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JEB: 100 years of discovery

Summary: Here, we link the pivotal discoveries in respiratory control in fishes to the development of innovative methods and posit that the adoption of gene-based technologies will be instrumental in advancing the field.


Editor's choice: Drosophila descending neurons respond to visual looming information from the contralateral eye, even though their dendrites are ipsilateral, highlighting the importance of bilateral visual integration in generating location-invariant escape responses.


Summary: A machine learning-based method for reconstructing the pressure field around swimming fish can be used to study the role of pressure sensing in a fish’s response to external stimuli.


Summary: In the crab Neohelice granulata, compatible decisions between prey catching or predator escape responses are elicited by the same moving object. The behavioural choice depends on starvation level and sex.

Summary: Bumblebees fixate the nest while viewing a preferred location in their visual surroundings. This conjunction is aided by a preceding translational scan.

Highlighted Article: Environmentally found sublethal doses of fipronil affect cockroach exploratory behavior and olfactory memory, similar to the effect on honey bees.

Summary: Bumblebees show a reduction in body size and antenna length and a change in allometric scaling of the tongue with elevated developmental temperature, indicating a strong impact of temperature on morphological traits.

Highlighted Article: Vertical and mediolateral limb loading patterns suggest that there are multiple strategies of body weight support and locomotor stability across suspensory mammals.

Summary: Crab associative aversive conditioning leads to the formation of enduring emotional behavior, revealed through dark/light plus-maze evaluation, involving serotonin-dependent processes.

Summary: Mitochondrial oxygen consumption decreases at low temperature, particularly in cold-sensitive Drosophila species, which turn to oxidation of alternative substrates as complex I-supported respiration is impaired.

Summary: Efficient neurotransmission supported by increased sphingomyelin and reduced glutamate levels, as well as increased glycolytic capacity, may contribute to the hypoxia tolerance of the pinniped brain.


JEB: 100 years of discovery
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