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Summary: Males often use elaborate traits to attract females. Female preferences should reduce differences between males, but do not. Here, we consider the role of mitochondrial function in maintaining this variation.


Summary: The rate of spinning about the longitudinal axis of various cetaceans performing dramatic aerial leaps from the water varies with respect to their morphology, which affects the moment of inertia.

Summary: Gill regeneration in zebrafish is mediated by multiple signalling pathways, including BMP, FGF, Notch and Sonic Hedgehog.

Summary: Comparisons of physiological cross-sectional area estimators in biomechanical models of bite forces show consistency with in vivo measurements but a lack of comparability between approaches based on dissections and different 3D proxies.

Editors' choice: Anemonefish use the number of white bars as a cue to identify and attack only competitors that might use the same host.

Summary: Trail-following ant foragers navigate to distinct intermediate sites via path integration, underscoring the ability ignore their global vector to way point via multiple vector segment memories.

Summary: Male lake char (Salvelinus namaycush) release a component of juvenile odour to attract females during spawning.

Summary: Early-life heatwaves or cold snaps affect thermoregulatory responses in Japanese quail chicks but no effects remain in adulthood once the extreme weather event had passed.

Summary: Atlantic croaker rely on sound detection and production for various purposes, yet exposure to anthropogenic boat noise causes inner ear damage and acute hearing loss.

Summary: Angiotensin-(1–7) attenuates the effect of brackish water on inflammation and apoptosis of testis in Trachemys scripta elegans.

Summary: Mechanisms of metabolic depression during diapause in brine shrimp embryos are extended to include depression of oxidative phosphorylation capacity and inhibition of the phosphorylation system of mitochondria.

Summary: Visual acuity (the ability to resolve detail) in birds varies with foraging habitat and diet, suggesting that detecting important objects from afar has been a key driver of higher acuity in some species.

Highlighted Article: The sea urchin Echinus esculentus demonstrates acclimation abilities to reduced salinity conditions of 26‰; however, salinities around 21‰ are expected to act as a threshold, limiting its survival and distribution in the context of climate change-induced coastal freshening.



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