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Summary: An extreme drought and heatwave in the Amazon led to mass fish deaths in 2023, highlighting the urgent need for research to understand and mitigate climate impacts on aquatic ecosystems.


Summary: The cibarial pump of xylem-feeding spittlebugs scales with geometric similarity across ontogeny. Thus, their suction capacity remains constant as they grow, enabling them to extract xylem at tensions <1 MPa.

Summary: Three-dimensional objects, such as faces, look different from different perspectives. Wasps can identify novel views of conspecific faces using image extrapolation.


Summary: Experimental manipulation and kinematics show that water flow serves as a valuable supplement to visual communication in a fish school's social network.

Highlighted Article: Larval density modulates the effects of barometric pressure on host-seeking behaviour in asilid parasitoid larvae. High-density larvae are non-selective and search for hosts under broader environmental conditions than low-density larvae.

Summary: Venom of Habrobracon hebetor causes disturbance of amino acid catabolism, glycolytic and Krebs cycle pathways, ornithine (urea) cycle and lipid metabolism. The main target is the host's fat body.

Summary: The spiking responses of the pentascolopidial chordotonal organ of Drosophila larvae to mechanical stimuli reveal a clear role in proprioception.

Summary: The morphology of tube feet in sea stars demonstrates a gradient in gearing along each ray that compliments their role in behavior.

Summary: A meta-analysis of whole-body and heart mass in mice from a long-term selection experiment for high voluntary exercise demonstrates the utility of meta-analytic techniques by revealing previously undiscovered trends in existing data.

Summary: Changes in temperature and salinity interact to affect metabolic rate in the copepod Tigriopus californicus, but the stressors' individual effects and their interaction are complicated by concurrent changes in activity.

Summary: Stretch–shortening cycles enhance force and power output compared with pure shortening contractions. Both cross-bridge and non-cross-bridge structures, such as titin, contribute to this effect, improving force re-development.

Highlighted Article: Honeybees with fast cognitive phenotypes, prioritizing speed over accuracy, have larger brains with a lower mass-specific brain respiration rate, relative to slow cognitive phenotypes, which prioritize accuracy over speed.


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