923 was a busy year. The first helicopter took to the air, Frederick G. Banting and John J. R. Macleod were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of insulin, and a group of scientists, including Francis A. E. Crew and Lancelot T. Hogben from the University of Edinburgh, UK, published letters in Nature and Science announcing the birth of a new journal  – The British Journal of Experimental Biology

Fast-forward to 2023 and we are very proud to be celebrating 100 years of discovery in JEB.

We would like to thank not only our current authors, readers, reviewers, Editors, Editorial Board members and staff but also all those who have contributed to the journal over the years, shaping its direction and making it the journal that it is today.

JEB strip of cover images 

Centenary activities

Although our official ‘birthday’ is not until October 2023 – 100 years from when the first issue of the journal was published – we are marking this historic milestone with activities and centenary articles throughout the year and will be updating this page regularly – so please bookmark it and remember to come back and see what’s new.

Conference schedule

JEB centenary giveaways

Join us at conferences throughout the year to meet the Editorial team and pick up centenary-related goodies.

  • SICB 2023  –  3-7 January  –  Austin, TX, USA
  • CSZ 2023  –  15-19 May  –  Saskatoon, SK, Canada
  • SEB 2023  –  4-7 July  –  Edinburgh, UK
  • We are also sponsoring a Biology Communication Workshop for early-career researchers, taking place one day prior to the start of CSZ 2023. The workshop focuses on how to effectively communicate your science to other researchers and the public. Find out more and apply here.

Centenary calendar

JEB 2023 calendar

As part of our celebration of 100 years of discovery, we've taken a slightly different approach to our yearly calendar. The 2023 JEB calendar features some of the images that have appeared on the front cover of the journal over time. Further information about the images, together with a link to the associated research papers, can be found on our calendar page.

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