1. Methods of analysis of muscle are discussed, particularly in regard to ashing and extraction procedures for inorganic ions and the determination of chloride.

  2. imultaneous analyses have been made of blood and muscle for the following ions: Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, SO4, inorganic and total trichloracetic acid soluble P (inorganic and organic phosphates).

  3. In Myxine muscle the ions analysed make up 39-47% (average 42%) of the total osmotic concentration, assuming it to be that of the blood-serum: 491 mg. ions/kg. water content compared with 1181 mg. ions/kg. water in the serum. The latter is practically isosmotic with the surrounding sea water of 1208 mg. ions. Potassium and phosphate are the only ions higher in concentration in the muscle than in the serum, but the muscle concentration of sodium exceeds that of potassium. Low calcium concentrations of 1.8-2.2 mg. ions/kg. water in the muscle and 5.5-7.I mg. ions in the blood serum, compared with 11.1 mg. ions in the sea water, are correlated with the absence of a calcified skeleton.

  4. Muscle ions in Muraena come to 308 mg. ions/kg. water content, about 72% of the osmotic concentration of the plasma; the latter is about one-third that of the surrounding sea water. Potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphate ions in muscle exceed their respective concentrations in the plasma, while the remaining sodium, chloride and sulphate ions are below the plasma values.

  5. Cation-anion balance of the analysed constituents of Myxine muscle is satisfactory, but there is a considerable anion deficit in Muraena muscle, probably made up in part by lactate and bicarbonate ions.

This is the first of a short series of papers dealing with the composition of the muscles of some lower vertebrates and invertebrates, particularly from the standpoints of the osmotic concentration of various constituents and the accumulation or reduction of ions in muscle relative to those of the blood-plasma or serum. Satisfactory data on these aspects of muscle-blood equilibrium or steady state exist for only a few species, and are usually incomplete. Ideally, estimations of some fifteen or more major constituents have to be made and the concentrations expressed per kilogram water content. Then, it is desirable to differentiate between the intracellular and extracellular concentrations of various ions and compounds ; this necessitates finding the volume of extracellular fluid (blood and interstitial fluid) in the muscle, and, knowing its composition to a greater or less degree, subtracting appropriate values from the figures for whole muscle to give the average concentrations in the muscle cells.

Total osmotic concentration of muscle may be obtained by micro-freezing-point determinations on single fibres or by vapour-pressure determinations on the ‘juice’ expressed from muscles ; these may then be compared with similar determinations on the plasma. Correlation of such measurements with the sum of the analysed constituents expressed in mg. ions and mM (or milliosmoles) per kilogram water can be made. This is often difficult as a proportion of some of the constituents may be ‘bound’ to larger molecules such as proteins, exerting little osmotic effect, and the activities of ions in the water of the cells and of the plasma may be different.

While most progress has been made with cephalopod and crustacean muscle, to be described in other papers of this series (see Robertson, 1957, for a preliminary account of Nephrops norvegicus muscle), the present analyses of hagfish and Roman eel muscles are published because they show features of general interest, although they consist of inorganic analyses of whole muscle only. The cyclostome Myxine glutinosa L. is a primitive marine vertebrate whose blood is practically isosmotic with sea water, whereas Muraena helena L. is a marine teleost fish with a blood concentration only about one-third that of sea water (Robertson, 1954). As will be seen below there are considerable differences in composition between the muscles of the agnathan and the fish.

Details of the collection of Myxine and Muraena, and the methods and results of analysis of the blood, have been given by Robertson (1954). Muscle tissue was obtained from the same specimens, after collection of the blood, by removing the skin and cutting off dorso-ventral strips of muscle close to the vertebral column. Care was taken to remove all visible connective tissue and, in the case of Muraena, small pieces of bone. The muscle was lightly blotted between sheets of filter-paper and separate weighed samples were used for the determination of cations (sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium), chloride, sulphate, trichloracetic acid soluble inorganic and total phosphate, and water content.

Before deciding on the method finally adopted for analysis of the cations of the muscle, a comparison was made using cephalopod muscle of two dry-ashing methods, with and without sulphuric acid, and a method using a 5 % trichloracetic acid filtrate. Conclusions from this study may be briefly enumerated. Dry ashing in a muffle furnace at dull red heat or below (about 600° C.), gave results identical with those obtained with a sulphated ash in some cases, in others somewhat lower (e.g. Na 92%, Mg 94%). Something in the trichloracetic extract inhibited the precipitation of sodium as sodium zinc uranyl acetate, and results were usually low for this ion unless the extract itself was evaporated down with sulphuric acid and ashed in the muffle furnace. Magnesium could be determined directly in the filtrate by the oxine method, but calcium results, even after two precipitations, were 140% high, owing presumably to contamination of the calcium oxalate with organic compounds which would react with the ceric sulphate used as oxidizing agent for the oxalate precipitate. Potassium estimations in the trichloracetic extract, using the silver cobaltinitrite method after evaporating suitable aliquots in the presence of sulphuric acid and dry ashing, gave similar results to those found in the two ashing techniques.

The method finally adopted for cations was to add 2-3 ml. concentrated sulphuric acid to 6-8 g. muscle (fresh weight) in a silica basin, or to the corresponding amount of dried muscle if the water content of the sample had been determined. The basin was then placed on a boiling water-bath until the muscle was reduced to a black tarry consistency, and then transferred to a muffle furnace which was allowed to heat from cold to dull red heat (about 600° C.). If too much carbon remained, the ash was carefully ground with a glass rod and heated again in the furnace after the addition of a few drops of sulphuric acid. The ash was dissolved in water and 0.3 ml. concentrated nitric acid with the aid of heat, and made up to 20 ml. volume. Suitable aliquots were used for the determination of cations according to the methods of Robertson & Webb (1939), with the minor modifications of precipitating magnesium in centrifuge tubes at 80-95° C., separating the hydroxyquinolate by centrifugation, and of removing phosphate before the sodium estimation. A synthetic salt solution resembling cephalopod muscle in inorganic composition was made up (in g./l. Na 1.5, K 4.2, Ca 0.12, Mg 0.49, P04 8.0), and it was confirmed that 1.5 mg. sodium could be determined in the presence of 4.2 mg. potassium and 8.o mg. phosphate within about 2 % of the theoretical, when calcium hydroxide was used in the precipitation of phosphate from an aliquot of the solution, as suggested by Holmes & Kirk (1936).

Because of alleged deficiencies in the open Carius method of determining chloride in tissues (Heilbrunn & Hamilton, 1942; Shenk, 1954), comparisons were made between the method of Sunderman & Williams (1933) in which there is preliminary alkaline digestion of the muscle before the addition of silver nitrate and nitric acid, the open Carius method as given by Peters & Van Slyke (1932), and that of Wilde (1945) which uses muscle filtrates. Zinc hydroxide filtrates were prepared, however, with Somogyi’s (1945) zinc sulphate-barium hydroxide reagents, and the chloride in the filtrates was determined by both the Volhard method and Sendroy’s silver iodate method as used by Robertson & Webb (1939). On adjacent pieces of cephalopod (Sepia) muscle, all methods gave results within 1.5% of the mean, except the open Carius procedure in which the chloride value found was 4.4% lower than the mean after nearly 24 hr. digestion on a steam bath. Addition of sodium nitrate to the muscle filtrates as used by Wilde (1945) did not increase the amount of chloride found, nor did oxidizing agents such as potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide.

Since the yellowish colour of whole muscle digests in the technique of Sunderman & Williams was found to be very persistent and to cause end-point difficulties, the zinc hydroxide filtrates were preferred. Samples of 3-5 g. fresh weight were thoroughly ground with pure quartz sand in a porcelain mortar, together with 8-12 ml. Somogyi’s 5% zinc sulphate solution, followed by the same quantity of 0.3 N-barium hydroxide solution. Extraction was allowed to proceed for 15-30 min. with frequent stirrings, and the solution filtered through a chloride-free paper. To aliquots of the filtrate in a boiling tube were added standard silver nitrate and 1 ml. nitric acid, and the tubes were kept in a boiling water-bath for a short time until the silver chloride was well coagulated. After cooling, the solution was filtered, the precipitate well washed, and the titration of the filtrate made with 0.5 % ammonium thiocyanate solution, with a few drops of saturated solution of ferric alum as indicator. Each group of estimations was standardized using a control tube with the same volume of fluid, containing standard silver nitrate and nitric acid.

Sulphate was determined micro-gravimetrically as barium sulphate on a muscle filtrate prepared by grinding with quartz sand about 5 g. muscle with 15 ml. 5% mercuric chloride solution, and filtering after allowing several hours for extraction. To an accurately measured quantity of the filtrate was added 10 drops 2N-hydrochloric acid and distilled water to about 50 ml. Three ml. M/20 solution of barium chloride were added, and after thorough stirring the precipitate was left to stand overnight. It was filtered through a porcelain or silica filter crucible and washed ; the crucible was dried and ignited to remove the small amount of adsorbed organic matter, and then rewashed, dried and ignited.

The inorganic and total phosphorus in a 5 % trichloracetic acid filtrate of muscle were estimated gravimetrically with oxine-molybdate solution (Berg, 1935). About 3 g. muscle was ground with 2.5 g. trichloracetic acid and the final concentration made up to 5% with distilled water; after overnight extraction the solution was filtered. Since the precipitation involves heating in an acid solution to 70° C., the ‘inorganic’ phosphorus probably contains true inorganic P, creatine phosphate P, and pyrophosphate P from adenosine triphosphate. Total phosphorus was obtained by ashing a portion of the filtrate with sulphuric acid and hydrogen peroxide.

Water contents were estimated by drying samples of fresh muscle to constant weight at 101° C. for 24-48 hr., and subtracting the dry weight from the fresh weight. Analyses could then be given in terms of concentration per kilogram water content.

The composition of Myxine muscle and serum

Three comparisons of the electrolyte composition of muscle and serum are shown in Table 1. The average osmotic concentration of Myxine serum calculated from the sum of the principal mg. ions comes to 98 % of that of sea water, a finding published and discussed previously (Robertson, 1954). The inorganic ions and organic phosphates of muscle, however, reach a total of only 39-47 % of the osmotic concentration of the same ions in serum. Only potassium and phosphorus aré present in higher concentration in the muscle, the concentration factor of both compared to their values in the serum being about twelve.

Table 1.

Electrolyte composition of whole muscle and blood-serum of Myxine glutinosa

Electrolyte composition of whole muscle and blood-serum of Myxine glutinosa
Electrolyte composition of whole muscle and blood-serum of Myxine glutinosa

Other features of the analyses are the low calcium content of the muscle and the relatively high sodium, which exceeds the potassium. This latter feature is unusual in muscle analysis, although it is found in some lamellibranch muscles (adductor muscles of Mytilus, slow adductor of Pecten, Potts, 1958), and holothurian muscle (Koizumi, 1935). If intracellular concentrations were calculated on the basis of a probable 10-15% extracellular space in the muscle, the potassium would exceed the sodium in Myxine muscle fibres.

Cation-anion balance as far as the analyses have gone is shown in Table 2. The chief difficulty here is in relating mg. ions phosphorus (strictly mg. atoms P) to milliequivalents, since no detailed fractionation of the organic phosphate compounds was attempted. The number of cations associated with 1 atom P at pH 7 is about 1-6 for orthophosphate, 2.03 for creatine phosphate, 1.94 for hexose mono-phosophate, and 1.3 for each P atom in adenosine triphosphate. In the rat, the average is about 2.21 m-equiv./1mg. ion P, and 1.74 if related to 1 mg. atom P, the lower of the two figures taking into account the 3 atoms of P in the adenosine triphosphate molecule (calculated from Conway, 1950 b). A factor of 1-8 has been chosen for the conversion in Table 2. Considering the uncertainty of this value applying to Myxine and the difficulties of analysis of muscle in general, the cationanion balance as determined is satisfactory in the first two specimens, rather unsatisfactory in the third, where the chloride value is considerably higher than in the other specimens.

Table 2.

Cation-anion balance in Myxine muscle

Cation-anion balance in Myxine muscle
Cation-anion balance in Myxine muscle

The composition of Muraena muscle and plasma

In contrast to Myxine in which the blood-serum is practically isosmotic with sea water (as is the blood of most marine invertebrates), Muraena has a plasma concentration about one-third that of sea water, all its ions being lower than those of the medium except bicarbonate and phosphate (Table 3). Whereas ions in the muscle of Myxine are only 39-47 % of those in the blood, the analysed ions of Muraena muscle come to over 70 % of those in the plasma, constituting about 70 % of the osmotic concentration of muscle, which is assumed to be the same as that of the blood. Except for sodium, the cations in the muscle exceed those of the plasma, potassium especially being high, with a concentration factor of over eighty. Chloride and sulphate in the muscle are very low.

Table 3.

Electrolyte composition of whole muscle and blood-plasma of Muraena helena

Electrolyte composition of whole muscle and blood-plasma of Muraena helena
Electrolyte composition of whole muscle and blood-plasma of Muraena helena

Cation-anion balance is shown in Table 4. The factor of 1.8 was again used for converting mg. atoms P to milliequivalents. A considerable deficiency in anions is apparent. Further samples of muscle were then analysed to eliminate if possible any doubt of serious analytical error. Two samples gave 153 and 163 mg. ions or milliequivalents potassium compared with 165 in Tables 3 and 4, itself a mean of duplicate estimations. Chloride in another sample came to 23.0 mg. ions or milliequivalents compared with 23.7 in the tables. Thus it may be inferred that considerable quantities of other anions are present; these will include lactate and bicarbonate. Binding of a certain proportion of some or all of the cations in un-ionized complexes is a possibility which has not been investigated.

Table 4.

Cation-anion balance in Muraena muscle

Cation-anion balance in Muraena muscle
Cation-anion balance in Muraena muscle

Differences between total ionic concentrations in the bloods of Myxine and Muraena are associated with differences in total ionic content of their muscles: Myxine with 1181 mg. ions in the serum (98% of the sea water value) has an ionic content in the muscle of 491 mg. ions (41% that of sea water); Muraena with 419 mg. ions in its plasma (31 % of the sea water value) has a muscle content of 308 mg. ions (23% of the ions in sea water). Except for its high sodium and low calcium values, Myxine muscle resembles muscles of marine invertebrates such as Nephrops (Robertson, 1957 and in preparation), rather than those of teleosts. The low calcium content of blood and muscle in the hagfish is correlated with the absence of calcification of the skeleton. The difficulty of removing completely small pieces of bone is a hazard in muscle analyses of teleosts, and higher values of calcium and magnesium than those of Table 3 were obtained from strips of muscle from the same specimen of Muraena, in which slight effervescence of the ashed material in the acid used for its solution indicated the inclusion of small fragments of bone.

Vinogradov (1953) has collected some previous analyses of the elementary composition of fish muscle, but these are not very suitable for comparison with the present data for several reasons : simultaneous plasma and muscle analyses were not made, the immediate history of the specimens prior to analysis is not known, and the viewpoint of most of the analysts was the nutritional value of the fishes. Thus, for example, Clements & Hutchinson’s (1939) analyses of the ash constituents of Australian fish pertain to fish bought in the open market, and include skin with the muscle in unspecified instances.

Carteni & Aloj’s (1934) analyses of the edible portions of four marine teleosts were made at Naples, and might be expected to be roughly comparable with the analysis of Muraena. It is obvious from a study of their data that the muscles must have contained pieces of bone, since the calcium varies from 48 to 195 m-equiv./kg. water, and magnesium from 25 to 60 m-equiv. Taking the sardine Clupea ( = Sardina) pilchardus as an example, the total concentration of the ions sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride and phosphate comes to 486 mg. ions/kg. water, cations (in the same order) in milliequivalents 53.8,170.6,152.1, 51.3 = 428, anions 65.6 + 189.3 = 255. Almost certainly some of the missing anions would be those of the carbonate and phosphate of bone, and the phosphate ion, deemed to be HPO42- in their table, would be in part the trivalent phosphate of the bone salts. These presumed additions would tend to bring cation-anion balance closer. The relatively high sodium and chloride values in the four teleosts, 41-77 and 51-82 mg. ions, respectively, suggest the possibility of small amounts of sea water on the skin or muscle.

Included in McCance & Widdowson’s (1940) extensive data on the chemical composition of foodstuffs are analyses of muscle fillets from four common teleosts including the haddock and plaice. From these it can be calculated that the total concentrations of the principal ions in three of the species range from 296 to 323 mg. ions/kg. water, with a mean value (308) similar to that of Muraena. Of individual ions, sodium is higher and potassium lower than in the Muraena analysis ; chloride tends to be higher also (29-54 mg. ions)On the assumption of 1.8 as the factor for converting mg. atoms P to milliequivalents phosphate anions, cation-anion balance shows a 10, 34 and 42 m-equiv. deficiency in anions in three species, equality in the fourth.

Carteni & Aloj (1935) provide inorganic analyses of the edible portions of three elasmobranchs, and it is of some interest to compare these with the Myxine and Muraena analyses. Elasmobranch blood is more or less isosmotic with sea water, but unlike Myxine slightly less than half the osmotic concentration is due to salts, the remainder being due mainly to the presence of urea and trimethylamine oxide. From Carteni & Aloj’s analyses of the edible portions of the blue shark (Carcharinus), smooth hound (Mustelus) and the sting ray (Dasyatis) can be calculated osmotic concentrations of 295, 302 and 428 mg. ions/kg. water, respectively, for the same ions as set out in Tables 1 and 3. In the first and third, sodium exceeds potassium as in Myxine. Deficiency in anions is 32, 138 and 11 m-equiv., respectively, although chloride is quite high, 108, 64 and 163 mg. ions. Thus elasmobranch muscle in the Italian analyses falls below that of Muraena in total ions in two of the species, and resembles that of Myxine in a fairly high sodium and chloride content. Bialaszewicz & Kupfer’s (1936) analysis of the bases in dorsal muscle of the elasmobranch Torpedo ocellata gives a value of about 240 m-equiv./kg. fresh weight, slightly higher than those of the three Myxine analyses if these are expressed similarly (204, 214 and 230 m-equiv./kg.).

It has been known since the beginning of the century (Fredericq, 1904) that organic compounds must make up a large proportion of the osmotic constituents of muscle in marine invertebrates and elasmobranchs, and a small proportion in teleost fishes. In marine invertebrates these low molecular weight compounds include the organic phosphates acting as anions, such as arginine phosphate, adenosine triphosphate and the hexose phosphates, free amino acids (non-protein amino acids), trimethylamine oxide and glycine betaine (Robertson, 1957). In teleosts creatine phosphate replaces the arginine phosphate, and in addition to trimethylamine oxide and betaine are the dipeptides carnosine and anserine (Love, Lovern & Jones, 1959). Urea is especially abundant in elasmobranch muscle.

It is probable that free amino acids and trimethylamine oxide make up the major part of the 28 % deficit in osmotic concentration of Muraena muscle (Table 3), and the 58% deficit in Myxine muscle (Table 1). Betaine may perhaps be present in Myxine muscle, as it has been found in the related lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis (Strack, Schwaneberg & Wannschaff, 1937).

Comparison of the absolute amounts and relative proportions of electrolytes and organic constituents in the muscles of Myxine, Muraena and the white rat Rattus norvégiens (Conway, 1950a) is made in Table 5. Organic compounds form a decreasing proportion of the osmotic constituents in the series from the cyclostome to the mammal (58-13%). Electrolytes in Myxine muscle average 180% those of the rat, in teleost muscle 113%.

Table 5.

Osmotic constituents of vertebrate muscle

Osmotic constituents of vertebrate muscle
Osmotic constituents of vertebrate muscle

The analytical work was done at the Marine Station, Millport and the Stazione Zoologica, Naples. I am indebted to the former Directors of these stations, Mr E. Ford and Dr Reinhardt Dohrn, respectively, for facilities and kindness. I am grateful for permission to occupy the British Association Table at Naples, and am especially indebted to the Carnegie Trustees for the Research Fellowship which enabled me to pursue this work.

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