Cover image
Cover Image
Cover: A western sandpiper Calidris mauri flying in the wind tunnel at the Advanced Facility for Avian Research, University of Western Ontario, Canada. Many birds become lightly oiled following crude oil spills, but the fitness effects of non-lethal oiling are seldom considered in environmental assessments because they are difficult to measure. New research by Maggini et al. (pp. 2372–2379) shows that even small amounts of crude oil contamination of wing, tail and body feathers increase the energy costs of flying by up to 45%, making all activities requiring flight, like foraging, aerial display, commuting and migration, more difficult. Photo credit: Brock Fenton.
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Acoustic communication in terrestrial and aquatic vertebrates
Summary: Aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates differ in their mechanisms of acoustic communication primarily because of their phylogenetic history and less so because of the physical differences between media.
The predator and prey behaviors of crabs: from ecology to neural adaptations
Summary: We discuss a microcircuit of crab giant neurons, identified based on combined field and laboratory studies, which are involved in controlling naturally occurring prey and predator behaviors.
Simulated predator stimuli reduce brain cell proliferation in two electric fish species, Brachyhypopomus gauderio and Apteronotus leptorhynchus
Highlighted Article: Experimental predator simulation, including chases and tail amputation, decreases brain cell birth in electric fish, demonstrating a cellular process by which predators influence the brain structure of their prey.
Not flying blind: a comparative study of photoreceptor function in flying and non-flying cockroaches
Summary: Comparison of photoreceptors of flying Panchlora and non-flying Periplaneta cockroaches using imaging and electrophysiological methods reveals prominent differences, which are discussed in relation to the visual ecological paradigm developed for Diptera.
A neural basis for password-based species recognition in an avian brood parasite
Summary: Obligate avian brood parasites are not raised by their own species, yet upon independence, they recognize conspecifics. The auditory system aids juvenile birds with this challenge by selective responses to non-learned vocalizations.
Identification of the septate junction protein gliotactin in the mosquito Aedes aegypti: evidence for a role in increased paracellular permeability in larvae
Summary: The septate junction protein gliotactin is important for the regulation of the paracellular permeability of larval mosquito midgut.
Hydrodynamic sensory threshold in harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) for artificial flatfish breathing currents
Summary: Harbour seals can detect the water flow caused by breathing flatfish using their vibrissae. We assessed thresholds of 3.7 to 4.2 cm s−1 breathing current velocity at efficient swim speeds.
Light oiling of feathers increases flight energy expenditure in a migratory shorebird
Highlighted Article: Light to moderate contamination of feathers with crude oil increases the energy cost of flight by 22–45% and has important implications for all activities requiring flight, including long-distance migration.
Specialist–generalist model of body temperature regulation can be applied at the intraspecific level
Summary: Mice with more precise thermoregulation when fed had more labile body temperature when fasted, supporting the hypothesis that thermal specialists are more prone to using facultative heterothermy than thermal generalists.
Comparison of functional and anatomical estimations of visual acuity in two species of coral reef fish
Summary: Comparison of behavioural and anatomical estimates of visual acuity in coral reef fish reveals higher values for anatomical estimates but these may not be indicative of actual performance.
Exposure to seawater increases intestinal motility in euryhaline rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Summary: Intestinal contractile activity of euryhaline teleosts dramatically increases when in seawater to optimise intestinal ion and water absorption, which is most likely necessary to maintain osmotic homeostasis.
Modeling the costs and benefits associated with the evolution of endothermy using a robotic python
Summary: A robotic snake that models the energetic costs and thermal benefits associated with facultative endothermy in pythons.
Cone-like rhodopsin expressed in the all-cone retina of the colubrid pine snake as a potential adaptation to diurnality
Editors' Choice: The all-cone retina of the colubrid snake Pituophis melanoleucus contains a blue-shifted rhodopsin with cone opsin-like properties, which may have been adaptive in diurnal snakes.
Species-specific differences in the fine structure of learning walk elements in Cataglyphis ants
Summary: Different Cataglyphis desert ant species include distinct types of turn, namely voltes and pirouettes, in their learning walks that may serve different navigational purposes.
Avian thermoregulation in the heat: evaporative cooling in five Australian passerines reveals within-order biogeographic variation in heat tolerance
Summary: Five Australian passerines show evaporative cooling mechanisms qualitatively similar to those of other members of the Passeriformes, but have reduced heat tolerance compared with southern African species.
Increased mitochondrial energy efficiency in skeletal muscle after long-term fasting: its relevance to animal performance
Summary: The optimization of mitochondrial energy metabolism in skeletal muscle should favour the preservation of locomotion and thermoregulation, key physiological performances critical to survival in the final phase of fasting.
The Ol1mpiad: concordance of behavioural faculties of stage 1 and stage 3 Drosophila larvae
Summary: A community-based survey of the behavioural faculties of stage 1 Drosophila larvae, providing a resource for relating these behavioural faculties to the upcoming connectome of their nervous system.
Honeybees use the skyline in orientation
Summary: Honeybees can orient using the skyline, the panoramic silhouette of terrestrial objects against the sky, an ability probably important to bees in their everyday navigation.
Sensory perception in a changing world – join us in Liverpool in March 2025
We are excited to invite you to a unique scientific conference, celebrating the 100-year anniversary of The Company of Biologists, and bringing together our different communities. The conference will incorporate the JEB Symposium Sensory Perception in a Changing World and the SEB satellite meeting. Find out more and register to join us in March 2025 in Liverpool, UK. Register by 28 February 2025.
Extraordinary creatures: mantis shrimp
In our new Conversation series focusing on extraordinary creatures, Tom Cronin and Sheila Patek tell us about the incredible biology of mantis shrimp, from their complex vision to their powerful striking abilities.
Behaviour as a physiological process
In this Commentary, Shamil Debaere & colleagues argue the case for integration of behaviour into animal physiology, and advocate for behaviour to be considered as a physiological process.
Tiny ring-necked snakes keep warm heads despite their size
Some ectotherms are able to raise the temperature of certain body parts above the temperature of other regions & now Christian Cox and Albert Chung, with undergraduates from the University of Virginia, reveal that the heads of tiny ring-necked snakes can be 2.1C warmer than their tails, even though they are only 20cm long.