Numerous analyses on the chemical composition of various insects have shown that, as in mammals, fat and glycogen constitute the principal food reserves. Among holometabolic insects the accumulation of these two substances during the larval instars is, to a varying extent, utilized during the process of pupation. Most of the data on the chemical changes during metamorphosis are summarized by Needham (1942). However, as pointed out by Wigglesworth (1939), analyses of the body as a whole show only the gross alterations, and almost nothing is known concerning the composition of the separate organs. The only information available concerns the glycogen content of the isolated insect fat body; thus, Babers (1941) found that in the mature larva of Prodenia eridania (Lep.) the glycogen formed 23·3% of the fat body dry weight, while Yokoyama (1934) estimated the glycogen content of the silkworm fat body to vary from 2 to 17% of the dry weight according to age. No figures have been published for the fat content of the fat body, but histological evidence (Pardi, 1939; Wigglesworth, 1942) clearly demonstrates that fat is also present in high concentration.
In the present work the changes in fat and glycogen occurring in the tracheal organ cells of Gastrophilus intestinalis de Geer during certain stages of development have been followed quantitatively. A description of the life cycle of Gastrophilus is given in earlier papers (Dinulescu,-1932; Keilin, 1944; Levenbook, 1950a), but it may briefly be mentioned that late 2nd instar and 3rd instar larvae up to the time of pupation live attached to the gastric mucosa of the horse’s stomach. The duration of the 3rd instar lasts some 7–8 months, from November to June, and the greater part of this period is spent in a diapausing condition. From July onwards the larvae leave the alimentary tract and pupate in the soil.
The tracheal organ consists of a bunch of very large cells occupying the posterior portion of the body. The structure of these cells, and their relation to the respiratory system, may be found in the works of Enderlein (1899), Prenant (1900), Portier (1911), Radu (1932) and Keilin (1944). As first shown by Dinulescu (1932) and confirmed by the present author, the cells are developed from undifferentiated fat body cells during the first larval instar. Apart from the possession of haemoglobin (Keilin & Wang, 1946) and intracellular tracheoles, the tracheal cells histologically appear similar to the normal fat body cells present in the more anterior part of the body, particularly so far as the distribution of fat and glycogen are concerned. Moreover the one type of tissue merges imperceptibly into the other, and it would appear likely that the storage function of the tracheal and fat body cells are also similar.
As described in previous papers (Levenbook, 1950a, b), fresh Gastrophilus larvae were obtained from a local knackery and were transported to the laboratory on ice. During June and July the pupae were obtained by placing larvae in a dish containing damp sawdust kept at 24° C.
The washed and dried larvae were bled, cut open longitudinally from the anterior end along the ventral side, and the tracheal organ clearly exposed. This was then cut out, quickly rinsed in ice cold ‘Gastrophilus saline’ (Levenbook, 1950a) and superficial moisture removed with filter-paper. The tracheal organ thus obtained consisted of the tracheal cells and the chitinous spiracular end-plate, together with the four tracheal trunks which originate from it. A very small portion of the gut and Malpighian tubules was sometimes also included. The tracheal organs from the pupa did not include the spiracular end-plate nor, after the 2nd day of pupation, the intracellular tracheoles, since these had been extruded. However, depending upon the pupal age, a varying number of phagocytes was included with the tracheal cells.
Glycogen was estimated by a method based on that of Good, Kramer & Somogyi (1933). The cold, dried, tracheal organs were dropped into tared, stoppered tubes containing 20% (w/v) KOH at 100° C. After a few minutes the tubes were cooled and reweighed, and hence the weight of tissue calculated. The tubes were then replaced in the boiling water-bath for a further 30 min. or longer. The chitinous material present was not dissolved by this treatment, and formed a gelatinous layer on top of the alkali. The solution was cooled, quantitatively filtered through washed glass-wool, and the glycogen in the filtrate determined. Reducing value was measured by the method of Miller & Van Slyke (1936).
For estimation of total fatty acids + sterols, hereafter referred to as total fat, 1–1·5 g of tracheal organs were ground to a smooth paste with washed sand and a few drops of water, and this paste extracted for 24 hr. at room temperature with 50 ml. 3 : i (v/v) ethanol-ether (Boyd, 1936). Both solvents were redistilled, the ether being treated just before use so as to destroy peroxides. The extract was filtered through fat-free filter-paper, the filtrate again made up to 50 ml., and 5–10 ml. aliquots taken for analysis of total fat (Bloor, 1928) or phospholipid (Bloor, 1937). To obtain satisfactory blank values it was necessary to purify the Analar petroleum ether as described by Bloor (1928), and to ensure scrupulously clean glassware.
The dry weight of the tissue was estimated after drying in an oven at 105° C. to constant weight. The chitinous material present in the larval tracheal organ accounted for 2–3 % of the total wet weight which, for mature 3rd instar larvae, was about 50 mg.
Kemnitz (1916) found that the material he assumed to be Gastrophilus glycogen as judged by stability to alkali, precipitation by ethanol, and reducing properties following acid hydrolysis, had an optical rotation ., which is within the range of 190–200° C. given by Bell (1948) for glycogen. Conclusive additional evidence for the presence of glycogen in the tracheal cells was obtained as follows.
One gram of tracheal organs was dissolved in hot KOH and the precipitate obtained by the addition of 1·5 vol. ethanol was dissolved in warm water and reprecipitated twice more with ethanol. After drying in vacuo it had the following properties. It was readily soluble in warm water, and this solution gave a red-brown colour with iodine ; no such colour was obtained after an aliquot had been incubated with salivary amylase. The solution had only very weak reducing properties before acid hydrolysis, whilst after hydrolysis there was a marked increase in reducing value (expressed as glucose) when measured by the reduction of alkaline ferricyanide, and the value so obtained was the same as when the actual glucose content of the hydrolysate was measured with glucose oxidase (Keilin & Hartree, 1948). The Seliwanoff reaction for fructose was negative (cf. Levenbook, 1950a), and hence the tracheal organ glycogen is composed of the usual D-glucose units.
It is relevant in this connexion that substances are present in Gastrophilus larva blood (Levenbook, 1950a) and in Lucilia sericata pupae (Evans, 1932), which are also alkali stable, ethanol precipitable and have reducing properties following acid hydrolysis, but which, judged by the additional criteria presented above, are not true glycogen.
The glycogen content of the tracheal cells from larvae of different ages was determined at fortnightly intervals during two generations. Two to three samples of about five tracheal organs were used to obtain a single value, and the combined results are shown in Fig. 1.
The glycogen content was lowest in the tracheal organ from fully grown 2nd instar larvae—the earliest stage examined, and there was a considerable increase in 3rd instar larvae immediately after the 2nd moult. This would indicate that little if any glycogen had been utilized in the formation of new chitin. The glycogen content during the 3rd instar did not change greatly from October to the beginning of December, but thereafter a marked, although temporary, increase in glycogen occurred. From the middle of December the glycogen content rose continuously to reach a maximum value of just over 40 % of the total dry weight in March, after which there was a gradual decrease up to the time of pupation. During the initial stages of pupation glycogen was rapidly utilized, but as metamorphosis continued the rate of glycogen consumption gradually declined.
It should be noted that the absolute values for both glycogen and fat after the 4th day of pupation are probably not as accurate as those for the earlier stages ; by about the 4th day phagocytosis of the tracheal organ has proceeded to the extent that it becomes difficult to separate the tracheal cells from the adjoining tissues, while after the 10th day the inside of the pupa becomes thick and creamy and although numbers of separate tracheal cells still remain, the tracheal organ as such no longer exists.
The fat content of the tracheal cells was also measured at fortnightly intervals during two generations, replicate determinations on twenty to thirty pooled tracheal organs serving to yield a single value. The results are shown in Fig. 2.
No difference was found between the fat content of the tracheal organ from late 2nd and earliest 3rd instar larvae, and there was a progressive accumulation of fat from the earliest stage to the 10th day of pupation. The amount of fat increased most rapidly during the first 7 days of pupation, while during early December, and to a lesser extent again in February, there appeared to be an abrupt fall and rise.
The phospholipid content of the tracheal cells was measured during the 3rd instar at intervals of 3-4 weeks. As noted by other workers (e.g. Artom, 1932), the phospholipid content, as measured by the phosphorus content of the ethanol-ether extract employing a multiplication factor of 25, was considerably higher than that fraction of the total lipid which was relatively insoluble in acetone and precipitable with MgCl2, i.e. by the Bloor (1937) procedure. This discrepancy may mean that lecithin is not a major component, but nothing appears to be known about the constitution of insect phospholipids. The data obtained by the Bloor method are shown in Table 1.
On a wet-weight basis the tracheal organ phospholipid was about three times greater at the beginning of the 3rd instar than just before pupation. However, during the same period the tissue dry weight increased by about one-third of its original value, so that expressed in absolute figures the phospholipid decreased from January to July by about 50%.
Tracheal organ fat and glycogen during starvation
Kemnitz (1916) investigated the changes in fat and glycogen of fasting Gastrophilus larvae both in the presence and absence of oxygen. He showed that both aerobically and anaerobically there was a decrease in glycogen and an increase in fat but, surprisingly, more glycogen was consumed in the presence of O2 than in its absence.
An examination of the tracheal organ of fasting Gastrophilus larvae has shown that the changes referred to above for the whole larva are here seen to occur to an exaggerated degree (Table 2).
The O2 uptake of larvae immersed in a shallow layer of water is a little less than in air (Levenbook, unpublished), but is presumably at least as high as in their normal environment, especially since the O2 tension in the horse’s stomach is said to approach zero (Tappeiner, 1883). The changes in Table 2 therefore indicate that, due to incomplete aerobic oxidation, only a part of the available energy stored as carbohydrate is utilized—a type of reaction discussed in some detail for invertebrates by Brand (1946).
Since the tracheal organ contributes a major portion of the weight of the organized tissue of the Gastrophilus larva, it might be expected that the changes which it shows in fat and glycogen would be also manifested in the variation of these substances for the whole larva.
Considering first the glycogen, Dinulescu (1932) analysed 2nd and 3rd instar Gastrophilus larvae of mixed species, and found that the lowest values (3 % of the larval wet weight) occurring in the 2nd instar were followed by a continuous increase in glycogen during the 3rd instar, with a maximum of 9–10% just before pupation. Kemnitz (1916), on the other hand, found that maximum storage of glycogen took place at the end of January, and that thereafter glycogen was progressively consumed. Fig. 1 shows that the general trend observed by Kemnitz (1916) is in agreement with the present data for the glycogen content of the tracheal organ. Furthermore, the rest of the larval tissues other than the tracheal organ must also be rich in glycogen, since the values on a wet-weight basis for the whole larva and the isolated tracheal cells are in fairly good agreement. Expressed on a dry-weight basis, the tracheal organ values are considerably higher, no doubt because they do not include the considerable amount of water in the larval haemolymph.
The sudden increase in tracheal organ glycogen and the simultaneous decrease in fat that apparently occur during December, is in each case due to a single value (see Figs. 1and 2) which, although the mean of a number of samples from two generations, does not exclude the possibility of a sampling error. However, the fact that the changes for both substances occur at the same time, and that Kemnitz (1916) found a similar sudden decrease in fat for the whole larva, suggests that these fluctuations are genuine. But at present no explanation can be offered as to their significance.
According to Dinulescu (1932) Gastrophilus larvae during the greater part of the third instar take very little, if any, nourishment; the progressive decrease in glycogen and the concomitant increase in fat which occurs from the end of February onwards, the inverse fluctuations in these substances discussed above, and the decrease in glycogen and increased fat in the tracheal organ of larvae fasting in vitro, all suggest that glycogen can be converted into fat in the tracheal cells. Although experimental proof for the occurrence of this reaction in insects’ tissues is at present lacking, the tracheal organ would appear particularly suitable for testing this hypothesis in vitro.
Gastrophilus fat is a yellowish oil, containing a considerably higher proportion of saturated fatty acids (iodine number = 70·2, saponification value = 200·5) than is found in the majority of insects (Timon-David, 1930), but similar to that found by Rainey (1938) for Lucilia sericata. A high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids is characteristic of insect fats, and the low iodine number of Gastrophilus fat might be due to either a low iodine number of the food fats ingested (Yuill & Craig, 1937), or to the relatively high temperature (37–38° C.) of the larval environment, since Fraenkel & Hopf (1940) found the phosphatide fatty acids of certain Dipterous larvae became increasingly saturated as the temperature was raised to 35°
Although fat as measured in the present work includes only total fatty acids plus sterols, there is good reason to suppose that this fraction accounts for the major bulk of the total fat (cf. Wigglesworth, 1939; Rainey, 1938; Finkel, 1948). As in many other insects, the amount of fat accumulated by Gastrophilus increases throughout larval life, and this is reflected in the fat content of the tracheal organ ; by the 10th day of pupation fat accounts for some 36% of the dry weight of the tissue. By analogy with all other insect pupae, this large fat reserve is subsequently utilized during development of the imago. The time at which fat is consumed by Diptera during metamorphosis appears to vary with different genera; in Lucilia fat already decreases in the late 3rd instar larva (Evans, 1932), whereas in Calliphora there is no such decrease until the second half of the pupal period (Frew, 1929).
The small amount of fat in the tracheal cells of early 3rd instar larvae is almost entirely accounted for by phospholipid; since the amount of the latter gradually decreases while the total fat increases, towards the end of the instar phospholipid finally constitutes < 10% of the total fat. In the mealworm also, as fat accumulates, so the percentage of phospholipid declines (Teissier, 1931; Finkel, 1948). The reason for this inverse relationship is obscure, but it may be that energy is better stored in the fatty acids of the relatively stable neutral triglyceride than of the more soluble and reactive phospholipid. It remains to be seen whether phospholipid is reformed during the later stages of pupation when the neutral fat is mobilized.
In the tracheal organ cells of Gastrophilus fat and a material shown to be glycogen are accumulated as food reserves; the amounts of these substances in the tracheal organ have been followed quantitatively during development.
The glycogen content of the tracheal cells is low during the 2nd and early 3rd instars, gradually increases to a maximum of over 40% of the tissue dry weight during the middle of the 3rd instar, and then progressively declines.
Fat is accumulated in the tracheal cells throughout development, and attains a maximum of over 35% of the tissue dry weight at about the 7th-10th day of pupation.
At the beginning of the 3rd instar phospholipid accounts for almost the whole of the total fat; at the end of the instar it forms <10% of the total fat.
In the tracheal organ of fasting Gastrophilus larvae, glycogen is probably converted into fat.
I should like to thank Prof. D. Keilin, F.R.S., for his interest in the present work, and the Agricultural Research Council for a maintenance grant.