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Summary: Novel technologies enable behavioral experiments with non-model species, in naturalistic habitats and with underexplored behaviors. Consequently, we require a deeper understanding of the natural ecology and lifestyle of study animals.


Summary: Photoplethysmography offers a novel approach for measuring fish heart rate, providing new insights in this field.


Summary: Sprinters decrease contact length and modulate ground reaction forces produced by their inside and outside legs as curve radius decreases, potentially limiting maximum velocity when sprinting along flat curves.

Summary: The nocturnal dung beetle Escarabaeus satyrus uses green-sensitive DRA photoreceptors and a series of morphological adaptations to increase the quality of its celestial compass readings from the night sky.

Summary: Quantification of prey capture performance in multiple species of whip spider reveals a negative relationship between armament length and both reach and closing speed.

Summary: Manipulation of the thermoregulatory capability in lactating bank voles provides no support for the hypothesis that the age-related decline in reproductive performance is due to an age-related decrease in the capacity to dissipate heat.

Summary: European common frogs possess an inclination magnetic compass, as do newts, birds and turtles, and can use it during the spring migration. Frog motivation has a diurnal rhythm associated with freeze avoidance behavior.

Summary: Warming oceans threaten marine invertebrates. Heat disrupts acid–base homeostasis in a model symbiotic sea anemone regardless of symbiont presence or function, highlighting bleaching-independent effects of climate change.

Highlighted Article: Cheirogaleid primates with restricted binocular visual cue availability alter their leaping behavior and experience more frequent adverse landings, suggesting the evolution of forward-facing eyes potentially facilitated leaping in early primates.

Highlighted Article: A multi-element acoustic array to measure the active space of sperm whale codas shows a relatively small communication space, best suited to close range communication.

Summary: Standard methods of quantifying performance under singular stable temperatures may not adequately reflect rates of physiological processes of animals experiencing natural, cycling temperature regimes.

Summary: Dietary manipulation of n-3 PUFAs suggests that western sandpipers have a dietary requirement for EPA and DHA. However, n-3 PUFAs do not increase flight muscle oxidative capacity.

Summary: Metabolic responses of Thoroughbred horses to the same high-intensity exercise differ not only with repetition but also with the length of the rest period between exercise bouts.

Summary: A long-term experiment linking individual fish growth, gill surface area and metabolism does not support the gill oxygen limitation hypothesis as a mechanism driving smaller body sizes with environmental warming.



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