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Cover: Fish biorobotics is an emerging field that involves the development of robotic models for fish fin and body deformation to investigate aquatic locomotor dynamics (see Commentary by G. V. Lauder et al., pp. 2767−2780). The snowy grouper (Epinephelus niveatus) skeleton shows key features of fish skeletal design with the median and paired fins and their supporting fin rays, as well as the axial vertebral column. A robotic pectoral fin (lower left) and a programmable dual flapping foil robotic device (lower right) allow detailed investigation of fish locomotor dynamics. Photos by Karsten Hartel, James Tangorra and George Lauder. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of contents
Differential expression of gill Na+,K+-ATPaseα- and β-subunits, Na+,K+,2Cl-cotransporter and CFTR anion channel in juvenile anadromous and landlocked Atlantic salmon Salmo salar
Sensory perception in a changing world – join us in Liverpool in March 2025
We are excited to invite you to a unique scientific conference, celebrating the 100-year anniversary of The Company of Biologists, and bringing together our different communities. The conference will incorporate the JEB Symposium Sensory Perception in a Changing World and the SEB satellite meeting. Find out more and register to join us in March 2025 in Liverpool, UK. Submit your abstract by 17 January 2025. Early-bird registration ends on 17 January 2025.
Extraordinary creatures: mantis shrimp
In our new Conversation series focusing on extraordinary creatures, Tom Cronin and Sheila Patek tell us about the incredible biology of mantis shrimp, from their complex vision to their powerful striking abilities.
Behaviour as a physiological process
In this Commentary, Shamil Debaere & colleagues argue the case for integration of behaviour into animal physiology, and advocate for behaviour to be considered as a physiological process.
Tiny ring-necked snakes keep warm heads despite their size
Some ectotherms are able to raise the temperature of certain body parts above the temperature of other regions & now Christian Fox and Albert Chung, with undergraduates from the University of Virginia, reveal that the heads of tiny ring-necked snakes can be 2.1C warmer than their tails, even though they are only 20cm long.