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Summary: Using honeybees as a case study, we outline how effects of the microbiome on an individual's neurophysiology scale to influence societal-level dynamics, and discuss evolutionary implications.


Highlighted Article: The deepest ever observation of a fish with gas-filled buoyancy exhibiting normal behaviour shows that gas secretion and retention function at the extreme hydrostatic pressures of hadal ocean trenches.

Summary: Teeth change shape and lose functional features as they wear; quantification of the magnitude and effect of this wear demonstrates that worn canine teeth require more than twice the force to drive into ductile food, and may not puncture the food.


Summary: Food deprivation and frigid temperatures, common winter challenges, elicit tissue-specific energy conservation mechanisms and thermal compensation in brook char. Despite lower resting metabolism during starvation, aerobic metabolic capacity was maintained.

Summary: Experimental evidence for individual vocal recognition in the context of monogamy in an anuran, offering new insights into how social and communication systems may co-evolve.

Summary: Different visual systems in the Atlantic ghost crab and mangrove tree crab are intricately adapted to their unique ecological roles and environments.

Summary: Achromatic contrast sensitivity is highly variable between 32 bird species, from 12 phylogenetic orders but contrast sensitivity peaks are always low compared with other vertebrates (except small mammals).

Highlighted Article: Telomere dynamics are strongly sexually dimorphic and influenced by developmental temperature in neonate sand lizards (Lacerta agilis).

Highlighted Article: In many aposematic species, chemical defences show complex variability. Early-life resources in an aposematic moth affect the variation in the chemical defences but, surprisingly, not in the melanin amount of the wings.

Summary: The excretory function of mosquito ‘kidney’ epithelia, which are non-innervated and non-contractile, can be regulated via voltage-gated ion channels.

Editors' choice: The peripheral olfactory system of euryhaline fish experiences massive changes in environmental ion concentrations; acute exposure of seabass to freshwater leads to reduced olfactory sensitivity that can be recovered over time.

Summary: Plastic changes in metabolic rates are associated with boldness in beadlet anemones, such that different personalities show opposite metabolic patterns under a simulated heatwave, as compared with a non-stressful temperature.

Summary: Multielectrode recordings were used to characterize the auditory processing in a bushcricket to investigate neuronal processes that may play a crucial role in temporal processing during acoustic communication.

Summary: In the herbivorous lizard Iguana iguana, digestion induces a subtle cardiovascular adjustment that is mediated exclusively by the autonomic nervous system.



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