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Summary: Size-dependent thermal tolerance can arise without any differences in the temperature dependence of underlying physiological processes and due solely to physical differences in heat exchange with the environment.


Summary: Migratory readiness was unveiled while testing sprats for sun compass orientation. Animals tested in early August showed only random, undirected orientation, whereas fish tested in late August oriented significantly.

Summary: ‘Loud calls’ or ‘songs’ are long-distance communication signals that are widespread in the Reithrodontomyini and Baiomyini tribes. The term ‘long-distance call’ has different quantitative meanings among Neotominae.


Summary: Comparative physiologists often focus on mean responses. Quantile regression is a tool that can help physiologists ask and answer more questions about nature by investigating more of the response distribution.


Summary: Chicks prioritize local features over egocentric information, and use spatial relationships as a last resort for orientation.

Summary: Synchronized high-speed video and electromyography of pectoral fins in station-holding trout reveal active and passive control.

Summary: Muscle operating length is crucial for force production in vivo. Passive stiffness may restrict muscles to slightly shorter operating lengths, potentially limiting force capacity during locomotion.

Summary: Individual avian embryos exhibit significant variation in how they respond to temperature, which cannot be explained by the incubation they experienced.

Highlighted Article: Female big brown bats maintain more compact huddles and increase drinking behaviour when hibernating in a dry environment versus a humid environment. Adjusting hibernation behaviour could allow this species to maintain water balance across a range of humidities.

Summary: Contrasting ‘compensation’ and ‘performance’ models for energetics–behaviour linkage in the context of fire disturbance indicate the positive link (‘performance’) predominates, while allocation, elevated metabolism and suppressed exploration are the result of fire disturbance.

Highlighted Article: Elevated energetic costs for rest and continuous locomotor activity by beluga whales limit underwater escape from anthropogenic threats.

Highlighted Article: The tail stand of dolphins is an equilibrium of gravitational, buoyant and fluid forces balanced by kinematics so that as effort increases, oscillatory frequency and fluke flexibility increase.

Summary: The heart rate reduction in free-ranging loggerhead turtles during diving is affected by dive depth.

Summary: Barnacles rely on an asymmetrical feeding current in quiescent water, which enables them to capture evasive prey.


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