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Summary: Stem cell techniques could benefit comparative studies of unconventional organisms. As an example, here we describe some key considerations in deriving and utilizing induced pluripotent stem cells from a hibernator.


Highlighted Article: Appetitive–aversive differential conditioning enables honeybees to learn discrimination of quantities 1–10; however, classic appetitive conditioning does not allow bees to learn this same numerical task.

Summary: Selective cooling of cod brain during whole-animal thermal ramping marginally increases acute upper thermal tolerance, suggesting that direct thermal effects on brain neurons may contribute to the acute upper thermal tolerance.

Summary: Harbour porpoise diving bradycardia is initiated with blowhole submergence rather than apnoea alone, while surface tachycardia is only fully obtained with lung ventilation, yet initiated anticipatorily.


Summary: β3-ARs are expressed in the goldfish heart with a role in the modulation of cardiac performance under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions.

Editors' Choice: The relationship between digestive physiology and energetic physiology may play an important role in invasive species' success, demonstrated in invasive lionfish (Pterois spp.) in the context of a warming ocean.

Summary: Bar-headed geese maintain a consistent body temperature during their migration across the Tibetan Plateau regardless of altitude experienced.

Summary: Experimental evidence of the combined effects of maternal food supplementation and predation risk on egg composition (yolk mass, immune factors and eggshell traits) and offspring condition.

Summary: Following sectioning of the octopus pallial nerve, functionality returns within 1–5 months, with no observable impact on behaviour, highlighting the octopus as a valuable model for nerve regeneration among invertebrates.

Summary: Embryos of two lizard species differ in thermal tolerance in ways that correspond with species-specific nest microhabitats and patterns of occupancy throughout the urban matrix.

Summary: An automated learning and memory assay for walking fruit flies demonstrates that both inter-fly attraction and the duration of odor–food memory expression increase with group size.

Summary: Sap47 belongs to the conserved, functionally enigmatic Syap1/Sap47 synaptic protein family. Behavioural analysis, longevity studies, phospho-specific immunohistology, electrophysiology and mass spectrometry characterize the function of Sap47 in Drosophila.

Summary: Behavioral variability of fruit flies is increased in enriched environments, but the effect is overshadowed by genotype-, behavior- and enrichment-specific effects, and their interactions.

Summary: Combining human experiments with computational reinforcement learning models reveals how the nervous system discovers energy optimal gaits.

Summary: Salinity acclimation affects hypoxia tolerance in the euryhaline killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus).

Summary: Daily exercise training of zebra finches over many weeks increases the coordination between the enzymatic and non-enzymatic components of their antioxidant system and this reduces the oxidative damage associated with exercise.

Summary: A genetic screen of higher-order neurons in the Drosophila brain identifies a candidate neuronal population that controls regurgitation after food ingestion.

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