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Summary: Heat waves are intensifying with climate change. We review recent literature that highlights causes and physiological impacts of heat waves on intertidal zone organisms, including mortality, plasticity and adaptation.


Summary: Exposure to ALAN in early developmental stages influences natural lateralisation in relation to visual stimuli, but not motor lateralisation, in a teleost fish.

Summary: Salinity has no effect on late stage embryonic or early larval development in the Christmas Island red crab, opposite to findings in later larval stages, highlighting the importance of considering all early life stages when characterising crustacean development.


Summary: Whole-organism responses, cardiac activity and heart metabolites of oysters, Ostrea edulis, challenged by rapid and gradual warming beyond their thermal optimum range indicate that the total capacity of passive thermal tolerance is equal regardless of warming rate.

Summary: Hydration and water loss of mother rattlesnakes impacts those variables in their neonates.

Highlighted Article: A respirometry study reveals the physiological and behavioural adaptability of Bechstein's bat maternity colonies to cooler conditions, while highlighting their limited abilities to cope energetically with high temperatures.

Summary: A combination of in vivo and in vitro studies reveals that the corticotropin-releasing factor system serves osmoregulatory functions in the gills of Atlantic salmon.

Summary: The southern alligator lizard jaw muscles are used in mate-holding, and generally have slower contractile properties, yet retain somewhat faster activation kinetics that potentially allow them to meet conflicting demands.

Summary: Investigation of gamete heat sensitivity reveals heat tolerance and repeatability in lizard sperm. These findings are essential for understanding reproductive responses to climate change.

Summary: Experimentally rubbing isolated feathers together shows that the velvet on owl feathers substantially diminishes the sound of feathers rubbing against neighboring feathers.

Summary: Visually navigating Australian bull ants find their way back to their nest from large distances, but often have difficulties with pinpointing the entrance. Detailed analysis of their behaviour reveals why and how they succeed.

Summary: Fluctuating thermal regimes enhance stress tolerance and longevity in Drosophila melanogaster through rapid physiological and mitochondrial adjustments, providing insight into ectothermic thermal stress responses and thermal acclimation.

Highlighted Article: Developmental plasticity induced by early life diet type modifies relationships between life history traits and individual behavior or physiology in spadefoot toads (Spea multiplicata).

Highlighted Article: Empirical evidence that human hip extensors consume more metabolic energy than ankle extensors to produce joint moments.

Summary: Adult Drosophila exposed to nutritional stress prime their offspring to survive in unfavourable environments. Priming is diluted after just one generation of optimal nutrition.

Summary: Cardiac taurine efflux is necessary to counteract swelling and protect function following osmotic stress caused by increased cardiac demands and the accumulation of anaerobic end products at high temperatures in fish.


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