The nematode, Caenorhabditis briggsae, was cultured axenically in a mixture of chick embryo extract, autoclaved liver extract and sodium acetate-2-14C. A protein hydrolysate was prepared from the worms and the eggs which were collected from the cultures.
Chromatography and radioautography were carried out in a study of the amino acid composition of the hydrolysate. The following amino acids were found labelled : aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alanine, proline, glycine, serine. Cystein and cystine were oxidized to cysteic acid which was also labelled. The following amino acids were not labelled: arginine, histidine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tyrosine, valine and the combined spot representing phenylalanine, leucine and isoleucine. Tryptophane would have been destroyed by our method of hydrolysis.
Since the labelled amino acids are synthesized by the worm, it is suggested, tentatively, that they are not required in an otherwise adequate diet. So far as the unlabelled amino acids are concerned, it is suggested, on the basis of the results of certain culture experiments (published separately) that, with the probable exception of tyrosine, they are essential in the diet of C. briggsae.
The experiments described in this paper were intended to throw light on the nutrition of nematodes. The soil-inhabiting nematode, Caenorhabditis briggsae, which has already been the subject of much nutritional work, was chosen for the experiments. It has the advantage that it can be cultured indefinitely under axenic conditions, thereby avoiding the complications introduced into much nutritional work by the presence of micro-organisms.
Previous studies with C. briggsae have concentrated, for the most part, on the problem of finding a chemically defined medium with which to determine its nutritional requirements. In most of the defined media tested the worms have failed to grow, but in several experiments freshly hatched worms have grown to maturity and produced a few progeny, although the growth of the progeny was very limited (Dougherty & Hansen, 1956). When certain tissue extracts were added to some of these defined media, rapid growth and reproduction followed (Dougherty & Hansen, 1956). Growth and reproduction can be sustained, probably indefinitely, by serial subculture in some of the supplemented culture media. Despite the difficulties inherent in the use of undefined tissue extracts, some insight into the nutritional requirements of the worms has been gained by the systematic omission of compounds from the supplemented basal medium. The gradual development of these techniques and certain results obtained with them have been fully discussed by Dougherty, Hansen, Nicholas, Mollett & Yarwood (1959).
Determination of amino acid requirements presents particular difficulties because the active tissue extracts all contain much protein, which not only provides ostensibly essential amino acids, but probably also improves upon the general amino acid balance of the basal medium. The preparation and properties of the extracts have been described by Nicholas, Dougherty & Hansen (1959). So far as the need for individual amino acids is concerned, all that can be said from previous work (Dougherty et al. 1959) is that, when the concentration of tissue extract is reduced to such a level that only very limited growth can occur, the omission of some of the amino acids from the basal medium reduces the growth rate still further. At higher concentrations the extracts can adequately supply all the required amino acids.
To explore this problem further we have sought an alternative method of studying amino acid metabolism. We wanted to see, in particular, whether C. briggsae was more demanding in the number of different amino acids required than are many other animals. With this problem in mind, we have experimented with sodium acetate, labelled in the methyl group with 14C, as a nutrient. We have found that the labelled carbon is incorporated into some of the worm’s amino acids and believe that the experiments herein described give indirect although not definite evidence as to which of the amino acids are nutritional essentials, and which non-essentials, for C. briggsae.
To determine which of the worm’s amino acids become labelled with 14C from sodium acetate-2-14C, a hydrolysate of the worm’s proteins was examined by chromatography and radioautography.
Dougherty et al. (1959) have described in considerable detail our methods of maintaining axenic stock cultures of C. briggsae. These stock cultures provided a source of bacteriologically sterile worms with which we initiated our experimental cultures.
The culture medium used was a mixture of chick embryo extract, an autoclaved liver extract, and a solution of sodium acetate-2-14C in the proportions of 2:5:3. The preparation of both the sterile chick embryo extract and the autoclaved liver extract have been described by Nicholas et al. (1959). The sodium acetate-2-14C was dissolved in glass-distilled water, 3·3 mg./ml., and sterilized by filtration through a sintered glass filter. The three solutions were mixed aseptically, and the resulting culture medium, containing 1 mg. sodium acetate/ml., was distributed to sterile screw-capped test tubes (22 mm. diameter).
Two sets of cultures were prepared, containing sodium acetate-2-14C of differing specific activity. They are referred to henceforth as the first and second experiments. In the first, a total of 11·3 ml. culture medium, containing 11·3 mg. sodium acetate-2-14C with a specific activity of 87 μc/mg., was used. The medium was divided equally among three culture tubes. In the second, 12·9 ml. medium, containing 12·9 mg acetate with a specific activity of 28·9 μc./mg., was used, distributed to six culture tubes.
The culture tubes were inoculated with young larvae (60/ml. of culture medium) derived from egg masses. These masses, which characteristically accumulate in the stock cultures, were removed from the stock cultures, washed in four changes of buffer (M/15 potassium phosphate solution at pH 7), and then allowed to remain in the buffer overnight. A thorough account of this technique for inoculating cultures has been given by Dougherty et al. (1959). Because of miscalculation, there were too few larvae to complete the inoculations in the second experiment. Accordingly, the last two tubes were each inoculated with a very small egg mass taken fresh from a stock culture tube and washed in the phosphate buffer. Microscopic examination on the following day showed that the eggs had hatched, though it is likely that these tubes received rather more than 60 larvae per ml.
The cultures were incubated for 14 days at 20° C., a suitable temperature for axenic growth. Previous experience has shown that under such conditions the generation time is about days, so that three generations should have been completed in this time. Each worm, which is a self-fertilizing hermaphrodite, produces several hundred young. Examination under the microscope showed that their rate of growth was apparently normal.
Preparation of the hydrolysate
To harvest the worms, we took advantage of the fact that, although they are usually in continual motion when healthy, their ability to swim in water is poor. Only in viscous media is their swimming effective. They can therefore be washed and concentrated by sedimentation. All the cultures in an experiment were pooled and poured into a 100 ml. measuring cylinder, which was then filled with tap water and shaken. A 5 ml. sample was removed, diluted, and the worms were counted in a measured volume to provide an estimate of the numbers of worms. The worms were allowed to settle in the measuring cylinder for 4 hr. at 4° C., and then all the water except for 10 ml. was removed by aspiration, leaving the sedimented worms. By repeating the process four times we obtained worms free, as judged by microscopic examination, from any of the particulate material that collects in the cultures ; accumulated egg masses were also obtained. After the final sedimentation the worms were further concentrated by low-speed centrifugation and dried to constant weight in an oven at 105° C.
The worms were then treated as described by Moses (1957) in his work on the fungus Zygorrhynchus moelleri. The dried mass of worms was reduced very largely to protein by extraction for 1 hr. in boiling 5 % trichloracetic acid, followed by 5 min. in each of 50% aqueous ethanol, absolute ethanol, 50% ethanol in absolute ether, and three changes of absolute ether. The protein was then hydrolysed with a mixture of equal parts of 10N hydrochloric acid and glacial acetic acid, 1 ml. of the mixture per mg. of dried worms, for 18 hr. at 105° C. in a closed glass tube. The acid was removed by evaporating from water three times under an infrared lamp. Finally, the hydrolysate was taken up in 1 ml. of 3 % hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogea peroxide was used to oxidize the cystine and cysteine to cysteic acid and the methionine to a mixture of the sulphoxide and the sulphone. These amino acids are more readily separated as their oxidized derivatives (Wolfe, 1957).
Two different pairs of solvent systems were employed for two-dimensional descending chromatography. These were :
(1) N-Butanol/propionic acid (71% aqueous propionic acid saturated with N-butanol) followed by water-saturated phenol (unbuffered).
(2) Butanol/ketone (N-butanol, methyl ethyl ketone, 17N ammonia, water in the proportions, 5:3:1:!) followed by butanol/propionic acid. The butanol/ketone solvent system, described by Wolfe (1957), is a monophasic system in which the solvent front is allowed to run off the paper, phenylalanine being run on a parallel paper to give a reference spot.
Oxalic acid-washed Whatman no. 4 paper was used for the separations, which were run at 20° C.
After running the chromatograms the papers were dried in a stream of air and placed in contact with sheets of No-screen X-ray film for 2–3 weeks; the films were then developed. To show up the amino acid spots, the papers were sprayed with a 0·5 % solution of ninhydrin in 90% ethanol and then dried at 70° C. for 10 min. The amino acid spots were identified by comparing them with maps prepared by chromatographing 20 amino acid hydrochlorides, both individually and as a mixture, in both pairs of solvent systems. All the amino acids found in the hydrolysed worm protein were identifiable as one or other of the hydrochlorides mapped.
The radioactive amino acid spots were distinguished by the blackening of overlying areas on the X-ray film. In addition, other radioactive compounds were detected, but not identified. The radioactivity of the amino acid spots was counted on the paper with a halogen-quenched Geiger-Müller tube.
Counts were also made of measured volumes of the hydrolysate, each volume being dried on an aluminium planchette, and of worms and egg masses aseptically removed from the cultures. The worms and egg masses were thoroughly washed in five changes of water, and then dried, as groups of worms or eggs, on aluminium planchettes. Each planchette was counted with a Q-gas-filled (99·05 % helium, 0·95% isobutane) G.M. tube (with a Mylar plastic end-window) and compared with counts of a standard radioactive source (i.e. a planchette coated with sodium acetate-2-14C of known activity).
Of the two experiments, the second was a repeat of the first, except that acetate of higher specific activity was used. The second gave more information than the first, because more amino acids were detectably labelled, presumably by reason of the more radioactive acetate used therein and of a progressive improvement in chromatographic techniques. Thus, the earlier work had given the basis for approximating, in the second experiment, to an optimal volume of protein hydrolysate to be applied (a volume equivalent to about 1·5 mg. dry material—worms and egg masses— gave best results).
A surprising difference, however, was found in the combined dry weight of worms and egg masses recovered from the two experiments, i.e. 6·8 mg. in the first compared with 2·7 mg. in the second. This discrepancy was too large to be accounted for by possible deviation in volume or constitution between the two culture media. Nor could it be accounted for indifferences in the inoculum, although, as we noted in describing our methods, it was found necessary to inoculate two of the second experiment’s six tubes with fresh egg masses instead of young larvae. Examination of the cultures under the microscope showed that the reproduction was less in all tubes of the second experiment—and least of all in the two tubes inoculated with egg masses. The growth rate, for at least the first generation, was normal, maturity being reached in about days. In the absence of appropriate experiments it is impossible to say whether the differing levels of radioactivity in the first and second experiment could have affected the yield of worms or eggs.
It was estimated from counts of diluted samples that the 6-8 mg. recovered in the first experiment represented about 60,000 worms at all stages of growth, as well as many large egg masses, each containing many thousands of eggs. It is important to emphasize that the protein hydrolysate included both worm protein and protein derived from substantial quantities of accumulated eggs. In both experiments only a very small proportion of the 14C added to the culture medium was recovered in the protein hydrolysates, 0·088% in the first experiment and 0·026% in the second. It was none the less found possible to count the activity of individual worms and egg masses (see Table 1).
In the first experiment the following amino acids were found on the paper chromatograms (with use of both pairs of solvent systems): alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, cysteic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, lysine, proline, serine, threonine, tyrosine, valine, and the combined spot for leucine, isoleucine and phenylalanine. All these amino acids and, in addition, methionine, were found in the second experiment. Methionine was only present in small amounts, and no doubt was found in the second experiment because of better technique. Tryptophane, the remaining amino acid commonly found in proteins, would be destroyed by the method of hydrolysis used.
In the first experiment, radioautographs of the chromatograms showed alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and glycine to have become labelled. In the second experiment, alanine, aspartic acid, cysteic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, proline, and serine were labelled with 14C. Finally, we were able to incorporate all these findings in a single chromatogram together with its accompanying radioautograph. They are illustrated in Text-fig. 1 and Pl. 8. The relative activities of the amino acid spots in this chromatogram are given in Table 2.
The hypothesis that we wish to discuss further is that the labelled amino acids can be synthesized by the worms and that they are not, therefore, required in the diet, provided that the diet is adequate in other respects. It must be emphasized that although the worms no doubt ingested some of the 14C as sodium acetate-2-14C, this compound was not, in all probability, the only form in which the 14C was taken in, because the 14C label may well have been excreted in a variety of compounds, only to be taken up again by the worms.
So far as we are aware, the only evidence against this hypothesis comes from work on the incorporation of labelled metabolites into mouse brain by Rafelson, Winzler & Pearson (1951), Winzler, Moldave, Rafelson & Pearson (1952), Moldave, Winzler & Pearson (1953) and Moldave, Rafelson, Lagerborg, Pearson & Winzler (1954). These workers were primarily interested in the effects of virus multiplication on the metabolism of the mouse brain and worked, for the most part, on preparations of minced mouse brain taken from the day-old mouse. They found to their surprise that 14C from uniformly labelled glucose was incorporated into all the amino acids, both essential and non-essential for the mouse, except threonine and proline (Rafelson et al. 1951). Following up this discovery they showed that 14C from uniformly labelled glucose was incorporated into the same amino acids in the intact mouse (Winzler et al. 1952) but that the brain of the day-old mouse was apparently unusual in this respect for in the day-old mouse liver and intestine and the adult mouse brain, both in vivo and in vitro, 14C was only incorporated in some of the non-essential amino acids (Winzler et al. 1952). Minced mouse brain from the day-old mouse also incorporated 14C from other labelled metabolites into the amino acids (Moldave et al. 1953) including several of the essential amino acids. The evidence suggests that the 14C is incorporated first into free amino acids and that labelled protein-bound amino acids are derived from the labelled free amino acids (Moldave et al. 1954). Most of the 14C derived from glucose was incorporated in the carboxyl groups of the amino acids (Rafelson et al. 1951, and Moldave et al. 1953).
Support for the hypothesis comes from the work of Black, Kleiber, Smith & Stewart (1957), who found that the lactating cow incorporated 14C from labelled acetate into the non-essential amino acids secreted as casein, but not into lysine, chosen as a representative of the essential amino acids (for the cow). If, as we think reasonable, the labelling of one of the amino acids is taken as evidence that it can be synthesized by C. briggsae, it remains to be demonstrated that it can be synthesized at an adequate rate to sustain growth and reproduction. A final solution to this problem must probably await the development of a defined medium for culture experiments. However, experiments by Dougherty et al. (1959) suggest that in a minimal culture medium, i.e. one which will just support continued reproduction, containing the essential amino acids, as defined below, either glycine, or glutamic acid, or both, are capable of replacing all the other non-essential amino acids, although other experiments suggested that none of the amino acid mixtures was optimal. The culture medium also contained suboptimal levels of fiver protein.
It cannot be assumed that none of the unlabelled amino acids can be synthesized. In fact, changes in cultural conditions might increase the number becoming labelled, just as, for example, raising the specific activity of the acetate in the second experiment compared with that used in the first experiment increased the number of labelled amino acids that were detected. The proportion of the UC recovered might have been considerably increased by changing the culture medium in other ways ; for example, Roberts, Abelson, Cowie, Bolton & Britten (1955), found the uptake of labelled acetate was greatly influenced by the presence of glucose in cultures of Escherichia coli.
Here too, it will be profitable to consider the results of culture experiments by Dougherty et al. (1959). As was noted in the Introduction to this paper, the omission of certain individual amino acids from a defined basal medium reduced the rate of growth. It will be recalled that the effect of the omissions was only noticeable in media in which the protein-rich supplement had been reduced to a level less than that required for satisfactory growth. It is interesting to note that the amino acids giving this result were the nine, excluding tyrosine, that did not become labelled in either of our experiments—plus tryptophane (destroyed in hydrolysing the worm protein). The culture experiments, therefore, suggest that these ten are required, but what they cannot tell is whether, at higher growth rates, additional amino acids might not be required.
Despite the limitations of our method, it is interesting to compare the nutrition of C. briggsae with that of other animals, so far as it is known, on the assumption that the unlabelled amino acids are essential in the diet and the labelled amino acids are not. Two qualifications should be made, both on grounds of comparative nutrition and in the light of the experiments by Dougherty et al. referred to above. Tryptophane, destroyed by acid hydrolysis and therefore not present in our chromatograms, should be added to the list of essential amino acids, and tyrosine, known to be synthesized by other animals from phenylalanine, omitted. The list of essential amino acids thereby derived i.e. arginine, histidine, leucine, lysine, isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophane, threonine and valine would include those known to be required by most of the few animals whose amino acid requirements have been worked out in any detail. Reference should be made to Meister (1957) and Kidder (1953) for a detailed discussion of the amino acid requirements of other animals. C. briggsae is apparently similar to some strains of the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis, the beetles, Tribolium confusun and Attagenus sp. and the rat. It is thus more demanding than the mouse and dog, which do not need arginine, but less demanding than other strains of Tetrahymena pyriformis, the flagellate Trichomonas foetus, the mosquito Aedes aegypti and the domestic fowl, all of which require additional amino acids.
We wish to thank Prof. Melvin Calvin of the University of California for supplying us with labelled sodium acetate-2-14C and for the use of facilities in his laboratory.