Cover image
Cover Image
Cover: Non-human primates, such as the mongoose lemur (Eulemur mongoz) pictured here, are renowned for their ability to climb vertical supports, despite their lack of claws. However, little is known about the actual forces involved in such movement. Hanna et al. (pp. 3039–3052) explored limbloading patterns during climbing compared with horizontal quadrupedalism in a broad range of body sizes of non-human primates. Their results show that some unusual locomotor patterns exhibited during horizontal quadrupedalism by primates are maintained during vertical climbing, and suggest that the origin of primates is associated with small body size. Photo credit: David Haring, Duke Lemur Center, Durham, NC, USA.
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Considering aspects of the 3Rs principles within experimental animal biology
Summary: The 3Rs – Reduction, Replacement and Refinement – are embedded into the legislation and guidelines governing ethical rigour of animal use in experiments; we consider the advantages of adopting key aspects of the 3Rs into experimental biology.
Genetic editing of the androgen receptor contributes to impaired male courtship behavior in zebrafish
Summary: Modification of a gene implicated in male reproductive behavior using genetic editing tools results in the impairment of courtship behavior in a vertebrate model.
Blue petrels recognize the odor of their egg
Summary: Behavioral choice tests reveal that blue petrels can recognize their own egg over a conspecific egg using odor cues.
Pharmacological effects of cannabinoids on learning and memory in Lymnaea
Highlighted Article: Putative cannabinoid receptors are present in a mollusc and mediate stressful stimuli that alter learning and memory formation.
The evolution of vertical climbing in primates: evidence from reaction forces
Summary: A comparison of force profiles during walking and climbing across a range of body sizes in primates indicates that as body size increases, a greater functional differentiation of the limbs is exhibited.
The tendinopathic Achilles tendon does not remain iso-volumetric upon repeated loading: insights from 3D ultrasound
Summary: The tendinopathic free Achilles tendon core experiences a rapid volume loss following the onset of repeated loading, which is followed by an exaggerated longitudinal strain response.
Performance, morphology and control of power-amplified mandibles in the trap-jaw ant Myrmoteras (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Summary: The kinematics, anatomy and power-amplification mechanism for trap-jaw ants in the genus Myrmoteras, one of four convergent ant lineages with spring-loaded mandibles, are described.
The role of stochastic thermal environments in modulating the thermal physiology of an intertidal limpet, Lottia digitalis
Editors' Choice: Aerial exposure and recent thermal history, paired with relief from high low-tide temperatures, are important factors modulating the capacity of limpets to deal with repeated thermal stress in an intertidal environment.
High peripheral temperatures in king penguins while resting at sea: thermoregulation versus fat deposition
Summary: Periodic peripheral rewarming occurs when king penguins rest at night in a shallow seawater tank, probably reflecting perfusion changes required for the deposition of subcutaneous fat.
Entraining to the polar day: circadian rhythms in arctic ground squirrels
Summary: Arctic ground squirrels will rapidly entrain to the polar day, yet they are relatively insensitive to entrainment by abrupt light–dark transitions, which they generate naturally as a consequence of their semi-fossorial behavior.
The thermal background determines how the infrared and visual systems interact in pit vipers
Highlighted Article: The snake infrared system can accomplish a ‘brightness constancy’ computation reflecting temperature, much as the visual system compares the luminance of a figure and the background.
Titin force enhancement following active stretch of skinned skeletal muscle fibres
Summary: Titin force is differentially enhanced in skinned skeletal muscle fibres from control and titin-mutant mice.
Early exposure to chronic hypoxia induces short- and long-term regulation of hemoglobin gene expression in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
Summary: Insights into hemoglobin gene regulation by chronic moderate hypoxia at different ontogenetic stages in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax).
Feeding on ripening and over-ripening fruit: interactions between sugar, ethanol and polyphenol contents in a tropical butterfly
Summary: Bicyclus anynana butterflies benefit from feeding solutions mimicking ripe and over-ripe fruit similarly in terms of fecundity. However, their survival depends on the interaction between ripening stage and polyphenol content.
Monoaminergic integration of diet and social signals in the brains of juvenile spadefoot toads
Summary: Early effects of diet modify monoamine levels and the monoamine response to social signals in the brain of plains spadefoot toads, a species in which diet and body condition influence social preferences.
Estimation of distance and electric impedance of capacitive objects in the weakly electric fish Gnathonemus petersii
Summary: Electrosensory strategies of electric fish for unequivocal estimation of object distance and impedance indicate the use of static image parameters and motion-related cues.
Melatonin attenuates phenotypic flexibility of energy metabolism in a photoresponsive mammal, the Siberian hamster
Summary: Perception of stress in photoresponsive mammals exposed to short days is reduced, and although they secrete more stress hormones in the cold, their flexibility of energy metabolism is attenuated.
Passive regeneration of glutathione: glutathione reductase regulation in the freeze-tolerant North American wood frog, Rana sylvatica
Summary: Improved glutathione recycling may result from passive regulation of glutathione reductase by naturally rising levels of glucose during freezing in the wood frog, Rana sylvatica.
Effects of rearing salinity on expression and function of ion-motive ATPases and ion transport across the gastric caecum of Aedes aegypti larvae
Summary: Vacuolar H+-ATPase-rich and Na+/K+-ATPase-rich cells along the gastric caecum may play an important role in osmoregulation and uptake of nutrients.
Rib kinematics during lung ventilation in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis): an XROMM analysis
Summary: Using XROMM to test how well joint anatomy predicts rib motion during breathing in crocodylians, our best living model for the earliest archosaurs.
Sensory perception in a changing world – join us in Liverpool in March 2025
We are excited to invite you to a unique scientific conference, celebrating the 100-year anniversary of The Company of Biologists, and bringing together our different communities. The conference will incorporate the JEB Symposium Sensory Perception in a Changing World and the SEB satellite meeting. Find out more and register to join us in March 2025 in Liverpool, UK. Submit your abstract by 17 January 2025. Early-bird registration ends on 17 January 2025.
Extraordinary creatures: mantis shrimp
In our new Conversation series focusing on extraordinary creatures, Tom Cronin and Sheila Patek tell us about the incredible biology of mantis shrimp, from their complex vision to their powerful striking abilities.
Behaviour as a physiological process
In this Commentary, Shamil Debaere & colleagues argue the case for integration of behaviour into animal physiology, and advocate for behaviour to be considered as a physiological process.
Tiny ring-necked snakes keep warm heads despite their size
Some ectotherms are able to raise the temperature of certain body parts above the temperature of other regions & now Christian Fox and Albert Chung, with undergraduates from the University of Virginia, reveal that the heads of tiny ring-necked snakes can be 2.1C warmer than their tails, even though they are only 20cm long.