A study has been made of the effects of sudden changes of temperature on the contractile vacuole of the suctorian Discophrya piriformis Guilcher.
A sudden increase of temperature from below 15° C. by 5° or more causes a temporary fall in the rate of output, followed by a rise to a new level higher than the original. During the depression in activity the body swells slightly.
The vacuolar frequency increases immediately but briefly when the temperature is raised, falls steeply when the depression sets in, and when secretion is re-established rises again to a level above the original.
A sudden fall in temperature causes an immediate decrease in vacuolar frequency, followed by a partial restoration. The rate of output falls rather more slowly and remains low. In several cases a small decrease in body volume was observed.
It is suggested that the contractile vacuole is really contractile.
The observations on vacuolar frequency described in this paper are interpreted in terms of an inherent vacuolar rhythm which is modified by temperature and which is partially linked with rate of secretion.
When the suctorian * Discophrya piriformisGuilcher (1947) is transferred to a medium of different osmotic pressure, there is a slight delay in the adjustment of the rate of output of the contractile vacuole to a new osmoregulatory level. It has been suggested that the rate of osmotic uptake of water from the medium into the organism must change simultaneously with the change of medium, and therefore that the lag in vacuolar response must cause a slight change in body volume, which may itself mediate the change in rate of vacuolar output. The calculated change in body volume is too small to be demonstrated directly by measurement (Kitching, 1951).
It has also been shown that the rate of vacuolar output of the peritrich ciliate Carchesium aselli increases with a rise in temperature within the range 0·34° C. (Kitching, 1948a). Moreover, it has been concluded from indirect evidence that an increase in temperature causes an increase in the permeability of the body surface to water, resulting in an increased rate of osmotic uptake of water into the organism, which in turn would provoke an increase in the rate of vacuolar output (Kitching, 1948b). It is possible also that there might be a direct effect of temperature on the rate of vacuolar secretion or on the response of this to small changes in the body volume. It therefore seemed to be of interest to study the effect of sudden changes of temperature on the activity of contractile vacuoles. Discophrya piriformis was chosen as material because its frequency of systole is convenient for studies of this kind. Much work has already been done on the effect of temperature on vacuolar frequency, and references are given by Kitching (1938). These observations are difficult to interpret because the diameter of the vacuole at systole was not measured.
Discophrya piriformis was grown as usual on silk threads and fed on Paramecium or Colpidium. Fairly small individuals were used, having one contractile vacuole.
During experiments Discophrya was kept in a continuous flow of Bristol tap water, supplied at the temperature required from a supply tube fitted with a water jacket, as already described (Kitching, 1934). The apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. The silk threads carrying the Discophrya were looped around the fine thermocouple wire, and the Discophrya used for observation lay with its long axis in the optical plane and within 2 mm. of the thermocouple junction. Two supply tubes, to provide water at different temperatures, were clamped in position as shown, and when the temperature was to be changed one tube was shut off and the other turned on. The heat capacity of the apparatus was very low, as the specimen rested on a long cover-glass instead of on a slide. With brisk flow a rise of 10° C. was 90% complete within 10 sec.
The Discophrya was acclimatized under experimental conditions at the initial experimental temperature for at least 45 min. before observations were begun.
Some 10-20 min. after a change of temperature, the rate of secretion of fluid into the contractile vacuole and the frequency of systole were found to have increased with temperature within the range 5–30° C. There was little change in the ultimate diameter, although this was rather variable at the lower temperatures. The experiments described below are concerned with the process of transition to the new vacuolar rhythm. Twenty-nine experiments were carried out, comprising seventy-five sudden changes of temperature.
After a sharp rise in temperature from below 15° C. (Fig. 2) the current vacuolar cycle was terminated by systole rather more quickly than would otherwise have been the case. The average rate of output for this cycle was found to be high, although the ultimate diameter was smaller than before the rise in temperature. Occasionally one or two additional cycles followed quickly, of short duration, small ultimate diameter and rapidly decreasing rate of output. In any case within a few minutes or less the activity of the contractile vacuole was severely reduced. Often no vacuole was visible at all for several minutes, and in other cases the vacuole was very small, and grew only very slowly. In a number of experiments the body was seen to become smoother in outline during this period, small dimples filling up as though the body were swelling slightly. Vacuolar activity was then gradually restored, with the rate of output, ultimate diameter, and frequency all increasing until a new steady rate was attained, characteristic of the new temperature.
The description given above holds good for all cases in which the initial temperature was below 15° C. ; the rise was at least 5° C. In experiments in which the initial temperature was above 20° C., there was no temporary depression of activity (Fig. 3).
After a sharp fall in temperature (Fig. 2) the current vacuolar cycle was greatly prolonged. The average rate of secretion was usually about the same as before, but the ultimate diameter was much greater; this fact increases the error in determining the rate of output. Systole, when it occurred, was always very slow, sometimes taking several minutes; occasionally it was incomplete. During the next few vacuolar cycles the rate of secretion and ultimate diameter decreased, and the frequency increased, until the steady condition characteristic of the new low temperature was attained. Sometimes during the first few cycles after a fall in temperature several vacuoles were seen to grow in the position of the contractile vacuole and only fused to form the contractile vacuole proper after they had reached a considerable size. This was particularly noticeable at the lowest temperatures (5–10° C.). In three experiments dimples appeared in the body surface during the first few vacuolar cycles after the fall in temperature, as though the body were shrinking. In one case it was possible to observe the increase in depth of these dimples with each successive systole.
Control of vacuolar secretion
The body volume depends on a balance between entry and evacuation of water. If a change of temperature affects these two equally, the body will not change in volume; but if unequally, it will. However, a change in volume will automatically evoke a change in vacuolar output in such a direction as to regulate the body volume towards its original level. At 15° C. a decrease of of body volume is believed to be sufficient to stop vacuolar secretion completely (Kitching, 1951), so that the control of body volume is delicately set. Temperature might affect the sensitivity of this control, but even so it seems likely that a very small change of body volume would be sufficient to correct any differential action of a change of temperature on the uptake and output of water by the organism.
Actually, immediately after an increase in temperature from below 15° C., there is a severe depression of vacuolar secretion. A small amount of water, perhaps already mobilized in contributory vacuoles, is rapidly discharged in some cases, and then secretion is depressed or even almost halted for several minutes. During this period the body swells noticeably; water is probably already entering the body at the increased rate characteristic of the higher temperature. Finally, vacuolar secretion is resumed, perhaps partly in response to the increase in body volume, and a new steady state is established with a greater turn-over of water than before.
When the temperature is suddenly decreased, the rate of vacuolar output may continue for a short time at a relatively high level, but eventually decreases. In several cases during the period of adjustment a definite though slight decrease of body volume was seen. This decrease may perhaps partly determine the decrease in rate of vacuolar output.
Control of systole
The vacuolar cycle has three characteristics: the rate of secretion of water into the vacuole (whatever the mechanism may be), the ultimate or maximal diameter, and the frequency of discharge. All three may vary, but only two may vary independently. For instance, both in peritrich ciliates and in Discophrya piriformis the frequency, ultimate diameter and rate of secretion all increase with a greater osmotic inflow of water from the external medium into the organism. The interpretation of the changes in the vacuolar cycle described in this paper can only be attempted after some speculation as to how these three characteristics of the vacuolar cycle are determined.
The rate of secretion is known to be controlled in accordance with osmotic conditions (Kitching, 1951), and the other two characteristics must together conform to it. If changes in the rate of secretion found their expression entirely in a change either of frequency or of ultimate diameter, the other remaining constant, a simple hypothesis could be devised; but this is not the case. The possibilities therefore remain of supposing either that under constant conditions there is a particular ultimate diameter at which, for mechanical reasons, the vacuole contracts, but that this critical diameter is modified by a change of conditions, or that there is a rhythmic process causing systole at regular intervals, but that the rhythm is subject to modification.
In Amoeba it appears that the contractile vacuole discharges when it reaches and effects the necessary contact with the plasmalemma. In Euplotes also the main vacuole discharges when it makes contact with the pore (Taylor, 1923). It is therefore possible to suppose that in these cases systole is initiated by the piercing or unplugging of the pore and is effected by surface tension or body turgor or the elasticity or contraction of the vacuolar wall, as soon as these are given an opportunity to act. However, in some ciliates, such as the Ophryoscolecidae (MacLennan, 1933), each contractile vacuole remains attached to its pore for a large part of the vacuolar cycle, and yet only contracts when fully grown. Moreover, in one animal there are several vacuoles, and only the full one contracts. Body turgor would affect them all alike, and surface tension would exert the greatest pressure on the smallest vacuole, so that here again there must be some other mechanism by which systole is initiated. MacLennan (1933) has reported that just before systole the protoplasm around the contractile vacuole solates, as judged by Brownian movement, and he has suggested that associated with this there is a solation of the pore plug, permitting body turgor or surface tension to discharge the vacuole. Systole is known to occur in Paramecium when the body is partly shrunk (Kitching, 1952) and in Discophrya when the body is wrinkled (Kitching, 1951; and 1954, fig. 1), so that in these cases at any rate body turgor is not necessary. Surface tension might well provide the small pressure required (Kitching, 1952), provided that the vacuolar wall is liquid. In Amoeba proteus the vacuolar wall is about thick (Mast, 1938), and when an amoeba (A. lacerata) is squashed the vacuole may persist for some time suspended in the surrounding water (Hopkins, 1946). The vacuolar margin is weakly birefringent (Schmidt, 1939). The vacuolar wall therefore clearly has structure, and this structure is likely to be of protein. In the absence of evidence as to the nature of the structure, further comments are purely speculative. However, the vacuolar contents may be regarded as a foreign phase, physiologically external and likely to be surrounded by a plasma membrane, perhaps with protein molecules on the cytoplasmic side oriented in one of the ways discussed by Mitchison (1952, fig. 2). These would provide some elasticity, and if extended could contract as suggested by Schmidt (1939). It seems possible that the solation observed by MacLennan is part of a general condition affecting the whole vacuolar apparatus in such a way as to contract protein molecules ultimately to the globular state, in accordance with the cycle suggested for amoebae by Goldacre & Lorch (1950). This might initially produce an increase in tension in the wall of the vacuole, thus causing the rounding up prior to systole illustrated by MacLennan (1933, fig. C) and also found in various peritrich ciliates. As the protein molecules became globular and passed into the surrounding hyaloplasm, surface tension might take over and complete the process of systole.
It is necessary, and teleologically desirable, to admit a connexion between the frequency of contraction and the rate of secretion. Both are increased by a greater osmotic inflow of water from the medium into the organism. Various possibilities are: (1) that there is a common source of energy or a common component in the two mechanisms, (2) that the small changes in volume which probably control the rate of secretion also affect the consistency of the pore plug or the structure and properties of the vacuolar wall, (3) that extension of the vacuolar wall increases the tendency to discharge and so accelerates the rhythm.
The observations on Discophrya described in this paper will now be considered. An increase of temperature ultimately causes an increase in vacuolar frequency, just as in Carchesium aselli (Kitching, 1948a) and in many other Protozoa. This increase may perhaps be ascribed to an increase in velocity of chemical reactions promoting contraction and solation. However, the immediate effect of a rise of temperature from below 15° C. (Fig. 1) is to depress the secretion of fluid into the contractile vacuole. The first one or two systoles after the rise in temperature occur very quickly, but with a decrease in ultimate diameter; perhaps the timing mechanism has been accelerated, but available water is running short. Then there is a slowing down to a very low frequency. The rise in frequency has been counteracted by the depression in rate of secretion, frequency and secretion being in some way linked, as already explained. Finally, when secretion is resumed, the frequency is restored to the high level which is normal for that temperature.
After a sudden fall of temperature the contractile vacuole continues to grow in volume at a fairly rapid rate, but systole is long delayed, so that the ultimate diameter is much greater than usual. The frequency then increases, and the ultimate diameter decreases, to the steady level characteristic of the lower temperature. Following the analysis by Burton (1939) of overshoot in a chain of chemical reactions, it is possible to suggest that the fall in temperature drastically slows down a chemical process upon which contraction depends, but that as a result of this the products of earlier reactions in the chain pile up and by the law of mass action once more accelerate the rhythm. This concept has been applied to rhythmic processes and neatly demonstrated by Wells & Ledingham (1940). In the case of Discophrya, any overshoot of the rise of vacuolar frequency with increase of temperature would be masked by the depression in secretory activity; however, there is some suggestion of it in Fig. 2.
I am grateful to Prof. J. E. Harris for his helpful criticism of the manuscript. I wish also to thank Mr M. Gillett for taking galvanometer readings during the course of these experiments.
Called Podophrya ap. in earlier papers of this series.