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Summary: Moisture is the nemesis of synthetic adhesives yet presents no impediment to the underwater adhesion of sessile organisms. Capturing wet bioadhesion for technology is not possible without fundamental biological insights.


Summary: Shunting in reptiles is ineffective for regulating gastric CO2 supply but effectively reduces blood O2 levels.


Summary: Differences in anatomy, morphology and neural drive between rat ankle plantar-flexors cause substantial intermuscular displacement during locomotion, which may affect mechanical interactions between muscle bellies and tendons.

Summary: The multi-generational acclimation capacity of a species to ocean warming and acidification is determined by the flexibility of its mitochondrial electron transport system.

Summary: Although the goldfish's anoxia tolerance results from conserved energy via metabolic depression, its hypoxia tolerance results from exceptional O2 extraction abilities capable of supporting routine metabolic rate even in severe hypoxia.

Summary: Food quality during development had long-lasting effects on memory in pigeons, with a moderate nutritional deficit improving spatial memory performance in a foraging context.

Highlighted Article: Increased physical activity increases antioxidant defence mechanisms and thereby reduces oxidative stress and increases resilience to the negative effects of UV-B radiation, so that locomotor performance can be maintained in environments exposed to solar radiation.

Summary: Rh proteins are expressed in anal papillae of larval Aedes aegypti, where they partake in ammonia excretion. Results suggest that AeRh50-1 may transport CO2.

Summary: Channel catfish adopted negative buoyancy in lentic environments, but maintained buoyancy closer to neutral in lotic environments to optimise their locomotion.

Summary: Hypothalamus-based self-adjustment in response to dietary fat can vary among lean and fat individuals, and depends upon whole-body energy reserves and feeding experience.

Summary: Weak relationships exist between several yolk antioxidants, oxidative status markers in the yolk, liver and brain, and embryo morphology in the yellow-legged gull.

Summary: Increased yolk testosterone concentration in yellow-legged gulls promotes body mass growth of embryos but reduces brain size. Moreover, sex differences in brain size exist among control embryos.

Highlighted Article:Cataglyphis ants are shown to exhibit naturalistic navigation and typical homing behaviour, with a straight approach phase and looping search phase, on newly designed, fast-responding, lightweight, air-cushioned treadmill.

Summary: The Asian hornet Vespa velutina uses sting venom volatiles as an alarm pheromone.

Summary: Evolutionary analyses of both form and function in damselfishes demonstrate tight linkage between jaw protrusion ability and the repeated convergence on predominantly benthic or predominantly pelagic feeding niches.

Highlighted Article: Elevated levels of CO2 affect route finding, locomotion and repeatability of lateralization of a keystone marine mollusc in a T-maze.

Summary: Different fatty acids induced changes in the expression of neuropeptides implicated in the control of food intake through a mechanism not involving central fatty acid-sensing systems.

Highlighted Article: Ants track changes in food quality by building flexible transportation networks.

Summary: In the anoxia-tolerant goldfish brain, pyramidal and stellate neurons depolarize close to the GABA-A receptor reversal potential during anoxia, which makes pyramidal neurons less and stellate neurons more active.

Summary: Three-dimensional analysis of pectoral fin movement in the little skate during swimming reveals substantial changes in shape as speed increases.

Summary: Temperate but not tropical females of the Drosophila buzzatii complex under reproductive arrest improve fitness after cold acclimation. Such cold adaptation could contribute to spread temperate species into cooler environments.

Summary: Long day lengths and induced sickness, but not food restriction, increase multiple measures of innate immunity in the red crossbill, an opportunistically breeding bird.


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