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Summary: Developmental processes bias the effects of mutations on behaviour and its underlying mechanisms, including neural circuits and endocrine systems. These biases shape behavioural evolution by limiting the behavioural phenotypes that are subject to selection.


Summary: Use of stable isotope analysis (SIA) as a method to monitor skin mucus exudation and renewal in fish, with the potential for use in other animals.


Summary: Tight control over respiratory gas supply to the isolated locust CNS reveals interactions of oxygen and carbon dioxide effects on central ventilatory output.

Summary: In desert locusts, neurons of the central complex, involved in spatial orientation and navigation, change their activity during visual large-field motion and walking activity.

Summary: Evidence for a novel role of Drosophila Acer in behavioural and metabolic responses to diet.

Highlighted Article: Heart rates of undisturbed loggerhead sea turtles were not different whether turtles were submerged or out of water. Rather, heart rates changes were driven by turtles' activity level.

Summary: Many studies suggest that complex and crowded environments slow transport from normal diffusive behavior to subdiffusive behavior, but our findings reveal that diffusivity is still enhanced with a power-law behavior in active microscale flows.

Summary: Simultaneous, experimental manipulation of two maternally derived egg components (maternal antibodies and testosterone) provides little evidence for strong or long-term synergistic or antagonistic effects on offspring phenotype.

Highlighted Article: Geometric morphometrics reveal that fin and body shapes are good predictors of endurance swimming performance and gait transition strategies of triggerfishes and filefishes.

Summary: An associative conditioning paradigm shows that there is an absence of evidence for lateral transfer of olfactory memory in the bees Apis mellifera and Apis dorsata.

Summary: Generalist snakes divide their body into sections, each using distinct movement patterns, to get over large step-like obstacles. Such body partitioning may be generally useful for diverse, complex 3-D terrain.

Summary: For constant-torque isolated knee movements in the gravitational field, mean metabolic power is greater when positive muscle fibre mechanical work is substantial compared with when it is near zero.

Summary: The echolocating bat controls the directional aim and temporal patterning of sonar calls to inspect and discriminate objects in a spatial navigation task.

Summary: PAM fluorometry indicates rapid acclimation of corals to high and low light. In contrast, metabolomics reveals possible stress under high light and a lack of rapid adjustment under low light.

Summary: The synergistic effects of rising sea temperature and reduced omega-3 food content impair cardiac function of a key ecological fish species, at individual, cellular and individual levels.

Summary: The escape response and underlying neural mechanisms in market squid can tolerate severe hypoxia through reduced neuromuscular activity, and complete recovery can occur after oxygen is replenished.

Summary: Four species of echolocating bats emit signals with different inter-pulse interval strategies for managing pulse-echo ambiguity in a complex test scene where multiple echo streams arrive together to be processed simultaneously.

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