1. The movement of ions through the extracellular space in the tissues surrounding the giant neuron (G cell) of the nudibranch mollusc, Anisodoris nobilis, was studied with anatomical and physiological techniques.

  2. The diffusion pathways in the gastro-oesophageal ganglion and nerve were identified anatomically in electron micrographs obtained from preparations which were first incubated in sea water containing lanthanum chloride and subsequently fixed in a basic solution of glutaraldehyde.

  3. A lanthanum precipitate was found extracellularly in the connective sheath, in the extracellular clefts between the glial cells and in the space between the glia and the G cell.

  4. The rate of diffusion of potassium was estimated from the rate of change of the G cell membrane potential following a change in the potassium concentration of the artificial sea water bathing the preparation.

  5. The average half-time for diffusion corresponds to an equivalent diffusion pathway of about 200 μ m. This value is sufficiently close to the average length (70–95 μ m) of the pathways identified with lanthanum to suggest that the restriction to diffusion is minor.

  6. The permeability of the extracellular space to potassium is high (5· 7× 10−1 cm/sec), and our calculations show that a difference larger than 2 mM, between the potassium concentration of the external solution and that of the fluid layer adjacent to the G cell membrane, cannot be maintained under most conditions.

The surface of both the soma and axon of the giant gastro-oesophageal neurone (G cell) of Anisodoris nobilis is greatly infolded (Mirolli & Talbott, 1972). Gorman & Mirolli (1972 a) concluded that the specific resistance and capacitance of the G cell is considerably different from the values previously estimated for molluscan neurones. This conclusion was based on the assumption that the diffusion of small ions is not severely restricted in the infoldings. Qualitative evidence for this assumption has been given. Thus, the possibility that the space of the infoldings is completely or partially closed (Amoroso et al. 1963) can be excluded because lanthanum, an electron-microscopical marker of the extracellular space (Revel & Karnowsky, 1967), diffuses in the entire extracellular space of the gastro-oesophageal nervous system (Mirolli & Crayton, 1968). Furthermore, small ions such as Na+ and K+, diffuse rapidly from the external solution bathing the ganglion and from the nerve to the surface of the G cell, and vice versa (Gorman & Marmor, 1970a). However, neither of these findings can be used to exclude the possibility that the extracellular space of the infoldings constitutes a separate compartment where diffusion occurs at a slower rate than elsewhere in the tissues surrounding the G cell. The purpose of this paper is to examine this possibility and to provide a quantitative estimate for the ionic permeability of the extracellular space in the gastro-oesophageal ganglion and nerve of Anisodoris. A preliminary report of these findings has been published elsewhere (Gorman & Mirolli, 1972b).

A description of the G cell of Anisodoris nobilis (MacFarland) can be found in the papers of Gorman & Mirolli (1969) and Mirolli & Talbott (1972). The extracellular space in the tissue was marked with lanthanum by incubating the living gastro- oesophageal ganglion and nerve with artificial sea water to which 5 mM LaCl had been added (Mirolli & Crayton, 1968). After 5‐10 min. of exposure the lanthanum was precipitated and the preparation was fixed by rinsing with a 2·5 % solution of glutaraldehyde in collidine phosphate buffer at pH 7·8. After 1 h the specimens were rinsed in buffer, post-fixed in osmium, dehydrated, and then embedded in Maraglass for electron microscopy. Histochemical tests for the PAS reaction indicative of the presence of mucopolyaccharides (Pearse, 1968), were made on sections of material embedded in paraffin.

Because of the extremely complicated shape of the G cell and its large dimensions (see Mirolli & Talbott, 1972), the length of the pathways converging from the sheath covering the ganglion and nerve to the cell surface varies greatly in the different regions of the cell. The average length of these pathways was estimated by graphical analysis. The cell outline in camera lucida drawings of representative sections of the soma and axon (Text-fig. 1A and B) was divided into small arcs. The middle point of each arc was connected to the outer face of the sheath by straight line segments whose lengths were corrected for the tortuosity of the extracellular channels in the glia using correction factors calculated from electron micrographs (see results). For each section (or group of sections) considered, the average length of the extracellular pathways l, was calculated from the expression
where Sn is the length of the nth arc cut in the cell outline, and ln is the length of the segment joining it to the outer face of the sheath.
Text-fig. 1.

Camera lucida drawings of gastro-oesophageal ganglion and nerve. A, Drawing ofthe G cell soma (GCS) and surrounding structures in ganglion. The black area shows the glial and extracellular space surrounding the surface, and that inside the surface infoldings of the G cell. The stippled areas around the ganglion show the sheath. B, Drawing of a cross-section of the gastro-oesophageal nerve. The axon of the G cell (GCA) and the other major fibres are shown in white and the glia and the small axons are in black. The stippled region around the nerve shows the sheath.

Text-fig. 1.

Camera lucida drawings of gastro-oesophageal ganglion and nerve. A, Drawing ofthe G cell soma (GCS) and surrounding structures in ganglion. The black area shows the glial and extracellular space surrounding the surface, and that inside the surface infoldings of the G cell. The stippled areas around the ganglion show the sheath. B, Drawing of a cross-section of the gastro-oesophageal nerve. The axon of the G cell (GCA) and the other major fibres are shown in white and the glia and the small axons are in black. The stippled region around the nerve shows the sheath.

For electrophysiological experiments the gastro-oesophageal ganglion and nerve were mounted in an experimental chamber which allowed continuous perfusion with artificial sea water while maintaining the preparation at a constant temperature (see Gorman & Marmor, 1970a). The membrane potential of the G cell was recorded differentially between an intracellular micro-electrode and a second micro-electrode placed in the bathing solution. The electrodes were filled with 3 M‐KCl, had tip potentials of less than 5 mV and resistances of 5–10 megohms. Conventional d.c. recording techniques were used (Gorman & Mamor, 1970a). The diffusion of potassium through the tissues covering the G cell was studied by monitoring the rate of change of the G cell membrane potential when the concentration of potassium in the artificial sea water bathing the preparation was suddenly changed (see Nicholls & Kuffler, 1964; Treherne et al. 1970). The composition of the solutions used was the same as that given by Gorman & Marmor (1970 a) except that 90 mM‐Na+ was replaced with an equal amount of the impermeant cation Tris to insure a constant concentration of sodium in the bathing solution when the external potassium was varied from 10 to 100 mM. Gorman & Marmor (1970 a) have shown that when the Na+ ‐K+ exchange pump is blocked by exposure to low temperatures, the membrane potential (V) of the G cell can be predicted by a constant-field equation simplified to include only terms for Na+ and K+ (Hodgkin and Horowicz, 1959) and rewritten in exponential form (Moreton, 1968; Gorman & Marmor, 1970a). Below 5 °C and with a constant external sodium concentration, [Nao], the relationship between external potassium concentration, [Ko], and eVF/RT is linear according to
where [K1] is the internal K+ concentration, a is the ratio between the Na+ and K+ permeabilities of the G cell membrane (PNa/PK) which is constant for any given temperature (Gorman and Marmor, 1970b) and R, T and F have their usual meanings.

When [Ko] is changed, the K+ concentration in the fluid layer adjacent to the G cell membrane, [Ke], will change at a rate which is uniquely determined by the diffusive properties of the tissues surrounding the cell. Corresponding to the changes in [Ko], V will also change, reaching a new stable level, V at a time At tœ we can assume that [Ko] × [Ke], Thus, a graph of V versus [K0] will give, for every cell examined, a calibration curve through which the instantaneous values of [Ke], during the voltage transient following a change in [Ko], can be estimated.

The diffusion coefficient for KC1 in aqueous solution depends on a number of variables (see Harned & Owen, 1958). The two most important of these for evaluating our data are temperature and concentration effects. A plot of the relation between the diffusion coefficient for KC1 and temperature is shown in Text-fig. 2. The open triangles represent values for the diffusion coefficient determined with dilute solutions by a number of authors (Washburn, 1929), and the closed circles represent values for stronger concentrations from data given by Harned and his associates (Harned & Blake, 1950; Harned & Owen, 1958). The variation of the diffusion coefficient with changes in concentration can be seen to be much less than with changes in temperature.

Text-fig. 2.

Dependence of the diffusion coefficient for KC1 on temperature. The values plotted are from Harned and Blake (1950) and Harned & Owen (1958) circles (•), and from Washburn (1929) triangles (▵). The concentrations given refer to the data of Harned et al. (1950, 1958). See text for further explanation.

Text-fig. 2.

Dependence of the diffusion coefficient for KC1 on temperature. The values plotted are from Harned and Blake (1950) and Harned & Owen (1958) circles (•), and from Washburn (1929) triangles (▵). The concentrations given refer to the data of Harned et al. (1950, 1958). See text for further explanation.

The fine structure and dimensions of the extracellular space

A thin connective sheath and several glial layers are interposed between the fluid bathing the ganglion, and the surface of the G cell. When lanthanum is added to the external solution and then precipitated, a fine electron-dense deposit is found in the sheath as well as in the intercellular clefts of the underlying glial layers and in the space between the glia and the neurones.

The avascular connective sheath is 3–10 μm thick (Pl. 1 A, cs). Its bulk is made up of an amorphous matrix with only a few interspersed cellular elements. This matrix is positive for the PAS reaction indicating the presence of acid mucopolysaccharides (Pearse, 1968). Lanthanum deposits are found dispersed throughout this matrix without evidence of specialized channels. Collagen-like fibrils are abundant in the sheath covering the nerve and in the lower half of the sheath covering the ganglion. They are rare or absent in the upper half of the sheath around the ganglion.

The glial cells have a small perikaryon out of which radiate broad, leaf-like processes which in section appear as thin (0·2‐0·μm) profiles, 5–15 μm long. At the surface of the ganglion and the nerve the glia is tightly packed into concentric shells, forming a distinctive layer (Pl. 1 A, ogl). This outer glial layer is 3–8 μm thick in the ganglion and 2–5 μm in the nerve. Immediately underneath the boundary with the sheath the membranes of adjacent glial cells are finely folded and interdigitated to form characteristic crenated junctions (Pl. 1B and C) where the width of the extracellular clefts is about 50 to 100 Å. Below these junctions the extracellular space is wider (between 150 and 200 Å) and at some points expands into large lacunae as much as 500 Å in width. The extracellular pathways which can be traced in the outer glial layer are extremely tortuous, their lengths being on the average 5·25 times the overall thickness of the outer glia layer in the ganglion and 6·40 times the thickness of this layer in the nerve.

Below the outer layer the glia is organized into bundles of finger-like or laminar processes, variously oriented, which separate the individual neurones and penetrate their surface foldings (Pl. 2A, Pl. 3 A). The extracellular pathways which can be traced from the outer glial layer to any region of the G cell’s surface are almost straight (Pl. 2B). The cleft between the glial cells is 150 to 200 Å wide; as in the outer layer, there are numerous lacunae which may be as much as 1000 A in width. Also common are points of close contact between adjacent glial cells, but these are never more than 1–2 μm long (Pl. 2B).

The space between the plasma membrane of the neurone and that of the surrounding glial cells (extraneuronal space) is of uniform width, about 150 to 200 Å (Pl. 3 B). The extraneuronal space is everywhere marked by a dense lanthanum precipitate (Pl. 3 B). No specialized coating of the membranes of either the glial cells or the neurones can be demonstrated and there are no specialized junctions between the glia and the neurones, either inside or outside the infoldings.

Estimates for the average length of the extracellular channels from the outer face of the sheath to the extraneuronal space of the G cell soma and axon were obtained from light microphotographs of representative sections of the ganglion and of the nerve (see Methods). The channels were approximated by straight line segments in the sheath and in the inner glia ; in the outer glial layer their lengths were calculated from the thickness of the layer itself, multiplied by the correction factors given above. For cells of approximately the same dimension as those used in the physiological experiments the average length, l, for the extracellular channels was 94 μm for the soma, and 68 μm for the axon. The frequency distribution of the somatic channels was distinctly skewed, ranging from 30 to 230 μm, with a peak around l = 50 μm; that of the axon was more compact and symmetrical ranging from 25 to 116 μm with more than 70 % of the measured lengths clustered within + 20 μm of the average.

From measurements of electron micrographs, the extracellular space was calculated to be 8·9 % of the total volume of the glia layer in the ganglion and 8·6 % of the glia layer in the nerve. In the sheath around the ganglion the extracellular space was calculated to be 83 % of the total volume and that around the nerve 75 %.

The time course of diffusion of potassium

The electrical events observed in the gastro-oesophageal ganglion when [Ko] was changed, depended on the position of the recording electrode. When it was located extracellularly, next to the G cell, only a small shift in potential (0·5–1·0mV) was observed (Text-fig. 3 A; top trace), indicating that the layers surrounding the G cell have a high, non-selective, ionic permeability. In contrast, the electrode recorded a prompt and massive voltage change when it was located in an intracellular position (Text-fig. 3 A; lower trace).

Text-fig. 3.

Dependence of membrane potential on external potassium concentration [Ko]. A. Response of G cell to a fast change of external potassium (bottom trace) at o °C. The arrows indicate when the solution was changed. The tops of the spikes are not shown. The lack of response when the electrode was located inside the sheath but outside the cell, prior to cellular penetration, is shown in the top trace. B. The relationship between eVF/RF and [Ko] at o °C for the same cell. The line drawn through the experimental points gives the estimated parameters for equation (1) of [K1] = 177 mM and ∞ = 0· 024.

Text-fig. 3.

Dependence of membrane potential on external potassium concentration [Ko]. A. Response of G cell to a fast change of external potassium (bottom trace) at o °C. The arrows indicate when the solution was changed. The tops of the spikes are not shown. The lack of response when the electrode was located inside the sheath but outside the cell, prior to cellular penetration, is shown in the top trace. B. The relationship between eVF/RF and [Ko] at o °C for the same cell. The line drawn through the experimental points gives the estimated parameters for equation (1) of [K1] = 177 mM and ∞ = 0· 024.

Both the depolarization following an increase in [Ko] and the repolarization associated with its decrease were completed in about 50 to 100 seconds. The final potential level attained, V, was dependent on [Ko]. For all the cells examined the relationship between [Ko] and eVFlRT was linear, as predicted by equation (1) (Text-fig. 3 B). Thus the K+ concentration in the extraneuronal space of the G cell corresponding to any given time, t, [Ke]t could be estimated from records such as that presented in Text-fig. 3 A. For the time interval corresponding to the cell spike discharge a smooth line was drawn through the spike’s baseline. The experimental points in a plot of [Ke]t versus time could always be fitted to a sigmoid curve (Text fig. 4; see legend to the figure and discussion), which could be characterized by two parameters: (1) latency of onset, defined as the time interval between a change in [Ko,] from [Ko]o to a new value [Ko] ∞ and (2) the half-time (t0·5), defined as the time interval between the onset and when the change in [Ke] calculated from equation (1) reached a value equal to [Ko] ∞Thus, t0·5 corresponds to a value of the ratio, {[Ko]t-[Ko]o}/{[Ko]-[Ko]o}, equal to 0-5. The magnitude of t0·.7 depends on how fast [Ke] changes and gives important insights into the nature of the process of diffusion of K+ in the ganglion (Nicholls & Kuffler, 1964; Treherne et al. 1970).

Text-fig. 4.

The calculated change in the relative potassium concentration [Ko]t at the surface of the G cell following an increase in the external concentration from 10 mM [Ko]0 to 100 mM 0, [Ko] open circles (○); and a decrease in the concentration from 100mM [Ko]0 to 10mM o. [Ko] closed circles (•). Values were obtained from measurements taken from the bottom trace of Text-fig. 3 A. The half-time (t0·7) for K+ inflow K+ outflow are 9· 2 and 12· 0 sec. respectively. The curves drawn through the experimental points have been calculated from equation (2a and b) for an L = 175μ

Text-fig. 4.

The calculated change in the relative potassium concentration [Ko]t at the surface of the G cell following an increase in the external concentration from 10 mM [Ko]0 to 100 mM 0, [Ko] open circles (○); and a decrease in the concentration from 100mM [Ko]0 to 10mM o. [Ko] closed circles (•). Values were obtained from measurements taken from the bottom trace of Text-fig. 3 A. The half-time (t0·7) for K+ inflow K+ outflow are 9· 2 and 12· 0 sec. respectively. The curves drawn through the experimental points have been calculated from equation (2a and b) for an L = 175μ

The latency of onset is an important indication of the experimental conditions. Both this parameter and, to a lesser extent, the half-time were dependent on the flow rate of the solution in the chamber in the sense that short latencies and briefer half-times were consistently observed with higher flow rates (Text-fig. 5 A, B). In the case illustrated in Text-fig. 5 the flow rate was increased from 0·5 to approximately 2·7 ml per minute (cc/min). The latency of onset and t0· 5 approached a stable value only at the highest flow rate. However, in most cases the flow rates had to be restricted to values less than 2·7 cc/min in order to maintain the temperature at o °C and to minimize the likelihood of dislodgement of the micro-electrode. Therefore in all probability our data overestimate the actual t0·5.

Text-fig. 5.
Dependence of onset and half-time (t0·5) on flow rate. A. The relationship between the latency of onset of the response of the G cell to a change in external potassium from 10 mM to l00mM and flow rate of the solution in the chamber. The curve fitted to the data was calculated from the relation : The chamber volume is estimated to be 0·079 cc. B. The relationship between diffusion halftime (t0·5) and flow rate.
Text-fig. 5.
Dependence of onset and half-time (t0·5) on flow rate. A. The relationship between the latency of onset of the response of the G cell to a change in external potassium from 10 mM to l00mM and flow rate of the solution in the chamber. The curve fitted to the data was calculated from the relation : The chamber volume is estimated to be 0·079 cc. B. The relationship between diffusion halftime (t0·5) and flow rate.

Complete experiments were made on four cells. The average half-time for the inflow of K+ (K+ raised in the external bath) was 14 sec and that for the outflow (K+ decreased) was 21 sec. In the experiment with the fastest flow rate, t0·5 was 9·4 sec for the inflow and 12 sec for the outflow. The reasons for this difference between inflow and outflow values (see also Nicholls & Kuffler, 1964), are unclear. It may be explained, at least in part, by the active membrane phenomenon associated with the spike discharge and by the experimental conditions.

By comparing our experimental results with those predicted by a simple physical model it is possible to show that diffusion of K+ in the Anisodoris nervous system occurs at a rate which is compatible with the dimensions of the extracellular channels. The simplest model which we can apply (see Treherne, et al. 1970) can be described as follows. The diffusion coefficient (D>) of K+ is the same in the sheath and in the extracellular fluid; the extracellular space can be represented by a system of channels of uniform diameter (large enough so that they do not impose any restriction to diffusion of K+) ; each channel is in contact at one end (X =L) with a well-stirred solution, and at the other end, (X = 0) is closed by a membrane whose permeability to K+ is very low so that there is no flux of K+ at X = o. This boundary condition is based on the low permeability to K+ of the G cell membrane (between 0·1 and 2·5 × 10 ‐ 8 cm/sec; Marmor, 1971 a). At the beginning of the experiment the concentration of K+ inside the channels and in the external solution is [Ko]0. If, at time t = o, the K+ concentration at X =L is changed rapidly to a new value, [Ko], then the concentration at X = 0, [Ke]t, can be predicted by the following equations
(Carslaw & Jaeger, 1959, equations 3·3 (8) and (9); Crank, 1956, equations 4·17 and 4·19). Both series converge to the same value; the first converges rapidly for small values of time, the second for large values.
the solution to both equations can be approximated by
At o °C, –DKCl is approximately 1 × 10− 8 cm’/sec (see Text-fig. 1). The half-time, t0· 5, can be estimated by plotting [Ke]t- [Ko]0/[K0]æ- [Ko]o versus t, and equation (3) can be used to estimate the equivalent channel length, L.

The system of extracellular channels of the Amsodoris nervous system departs from the model described by equations (2a) and (2b) because the channels have neither a constant width nor equal lengths. The mathematical difficulties introduced by these complications make any attempt to obtain a precise quantitative model futile. However, experimentally it is found that the diffusion data can be fitted by theoretical curves calculated from equation (2) (see Text-fig. 4). In the best case (corresponding to the experiments with the fastest flow rate), the agreement is good. The curves calculated for the same value of L fit both outflow and inflow data except, in the latter, during the period of spike discharge (see Text-figs. 3 and 4). In the other cases the agreement was also satisfactory, but it was necessary to use a value of L longer for the outflow than for the inflow data. Since in these cases the flow rate was not optimal, it is possible that the difference between the inflow and the outflow depends, at least in part, on the experimental conditions.

According to the measured average half-time for K+ inflow, L = 200 μ m; for the outflow the half-time corresponds to L = 240 μ m. L can be compared to the length of the extracellular channels measured by anatomical methods (Z). Since the input conductance of the G cell is dominated by the axon (Gorman & Mirolli, 1972 a; Mirolli & Talbott, 1972) it seems reasonable to compare the values given for L to the average length of the axonal channels (70 μ m) rather than to the greater length of the somatic channels (95μ m). On this basis the restriction factor (A) for the diffusion of K+ given by the ratio A = L/l in the nervous system of Anisodoris is 2· 9 for the inflow and 3· 4 for the outflow. A restriction of this order of magnitude is minor. By way of comparison, in the leech ganglion where diffusion is also thought to be practically unrestricted and to occur entirely via extracellular channels (Nicholls & Kuffler, 1964), the restriction factor is 2· 4. Furthermore, the average L is almost certainly an overestimate ; if we use the L corresponding to the best experiment (175 μ m) the restriction factor for Amsodoris is 2· 5.

It should be emphasized that the model described by equation (2) is not the only one that can be fitted to our data. For instance, either the model of diffusion in channels closed by a terminal reservoir, examined by Treherne et al. (1970), or that of diffusion in a semi-infinite medium used by Nicholls & Kuffler (1964) could be used. These however, would result in smaller values of the estimated L, thus making the restriction factor for diffusion even smaller.

A restriction to the movement of potassium in the nervous system of Anisodoris could be due either to a diffusion coefficient of K+ in the medium being lower than in water, or to the geometrical peculiarities of the network of extracellular channels. Our data do not permit a choice between these two possibilities. However, the anatomical results make clear that a localized barrier to diffusion, if present, can only be identified either with the sheath, where acid mucopolysaccharides might form a filter with a small effective pore size, or with the crenated junction of the outer glial layers, where the width of the extracellular cleft is reduced to 100 Å or less for a considerable length. It follows that diffusion will occur in the extracellular space underneath the outer glial layer with a maximum restriction factor of 3· 4 relative to free diffusion in water. Thus the half-time of diffusion between any two points of the extracellular space, d cm apart, can be calculated by the equation
where D is the diffusion coefficient of K (or other ion) in water. At o °C, is 5· 5 sec for the deepest infoldings of the axon hillock (40 μ m deep). For most of the infoldings of the soma of the lower part of the axon hillock, and of the axon (which are about 10 μm, deep) is only 0· 4 sec. Our results thus indicate that the extraneuronal space in the infoldings of the G cell does not represent a separate compartment and that the accumulation of K+ (or other ions) in these regions cannot reach a significantly different concentration from that elsewhere in the extracellular space except for brief periods.
When the Na+-K+ exchange pump is blocked (see Gorman & Marmor, 1970 a), K+ should leak out of the cells and the K+ concentration in the G cell extraneuronal space should increase in proportion to both the K+ lost by the G cell and that lost by the surrounding glia and neurons. For simplicity we shall examine the two cases separately. At equilibrium the K+ efflux from the G cell (MK) will be balanced by the K+ outflow through the glial layers and the sheath. MK can be calculated from the values given by Marmor (1971 b) for the uncoupled Na efflux, assuming that two K+ ions are transported inside the G cell by the Na+-K+ pump for every three Na+ which are taken out (Caldwell, Hodgkin, Keynes & Shaw, 1960; Thomas, 1969). For the maximum value given by Marmor (1971 b) for the uncoupled Na efflux, is 8· o ×10−12 moles cm-2 sec-1. Asstuning instantaneous equilibrium in the extraneuronal space, the maximum difference (Δ (ΔK) between the K+ concentration next to the G cell and that in the fluid bathing the ganglion is given at the steady state by
where P is the permeability of the structures surrounding the G cell and is given by the ratio D/L. At 11 °C, where the pump is active (Gorman & Marmor, 1970a) DKO1 = approximately 1· 3 × 10−5 cm2/sec (see Text-fig. 2). Using the //corresponding to the average K+ outflow. P is 5-6 × io-1 cm/sec. so that AK is about 1· 4 × 10−6 moles/ litre. Thus the contribution of the K+ leaking out of the G cell to ΔK is insignificant. Not much higher values of ΔK (approx, 10−4 M) would result as a consequence of the leakage out of the glia and the neurones surrounding the G cells if the permeability to K+ of their membranes was the same as that of the G cell (between 0· 1 and 2· 5 • 10−8 cm sec-1; Marmor, 1971a).
If we assume that the glia cells are completely permeable to K+, then sizable K+ concentration differences between the extraneuronal space of the G cell and the external solution could be established. However, they could last only for a few minutes. To show this, assume that K+ is leaking out at a rate independent of its concentration in the extracellular space ; the equation for the steady state in this condition is
(Carslaw & Jaeger, 1959, equation 3· 143) where RL (moles litre-1 sec-1) is the rate of loss of K+ from the tissues surrounding the G cell to the bathing solution. RL is equal to 6· 5 × 10−6 for ΔK = 1 mM and 6·5 × 10−4 for ΔX = 10 mM. The time for which the system could last with such a rate of loss of K+ is given by the ratio between the concentration of K+ in the tissues surrounding the G cell, and RL. Taking the former as 2· 3 × 10−1 moles (ViEegas, Villegas & Villegas, 1965), the system could last up to 1 h for a ΔX of 1 mM, but only about 6 min for a ΔX of 10 mM. It follows from these results that if the depolarization of the G cell which is associated with the block of the Na+-K+ exchange pump were due to the accumulation in the extraneuronal space of K+ leaking out of the cells, then this depolarization should be either very small or else last only a short time. Since the pronounced depolarization induced by ouabain (Gorman & Marmor, 1970 a) lasts several hours (A. L. F. Gorman and M. F. Marmor, unpublished results; see also the results obtained by Moreton in Helix, reported in Treherne et al. 1970), the effect of ouabain cannot be due (except perhaps in small proportions) to an accumulation of K+ in the extraneuronal space.

The present findings may have some relevance to other systems where the extracellular space appears to be limited. A superficial examination of the anatomy of the G cell with its numerous surface infoldings, many of which seemingly having no direct contact with the surrounding extracellular space, might have suggested that diffusion to and from much of the cell surface was severely restricted. Our results suggest a different interpretation. The extracellular space of the gastro-oesophageal ganglion and nerve of Anisodoris, even in the deeply infolding regions of the G cell membrane, behaves as an aqueous layer where diffusion to small ions is essentially free. Moreover, diffusion is sufficiently rapid so that under most conditions it is unlikely that a sizable difference in ionic concentration is established between the extraneuronal layer surrounding the G cell and the fluid bathing the ganglion.

We are grateful for comments on an earlier draft of this paper from Dr M. Marmor and for the technical assistance of Mrs M. Marti-Volkoff and Miss S. Talbott.

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