The temperature at which 50 % of a sample of roach (Rutilus rutilus) die within a week cannot be raised above 33-5° C. by raising the acclimatization temperature.
The roach is about as eurythermal as the yellow perch (Perea flavescens).
The mean asphyxial concentration of oxygen at 30 and 32° C. is approximately o-8 mg./l.
Median survival time at any lethal temperature increases with increase in acclimatization temperature; survival time for any acclimatization temperature decreases as test temperature increases; the temperature at which 50 % of a sample die within a week rises by about i° C. for each 30 C. rise in acclimatization temperature.
The behaviour, on transfer to higher temperatures, depends on the acclimatization temperature and the size of the jump in temperature and can be divided into five characteristic stages.
Dying fish develop a black pattern ; myotomie swimming muscles die first and opercular muscles last. The heart was still beating when the fish were opened but the gall bladder was abnormal.
The thermal relations of fishes have been much investigated in Canada and terms describing various states have been defined by Fry and his colleagues from their own observations (Brett, 1941, 1944, 1946; Fry, Brett & Clawson, 1942; Fry, Hart & Walker, 1946; Fry, 1947; Hart, 1947, 1952; Black, 1953) and from the earlier work of Hathaway (1927) and Loeb & Wasteneys (1912).
The temperature relations of British fishes are not very well understood and the available information mainly concerns growth and development (Audigé, 1921; Gray, 1928; Wood, 1932; Brown, 1946, 1951). Cocking (1957), however, showed that the temperature range for good health in the roach is curtailed 4 or 50 C. below the ultimate upper lethal temperature for the species.
This study was designed to provide reliable figures for the upper lethal temperatures and the thermal tolerance for a common British fish. The roach was chosen because it is a ‘coarse’ fish that is very common in the lowland reaches of rivers where pollution is most frequent and because Hartley (1947) had investigated its natural history. Particular attention was paid to its behaviour because although death has often been used as the criterion of the effectiveness of pollution (Fry et al. 1946; Wuhnnann, 1952; Downing, 1954), nobody has described the behaviour of the dying fish or tried to relate this to the lethal factors involved. Wells (1914) and Rubin (1935) both reported that fish become more active at high temperatures and this must affect the fish’s chance of survival.
Winterstein (1908) reported that the asphyxial concentration of oxygen of ‘Rutilus’ at room temperature was 0-4 ml./I., but it is not clear whether these fish were roach or rudd. The ability to withstand low concentrations of oxygen at high temperatures must be of survival value in polluted habitats, so this investigation included estimations of the asphyxial tensions of oxygen of the roach at 30 and 32° C.
Poor condition in the experimental fish is often an important unknown factor in fish physiology. Difficulty in keeping fish healthy (Wells, 1935; Job, 1955) may lead to difficulty in acclimatizing them properly (Hart, 1952). The aim of keeping the fish in first-class condition for the experiments and keeping them in the laboratory at known temperatures was realized ; the temperature history of some of the fish used in the tests was known to within ± o-i° C. for more than 3 months.
Definition of terms
The terms used are those defined by Fry et al. 1946.
Below and above the acclimatization temperature, i.e. the temperature at which the fish have been kept for at least a week, is the zone of tolerance, which contains all temperatures at which over 50% of the fish can live indefinitely. The zone of tolerance is bounded by upper and lower incipient lethal temperatures, which are the temperatures at which 50 % of the fish die within a week. Above the upper incipient and below the lower incipient lethal temperatures are zones of resistance, which include all temperatures at which more than 50% of the fish will die. The time taken to die decreases as the difference between the acclimatization temperature and the temperature to which the fish are transferred increases. The temperature in the zone of resistance at which all the fish die within 10 min. is the temperature of instantaneous death. Raising the acclimatization temperature raises the upper incipient lethal temperature until the ultimate upper lethal temperature for the species is reached, i.e. the highest upper incipient lethal temperature that cannot be increased by raising the acclimatization temperature. Similarly, lowering the acclimatization temperature lowers the lower incipient lethal temperature until the ultimate lower lethal temperature is reached.
The tests were done in a tank room designed to provide constant environmental conditions for growing or acclimatizing fish. Brown (1951) has described an earlier model which resembles the present one in all essentials.
Strand (London) tap water is very hard and contains unusually high concentrations of chloride, sulphate and nitrate ions (Table 1). From November to May it passed through a charcoal filter before entering the tanks to remove possible traces of free chlorine and chloramines. The tanks received 12 hr. of light daily from 20 W., fluorescent, ‘Daylight’ tubes. During the other 12 hr. each day the tanks were in complete darkness.
Most of the roach used were small (2-15 g.) and were caught by seine in Tarn Hows in Furness, Lancashire. Some larger fish (20-40 g.) used in earlier tests came from ponds and rivers in Essex and Cambridgeshire and from a trout stream in Hertfordshire. The fish were, therefore, from natural populations and probably of various ages. The effect of transfer from soft Tarn Hows water (total dissolved solids about 40 p.p.m.) to hard Strand tap water (total dissolved solids about 380 p.p.m.) may have produced a slight increase in resistance to high temperatures (Halsbrand, 1953) but this was not investigated.
A week after arrival, when the fish were feeding, the temperature was raised to the acclimatization temperature at a rate not exceeding i° C. a day and the fish were acclimatized for as long as possible. The fish were kept at 20° C. as a basic acclimatization temperature and were then held for at least a week at the experimental acclimatization temperature. The fish were given as much minced liver as they would eat five or six times a week and lettuce leaves three or four times a week.
I investigated the survival times at constant lethal temperature by the method used by Fry et al. (1946) to investigate the thermal relations of Salvelinus fontinalis.
Roach were acclimatized to 17, 20, 23, 26 and 30° C. for periods up to 3 months and then moved quickly to higher lethal temperatures. The jump in temperature was instantaneous to avoid further acclimatization and the tests were carried on for up to 36 hr. Fish were also acclimatized to 32 and 33° C. but they lost condition rapidly at these temperatures which were maintained for only a few days. When tested at higher temperatures, these fish took up to 4 days to die and, as it was impossible to maintain constant watch over this period of time, no median survival times could be calculated, though the upper incipient lethal temperature was estimated in each case. The fish were starved for 24 hr. before being caught and put into the test tank. Eight fish were used in each test except when acclimatized to 30, 32 and 33° C. when only five fish were used. The test tank was a standard 50 1. tank, stirred and aerated by compressed air, with water flowing through and the temperature controlled to within ±0·1° C.
The criterion of death was that opercular movements, which persisted after the fish was unable to swim, had stopped; if the fish were removed before this stage, it would often recover. Sumner & Doudoroff (1938) using the cessation of respiratory movements as the criterion of death in Gillichthys, found that this fish sometimes recovered when placed in cooler water. In the present tests only one out of all the fish tested recovered when placed in cooler water, so the determination of the death point was an accurate or conservative estimate.
The time of death of each fish was recorded and the fish was then weighed, measured from the tip of the snout to the fork of the tail and opened to determine sex, to see if the heart was still beating and to examine the other organs. Notes were kept of the behaviour of the fish and in many cases individuals were watched continuously from being put into the tank to dying.
The asphyxiai concentration of oxygen at 30 and 32° C. was measured by sealing a roach in a container and estimating the oxygen concentration when it rolled over. It was starved for 48 hr. and put into a light-proof water-bath at the experimental temperature. Water, saturated with oxygen at the experimental temperature, flowed through the container overnight to allow the fish to recover from catching and handling before the flow was stopped. The dissolved oxygen and total ammonia concentrations, alkalinity and pH were measured just before stopping the flow through the container and immediately after the fish had rolled over, and from these measurements the dissolved oxygen, free ammonia and carbon dioxide concentrations could be calculated. The asphyxiated fish was weighed and put into well-aerated water to see if it would recover.
Throughout all experiments temperature was measured to the nearest 0·1°C. Oxygen was estimated by unmodified Winkler’s technique. At high temperatures, in spite of tight fitting stoppers, small bubbles of air (about 0-·1 ml.) were drawn in as the sample cooled. This was prevented by submerging the bottles in boiled-out water; the small volume of water drawn in contained a negligible quantity of oxygen. Carbon dioxide was estimated graphically (Moore, 1939) from measurements of pH, alkalinity and temperature. Ammonia was estimated photo-electrically using Nessler’s reagent and a Hilger ‘Spekker*. Only free ammonia affects fish (Wuhrmann, 1952) and the concentration was calculated from the total ammonia, pH, temperature and total dissolved solids (Downing, personal communication). Alkalinity (equivalent to carbonate hardness) was measured by titrating O-IN-hydrochloric acid against 25 ml. of water, using B.D.H. ‘4·5’ indicator. Total dissolved solids were estimated as recommended by Thresh, Beale & Suckling (1949). The pH was measured on a Cambridge bench-type pH meter. The instrument was compensated for temperature and the buffers used for calibration were kept at the temperature of the water samples.
Survival at constant high temperatures
Table 2 shows the mean survival time for roach acclimatized at 17, 20, 23, 26 and 30° C. and tested at higher, lethal temperatures. Following Fry et al. (1946), the geometric mean time has been used. In Fig. 1, test temperature is plotted against time, on a semi-log scale. For any acclimatization temperature, the survival time decreases as the test temperature increases and the resistance to any given lethal temperature increases with a rise in acclimatization temperature. The graph makes it possible to estimate the median survival time for a group of fish acclimatized to any of the temperatures shown and tested at a higher temperature. The lines representing tests with fish acclimatized to 26 and 30° C. terminate at vertical lines to the right; beyond these less than 50% of the fish would die. There must be corresponding points on the 23, 20 and 17° C. lines but they are off the graph, to the right.
Figure 2 summarizes the information in Table 2 and Fig. 1 and also includes the upper incipient lethal temperatures for fish acclimatized to 32 and 33° C. It shows, for each acclimatization temperature, the size of the upper part of the zone of tolerance, the upper incipient lethal temperature, the zone of resistance and the temperature for instantaneous death which marks the upper limit of the zone of resistance.
Thus for roach the ultimate upper lethal temperature is approximately 33·5° C. As the acclimatization temperature is lowered, the upper incipient lethal temperature is lowered and the zone of tolerance is, therefore, larger at lower acclimatization temperatures.
Thermal tolerance
Figure 3 shows the thermal tolerance of the roach in the way originally adopted by Fry et al. (1942) for year-old goldfish. The lower incipient lethal temperatures for roach acclimatized to 30 and 23° C. were estimated so that the thermal tolerance could be calculated.
Upper incipient lethal temperatures for fish acclimatized to 17, 20, 23, 26, 30, 32 and 33° C. are plotted to show the upper lethal limits; the line joining these points is produced to the left to meet the axis, since no upper incipient lethal temperatures were measured for acclimatization temperatures below 17° C. An increase in acclimatization temperature above 32° C. does not raise the upper incipient lethal temperature so the line joining the upper incipient lethal temperatures becomes horizontal and cuts the line drawn at 45 degrees to the axes at 33·5° C. From the intersection a perpendicular is dropped to cut the lower lethal line which is drawn through the lower incipient lethal temperatures for roach acclimatized to 30 and 23° C. For a species with an ultimate lower lethal temperature above the freezing point of water, the lower lethal line would become horizontal and cut the 45-degree line to the left, but it is probable that the ultimate lower lethal temperature of the roach is about 0°C. and this has been assumed in constructing the diagram. The area contained by the two axes, the upper and lower lethal lines and the perpendicular therefore represents all the thermal variations that roach can tolerate indefinitely. This area equals the thermal tolerance of roach and is 770 square units. The upper incipient lethal temperature of roach increases by about 1° C. for each 30 C. rise in acclimatization temperature. Brett (1944) found a similar relationship between upper incipient lethal temperature and acclimatization temperature in the goldfish and Ameiurus.
Roach living in acclimatization tanks at 20° C. were light, olive green in colour and their breathing was slow and discontinuous. They always formed a shoal at the end of the tank away from the observer a few inches off the bottom ; even three or four roach would form a shoal and show no sign of individual territories. They only moved into the upper and middle parts of the tank when fed ; when transferred from one tank to another they swam to the bottom and remained still or swam quietly, though for the first few hours after transfer they were easily disturbed.
The behaviour of roach when put into lethal temperatures (Table 3) can be divided into five stages : initial distress, recovery, final distress, loss of control and death. Some of the fish in a test went through the stages more quickly than others and at any moment the tank would contain fish in various stages of distress, recovery and death.
When a fish acclimatized to 17° C. was put into a test tank at 29° C. it showed no response for the first min. and then entered the stage of initial distress, characterized by almost complete loss of control. When initial distress was acute, the fish made erratic glides at a speed that the eye could not follow and banged against the thermostat, heating tube and sides of the tank. The fish moved in the upper layers of water and frequently cut the surface; occasionally, fish leaped half out of the water and on two occasions jumped clear of the tank. Breathing was erratic and the fish rolled, pitched and swam vertically up and down the tank. In a less acute form, distress was shown by bursts of very rapid swimming which alternated with quiet pauses. Initial distress usually lasted about 15 min. and was followed by the stage of recovery. The fish moved towards the bottom of the tank and began to pass bubbles of air from the mouth ; it sometimes rose slightly in the water to do this but usually remained near the bottom. Swimming became steadier and the fish began to form a shoal. Very rapid breathing (about 200 movements a minute) and frequent defaecation were also characteristic. The recovery stage sometimes lasted for several hours but it was succeeded by the stage of final distress, which was marked by the development of a characteristic black pattern on the anterior, lateral and dorsal surfaces of the fish (Fig. 4). The black pattern contrasted strongly with the pale olive green of the rest of the body and it increased in intensity up to the end of the stage of final distress, but became fainter again as the fish died. As each fish became distressed, it left the shoal and began moving continually from the bottom of the tank to the top and back to the bottom again. Some fish showed difficulty in maintaining their position in the water by floating upwards when not actively swimming and some passed bubbles of air again, though usually at, or near, the surface of the water. The fish passed gradually from this stage to loss of control, i.e. when they rolled over and could no longer right themselves even if stimulated. Loss of control began as the swimming muscles passed into rigor, resulting in weak, jerky swimming movements with frequent half-rolls. Fish frequently alternated between lying on their sides or on their backs and swimming unsteadily round the tank. When unable to swim they made feeble body movements, but eventually they became unable to move the body at all, even when tapped with a glass rod, though the mouth, opérenla, pectoral fins and eyes continued to move. Occasionally the fish would give a violent coughing reflex when the opercula were widely distended, but the last visible movement before death was very shallow breathing. The fish, therefore, died from the posterior end forwards.
There are three main variations on the scheme outlined above. (1) Fish acclimatized to 200 C. and tested 11 or 12° C. higher show only slight initial distress and this is further reduced in fish acclimatized to 23 and 26° C. until for those acclimatized at 30° C. there is no initial distress and the fish pass straight into the later part of the recovery phase, the first signs of final distress being the appearance of the black pattern. (2) When the jump in temperature takes the fish above the temperature for instantaneous death, it is impossible to distinguish between separate stages, since the fish die in less than 5 min. and the behaviour resembles a short period of initial distress followed by death. (3) At temperatures close to the upper incipient lethal temperature, the fish enter a reduced stage of initial distress followed by the stage of recovery with most of the characteristic signs, including darkening and rapid breathing. Some of the fish become finally distressed and die but others recover completely, darkening disappears and breathing returns to normal. It is often possible to tell which fish will die and which will recover since if the characteristic black pattern appeared (Fig. 4) the fish invariably died, but uniform darkening usually meant that the fish would eventually recover.
When the fish had died, they were opened. In almost every case the heart was still beating and although in some cases the beat was weak and irregular it was often strong and regular. The gall bladder was abnormal, however; in normal roach it is oval and clear light green in colour whereas in test fish it was frequently cloudy and dark green. In fish with long exposures to high temperatures it was black and very large. The black colour was caused by the concentration of bile in the bladder, since when the bile was examined in a strong light in a fine pipette it was clear but a very dark green.
Table 4 shows the concentrations of oxygen, free ammonia and free carbon dioxide at the time of asphyxiation for roach at 30 and 32° C.
At 30° C. the range of asphyxiai concentrations of oxygen is 0·60·1·00 mg./L (mean 0-82 mg./l.) and at 32° C. it is 0·66·0·96 mg./l. (mean 0-79 mg./l.). The ranges and the means are, therefore, very similar. At 32° C. none of the fish recovered when transferred to well-aerated water, but at 30° C. three out of five recovered.
Young goldfish, Carassius auratus (Fry et al. 1942), are the most eurythermal fish known (upper ultimate lethal temperature 40-0° C., thermal tolerance 1220 units) and chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Brett, 1952), the most stenothermal fish known (upper ultimate lethal temperature 23·9° C., thermal tolerance 468 units). The ultimate upper lethal temperature of the roach is about 33·5° C. (Fig. 2) and the thermal tolerance 770 units (Fig. 3). It is, therefore, about halfway between the most eurythermal and stenothermal fish known and has similar thermal limits to Perea flavescens, the yellow perch (Hart, 1952; Fry, 1957; upper ultimate lethal temperature 33·0° C., thermal tolerance 742 units).
It is difficult to compare the thermal relations of roach with those of other British fish because the latter have not been measured. It is clearly more eurythermal than brown trout, Salmo trutta, which will not grow above 21° C. (Brown, 1946), which probably have an upper lethal temperature of about 25° C. and which have a high mortality rate when reared from the egg at 15° C. (Gray, 1928). Brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, have an ultimate upper lethal temperature of 25-3° C. and a thermal tolerance of 625 units (for Canadian fish) and are probably more stenothermal than Salmo trutta. The roach is probably more eurythermal than the minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus. Fortune (1955) reported that minnows died in tap water at temperatures above 23° C. but this observation needs verification, since Barrington & Matty (1954) kept Phoxinus at 26° C. and the ultimate upper lethal temperature is probably about 30° C. Since Perca flavescens and P. fluviatilis are closely allied it is possible that the British perch and roach have similar thermal limits.
The results of the temperature-time experiments (Fig. 2) lead to two conclusions of importance in nature. First, fish will not be killed by a sudden rise in temperature, providing the increase does not take the fish out of the zone of tolerance for the particular acclimatization temperature. Roach acclimatized to 17° C. can withstand an instantaneous jump of 10° C. without dying and they will be able to survive an even greater jump from water colder than 17° C., since the size of the zone of tolerance increases with decrease in acclimatization temperature (Fig. 2). If the relationship between increase in acclimatization and upper incipient lethal temperatures (1° C. rise in upper incipient lethal temperature for each 30 C. rise in acclimatization temperature) holds over the whole thermal range of the species, the zone of tolerance should increase by about 20 C. for each 30 C. fall in acclimatization temperature. Secondly, even if the temperature rises instantaneously to a lethal level (i.e. in the zone of resistance) the fish will survive for a length of time that is a function of the increase in temperature. Roach acclimatized to 20° C. can survive water at 31° C. for a median time of 87 min, and this would give them time in nature to move to cooler water or would allow them to survive if the increase in temperature were only temporary. Under natural conditions, therefore, roach should be most susceptible to a sharp rise in temperature when they are already living near their ultimate upper lethal temperature, but it is difficult to correlate fish kills in nature with temperature, because temperature effects are complicated by the effects of temperature-dependent factors. These results do not mean, however, that fully acclimatized roach can live indefinitely at high sublethal temperatures. When kept at 30° C. for long periods, roach lose condition rapidly and die (Cocking, 1957). Long exposures at temperatures 3·40 C. below the ultimate upper lethal temperatures are, therefore, harmful and result in a loss of condition which would damage a natural population.
The behaviour of roach in constant lethal temperatures depends on the size of the jump in temperature to which the fish are subjected. At temperatures near the upper incipient lethal temperature roach show distress but subsequently recover. At higher temperatures the fish are unable to adjust themselves and die in a characteristic manner, i.e. from the posterior end forwards. Sumner & DoudorofT (1938) noted that GiUichthys died in a similar manner at high temperatures and in potassium cyanide solutions, boiled sea water and anaesthetics. The hearts of the roach were still beating when the body cavities were opened after death. The work of Vernon (1899) and Battle (1926) suggests that heart muscle is more sensitive to heat than skeletal muscle. Since the heart beat was sometimes abnormal, however, it is possible that the heart had stopped and it started to beat again when the fish cooled on being taken out of water and the body cavity opened.
The asphyxiai concentrations of oxygen of roach (Table 4) are some of the lowest recorded for any species and confirm Winterstein’s (1908) results. A low asphyxial tension implies that a species must have a blood of low loading tension and it is possible that the roach, like the carp (Nicloux, 1923), uses its haemoglobin only when in water of very low oxygen concentrations or when very active. The asphyxial concentrations at 30 and 32° C. apply only to fish acclimatized to those temperatures. Aitken (personal communication) has shown that the oxygen consumption of roach muscles from fish acclimatized to 10° C. was much higher at 20° C. than the oxygen consumption of muscles from fish acclimatized to 20° C. Wells (1935) also showed that acclimatization to high temperatures involves a proportionate reduction in metabolic rate. Since the asphyxial concentration of fish depends, in part, on the metabolic rate, the asphyxial concentration of roach at 30° C. following a sudden rise in temperature would be higher than 0·8 mg./l., the amount measured for roach acclimatized to that temperature.
This work was carried out while holding a British Celanese Studentship. I should like to thank Mrs G. C. Varley (Dr M. E. Brown) for her advice and encouragement throughout.