On transfer from sea water to dilute sea water, the marine peritrich ciliate Vorticella marina swells more rapidly at higher temperatures.
It is concluded that the permeability of the surface of V. marina to water is influenced by temperature, with a Q10 of very roughly 2·5–3·2.
The body volume of the fresh-water peritrich ciliate Carchesium aselli is maintained approximately constant when the organism is transferred to solutions of sucrose of concentrations up to about 0·04 M; in higher concentrations the organism shrinks.
The rate of output of the contractile vacuole of C. aselli decreases with increasing concentrations of sucrose in the external medium; the rate of output is very low in 0·05 M-sucrose.
From a consideration of the effects of sucrose solutions on the body volume and on the rate of vacuolar output it is concluded that the initial osmotic pressure of C. aselli normally exceeds that of the external pond water by about 0 0·4–0· 05 M non-electrolyte.
The. internal osmotic pressure of C. aselli is not materially increased by increase of temperature.
It is concluded that the increase in rate of vacuolar output, which accompanies increase of temperature, counterbalances an increased rate of osmotic uptake of water from the external medium, and that this increased rate of uptake is due to an effect of temperature on the permeability of the surface through which the water enters.
The rate of vacuolar output is temporarily much increased when C. aselli, which has been equilibrated in solutions of ethylene glycol, is returned to pond water.
It is suggested that the temperature and the osmotic pressure of the external solution largely determine the osmotic stress which is imposed on the organism, and that they thus influence the state of hydration of the protoplasm; in turn this may be supposed to determine the activity of the contractile vacuole.
Increase of temperature, within reasonable biological limits, causes an increase in the rate of output of the contractile vacuole of certain peritrich ciliates without, over a limited period, detectably altering their body volume (Kitching, 1948). It must therefore be concluded that it also produces some corresponding change by which the rate of uptake of water by the animal is immediately and equally increased. Two possibilities have been suggested: the permeability of the body surface, or part of it, to water might be affected by temperature, and so might the concentration of dissolved substances within the organism.
The analysis of the kinetics of osmotic swelling in sea-urchin eggs (reviewed by Lucké & McCutcheon, 1932) has provided a basis for the estimation of the permeability of their surface to water. For the purpose of comparable experiments on peritrich ciliates it seemed better to use a marine than a fresh-water form. Shrinkage cannot be followed experimentally in peritrichs owing to the wrinkling of the body surface; and fresh-water forms are already adapted for existence in a medium of very low osmotic concentration. Moreover, the course of swelling of a marine peritrich in dilute sea water is unlikely, in its initial stages, to be modified by the contractile vacuole; this operates at a low rate except at considerable dilutions (Kitching, 1934). Owing to the large size of sea-urchin eggs, the process of osmotic swelling in their case is not too rapid to be followed conveniently; most peritrich ciliates are much smaller, so that swelling would be likely to take place too quickly to be easily recorded. In view of these considerations the relatively large marine peritrich Vorticella marina was chosen for this part of the present work. The results obtained in this way may be applied with reasonable confidence to the fresh-water form, Carchesium aselli, discussed in the previous paper.
In previous measurements of the internal osmotic pressure of C. aselli (Kitching, 1938) the activity of the contractile vacuole, which might interfere with the results, was suppressed by means of cyanide, and the concentration of sucrose in the external medium which would then maintain the body at constant volume was determined. This procedure is open to the possible objection that cyanide might itself affect the concentration of metabolites such as lactic acid within the organism, and so might change the internal osmotic pressure, although there is no evidence to suggest that this actually occurred. Accordingly, the internal osmotic pressure has now been re-investigated by means of a study of the relations of body volume and rate of vacuolar output to the concentration of sucrose in the medium (without cyanide), and the method has also been applied at high temperature (30° C.). The results of these experiments, together with those on the permeability to water of Vorticella marina, provide the evidence necessary for an explanation of the effect of temperature on the osmotic uptake of water.
Consideration of the problem outlined above immediately suggested another, for the discussion of which some of the same evidence is also relevant. Does temperature influence the rate of vacuole output and of osmotic uptake equally, simultaneously, and independently? Or does temperature first influence the rate of uptake, thereby disturbing the water balance in such a way as to produce a very small change in body volume, to which the contractile vacuole is sensitive and responds appropriately ? If the former alternative were true, its investigation might offer an interesting approach to the further study of the mechanism of vacuolar activity. However, the latter explanation would conform more closely to the usual pattern of physiological co-ordination in animals.
Although the unequivocal testing of these two alternative hypotheses is difficult, useful evidence can be obtained indirectly. If the organism is sensitive to very small changes in internal hydration (or some other closely related condition), then it should respond equally well to these internal changes whether they are due to changed permeability, to changed internal osmotic pressure, or to changed external osmotic pressure. The capacity of the organism to regulate vacuolar activity (and so body volume) in the face of variable osmotic stress imposed by changes of external solution at constant temperature might be expected approximately to equal its capacity to do so in the face of variable osmotic stress resulting from change of temperature. If this were found to be true there would at least be no reason to postulate an independent and controlling effect of temperature on vacuolar activity.
This question has been tested by experiments in which Carchesium aselli has been subjected at constant temperature to conditions calling for reduced vacuolar output and also for greatly increased vacuolar output. For the former the experiments with solutions of sucrose, outlined above, are appropriate. For the latter, the organism was immersed in solutions of ethylene glycol, which penetrates, or escapes from, animal cells at a moderate rate (Jacobs & Stewart, 1932). In this way the internal osmotic pressure of the organism could be built up to such a level that on return to water not containing this substance a considerable osmotic gradient was temporarily imposed. The remarkable capacity of the organism to regulate its body volume in the face of these osmotic gradients is described in the latter part of this paper.
The marine peritrich, Vorticella marina, growing on the green filamentous alga Cladophora, was received by post from Plymouth, and kept in large jars of sea water in a room at a temperature not exceeding 15· C. It was used for experiments on the effect of temperature on the rate of osmotic swelling. The fresh-water peritrich Carchesium aselli was found in a pond in the University grounds on the legs of the isopod Asellus aquaticus. It was used for the experiments on osmoregulatory capacity.
For these various experiments it was necessary to transfer the organisms rapidly from one solution to another at any desired temperature while under continuous observation. The apparatus for irrigation of sessile organisms at controlled temperatures (Kitching, 1934) was modified in certain particulars. This apparatus, as previously described, consists of a glass tube (the ‘supply tube’) passing through a water-jacket at constant temperature. The supply tube opens by a capillary aperture at the edge of the cover-glass under which the organism is mounted, and delivers a continuous supply of the appropriate medium. The liquid is drained away at the other side of the cover-glass into a funnel by means of filter-paper. For the purpose of the present investigation a loop of copper tubing, for the circulation of carbon dioxide snow, was inserted into the water-jacket in order that low temperatures might be attained more quickly. For the lowest temperatures (around o° C. with sea water) alcohol was added to the water in the water-jacket to depress the freezing-point. The liquid was then chilled until sufficient had frozen around the copper tubing to give a good reserve of cooling power. With air bubbled through the liquid in the water-jacket to stir it, and with water flowing down the central supply tube at a constant rate, a steady low temperature could be maintained on the microscope slide with very little trouble. The temperature under the coverglass was as usual measured with a thermocouple.
Quick change of solutions under the cover-glass was effected by the addition of a three-way stopcock to the supply tube before its entry into the water-jacket. The two different solutions to be used (e.g. sea water and dilute sea water) were led by rubber tubing to the stopcock. For the experiments on osmotic swelling a bubble of air was introduced into the limb of the stopcock through which the second solution was supplied, so that when the cock was turned this solution travelled down the supply tube separated by a column of air from the first solution. In this way it was possible to observe the instant at which the second solution reached the cover-glass. In the case of the experiments on osmotic swelling a few drops of a thin suspension of the red powder Scarlet Ancolor Y were injected through the rubber tubing into the second solution at the stopcock and immediately behind the air bubble. Instantaneously on arrival of the second solution at the edge of the cover-glass the red particles were distributed all over the field of vision of the microscope and streamed by rapidly. Thus immediate and thorough replacement of the first solution by the second was always established. The red particles were not used in the other experiments (with sucrose or ethylene glycol), but the flow was brisk enough to assure a quick change of solution under the cover-glass.
Estimation of the body volume of Vorlicella marina, for the experiments on osmotic swelling, was carried out according to the general principles already described (Kitching, 1934), but with certain modifications. It is necessary that the organisms be symmetrical about an axis of rotation in order that a side view in the plane of the central axis may provide the information necessary. A normal expanded V. marina departs rather widely from this condition, nor can any allowance be made for the oral depression, but when contracted it is compact and symmetrical. Accordingly, the organism was caused to contract by a sharp knock on the bench, and it was then quickly photographed with a Leica microscope camera. This procedure was necessary during the first part of an experiment when the organism was in 100% sea water. After it had been transferred to dilute sea water, during the early stages of swelling no external stimulation was necessary to obtain contraction; later the heavily swollen organism was symmetrical, and could contract only very slightly. Since the stalk of V. marina is long and very flexible, the continuous stream of liquid was sufficient to hold the organism accurately in side view. .After the photographic film had been developed each negative was projected on to white paper and the outline of the organism was traced in pencil. The central axis was established by a straight line drawn from the centre of the base through the midpoint of the widest diameter. The outline of each half of the figure was then traversed at least twice with a moment integrator, and the readings of first moment were averaged to give an estimate of the body volume. A similar procedure has been used by Adcock (1940) for estimation of the volume of gregarines.
Observations of contractile vacuoles and food vacuoles was carried out (in the experiments with sucrose and ethylene glycol) as in previous papers of this series (Kitching, 1934).
Effect of temperature on rate of osmotic swelling
In ten experiments photographic records were successfully obtained of the body volume of V. marina before and during osmotic swelling. Four of these experiments were carried out at high temperature (24 – 29° C.), two at intermediate temperature (14 – 17° C.), and four at low temperature (1 – 3 ° C.). The swelling was induced by a rapid change from 100 to 25% sea water. The results are given in Fig. 1.
The initial rates of swelling are shown in Fig. 1 by lines drawn tangentially to the swelling curves. These may be used as a measure of the permeability of the surface, on the assumption of a constant surface area of permeable membrane and of a constant solute content of the body. The figures on the key to permeability in the bottom right quarter of the figure are given in cubic microns per square micron of body surface per atmosphere per minute, on the assumption that the whole body surface is equally permeable. (They may be suitably corrected if this assumption should be proved wrong.) In view of the fact that for a given permeability the slope will vary with the size of the organism, the key provides for two sizes of Vorticella.
In some of the experiments after the organism had undergone some swelling the pellicle became lifted up in blisters. This happened in all cases at the higher temperatures. For each occasion when the organism was blistered the circle on the graph is marked with a short vertical line above it. Such readings do not include the volumes of blisters, which could not be ascertained ; both for this reason and because salts are likely to have escaped, these readings are to be regarded as too low from the point of view of the kinetics of osmosis.
The initial slopes of the swelling curves are greatest at the high temperatures, corresponding to permeabilities of 0 · 25 – 0 · 5 μ3/ μ2atm./min. on the key; they are intermediate at intermediate temperatures, at about 0 ·1 on the key; and they are lowest at the low temperatures, with slopes of around 0 · 025. These values suggest a Q10 of around 2 · 5, – 3 ·2, but the method used is somewhat crude and too much reliance must not be placed on the figures.
Effect of sucrose solutions on the water balance
Specimens of the fresh-water peritrich Carchesium aselli were irrigated at 15 ± 0·5° C. with pond water (pH 7·7–8·0), with one or more solutions of sucrose in pond water, and again with pond water. Observations were made of the dimensions of the body, of the maximal diameters and times of systole of the contractile vacuole, and of the times of uptake of food vacuoles.
Transference of the organism to a dilute solution of sucrose (e.g. 0·01–0·03 M) was rapidly followed by a reduction in rate of output of the contractile vacuole to a new steady value, as illustrated in Fig. 2. The rate of output was reduced to a very low value in 0·05 M-sucrose. The frequency of uptake of food vacuoles was at first little affected by dilute solutions of sucrose, but later became lower; and frequently there were intermissions both of ciliary activity and of uptake of food vacuoles. Food vacuoles formed in solutions of sucrose were sometimes very small. It was noticeable that food vacuoles containing sucrose persisted much longer than those formed in plain pond water, so that the number of food vacuoles visible inside the Carchesium increased, until it sometimes became very difficult or even impossible to follow either the food vacuoles or the contractile vacuole. It was at this stage that the intermissions occurred. No significant change could be detected in the dimensions of the body in concentrations of sucrose of up to 0·03 M. In one experiment (Fig. 3) very slight shrinkage may have occurred in 0·04 M-sucrose, and shrinkage was definite in 0·05 M-sucrose. The results of two experiments in which it was possible to observe the effects of a series of sucrose solutions are illustrated in Fig. 3. The results of other experiments are summarized in Table 1.
In certain experiments there were periods during which no food vacuoles were taken up. Intermission in uptake of food vacuoles and in ciliary activity during the treatment of C. aselli with solutions of sucrose have already been mentioned. Some-times this suppression of ciliary and food-vacuolar activity continued for some time after return of the organism to pond water, as in Exp. 240547 (Table 1). It is noticeable that the contractile vacuole continued to be active in spite of intermission in the uptake of food vacuoles. In Exp. 280547 the organism was not taking up food vacuoles while in pond water at the beginning of the experiment, and did not begin to take them up regularly until it had been for about 15 min. in the sucrose solution. Here again the action of the contractile vacuole does not appear to have been affected.
In three experiments C. aselli was irrigated with sucrose solutions while at high temperature (30° C.). The general procedure is illustrated by the records for one of these experiments (Fig. 4), which is typical. Carchesium was in this case subjected successively to the following treatments: (1) pond water at 15° C., (2) pond water at 30° C., (3) 0·06 M-sucrose in pond water at 30° C., (4) pond water at 30° C., (5) pond water at 15° C. For one of the other two experiments 0·075 M-sucrose was used, and in the other experiment two strengths of sucrose were given, namely 0 ·025 and 0·05 M, both at 30° C. In all these experiments elevation of the temperature to 30° C. was accompanied by the usual great increase in the rate of vacuolar output. Treatment at 30° C. with 0·05–0·075 M-sucrose led to a complete stoppage of vacuolar output, accompanied by a marked shrinkage of the body. Treatment at 30° C. with 0·025 M-sucrose led to a reduction in rate of vacuolar output to 24% of that found with pond water at 30° C., or 88% of that for pond water at 15° C. In these three experiments on return of the organisms to pond water there was a recovery of the rate of Vacuolar output, at 30° C. and at i5°C., to levels somewhat below those at which it had originally stood at these temperatures. The results of these experiments are summarized in Table 2.
Effect of ethylene glycol on the water balance
In ten experiments the fresh-water peritrich C. aselli was irrigated with: (1) pond water, (2) a solution of ethylene glycol in pond water, (3) pond water. In all cases the medium was at 15 ± 0·5° C. and pH 7·6–8·0. Observations were made of the dimensions of the body and of the ultimate diameter and times of systole of the contractile vacuole. Typical results are illustrated in Fig. 5.
During irrigation with solutions of ethylene glycol ranging from 0·025 to 0·5 M there was first a depression of vacuolar output, most marked at the highest concentration. Subsequently there was a partial recovery, which was, however, incomplete; at the highest concentrations used (0·5 M) the rate of vacuolar output levelled off at only one-third of its original value, even though equilibration continued for 75 min. At concentrations of ethylene glycol above 0·05 M there was first a shrinkage of the body, but along with the recovery in vacuolar output the animal regained its normal volume.
When the organism was irrigated once again with plain pond water, there was an immediate and great increase in rate of vacuolar output, which was followed by a decline to about the level at which it had originally stood at the beginning of the experiment. In Fig. 6 is shown the relation between the peak rate of vacuolar output, attained immediately after return to pond water, and the concentration of ethylene glycol with which the organism had been equilibrated. There was a considerable swelling of the body on return of the organism to pond water in two cases, namely after treatment with 0·5 and with 0·25 M-ethylene glycol. In all other cases the body volume remained constant as far as could be detected.
The organisms appeared remarkably normal and healthy during the experiments. In those experiments in which there was a temporary strong shrinkage or swelling of the body, there was also at those times a stoppage of the cilia. Otherwise the cilia beat actively throughout the experiments.
Excess internal osmotic pressure of the fresh-water peritrich Carchesium aselli
No change could be detected in the body volume of C. aselli Immersed in solutions of sucrose of strengths ranging up to about 0·04 M, whereas in 0·05 M solutions of sucrose there was slight shrinkage as previously recorded (Kitching, 1938). In the absence of other disturbing factors it would be concluded that the internal osmotic pressure of the organism exceeds that of pond water by that of a 0·04 M solution of non-electrolyte. It is therefore necessary to consider to what extent other disturbing factors may vitiate this estimate.
The action of the contractile vacuole tends to interfere with osmotic equilibrium between the organism and its environment; that indeed appears to be one of its functions. When the concentration of solutes in the external medium is low, the contractile vacuole operates at a high rate and presumably maintains the osmotic difference. The contractile vacuole may continue to function, although at a low rate of output, even when the concentration of the external medium is raised sufficiently to cause a shrinkage of the body; and under these conditions it may be expected to raise the internal osmotic pressure slightly above that of the experimental external medium. However, in the experiments described in this paper, the rate of vacuolar output of organisms in solutions of sucrose equal to or more concentrated than 0· 04 M was quite low. For instance, in the experiments illustrated in Fig. 3, the rate of output in 0 ·04 M-sucrose was between 10 and 20% of the normal rate in pond water; and, other things being equal, the osmotic difference maintained by the action of the vacuole would only be 10–20 % of the normal. The estimate of excess of internal osmotic pressure would therefore be subject to a correction of no more than this amount.
The results for rate of vacuolar output may also be used as evidence of the normal excess internal osmotic pressure of the organism. Provided that there is no change in any other relevant factor, such as the permeability of the body surface, and provided that a steady state of water balance has been attained, for all occasions on which there was no change of body volume the rate of vacuolar output should be proportional to the difference of osmotic pressure between the organism and the outside medium. The observations of vacuolar output, when plotted against concentration of sucrose in the external medium, should therefore lie on a straight line, the projection of which should intersect the axis representing concentration (Fig. 3), under the hypothetical condition of zero output, at a point representing the normal excess internal osmotic pressure of the organism. Owing to the variability of results no great reliance can be placed on experiments in which only one concentration of sucrose was used. The results of the two experiments in which more than one concentration of sucrose were used are shown in Fig. 3. From these the normal excess internal osmotic pressure would be estimated as that of 0·04 M-sucrose.
Estimates of the excess internal osmotic pressure obtained from vacuolar output at various concentrations of external medium are possibly liable to error owing to the uptake of water in food vacuoles. In the simplest and most extreme case, if all the water taken up in food vacuoles were evacuated through the contractile vacuole, an appropriate reduction could be made from each reading of vacuolar output. The uptake of water in food vacuoles for C. aselli in pond water at 15° C. does not normally exceed 15% of the vacuolar output, and owing to intermissions and to reduced frequency of formation of food vacuoles the absolute rate is no doubt much less in the higher concentrations of sucrose (0·03–0·05 M). A further complication is introduced by the fact that the rate of passage of water from the food vacuoles into the cytoplasm is also much less when there is sucrose in the external medium. If the rate of uptake of water in food vacuoles were always the same, and all the water were eliminated by the contractile vacuole, then the straight lines given in Fig. 3 should be displaced downwards by a distance representing this amount, i. e. 15% of the vacuolar output in pond water at 15° C. ; this would reduce the estimate of normal excess internal osmotic pressure by about 0 ·006 M nonelectrolyte. This represents an extreme value for the correction, and it is possible that no correction at all is required.
An indication of the normal excess internal osmotic pressure of C. aselli can also be obtained from the experiments in which organisms previously equilibrated with ethylene glycol were returned to pond water. From Fig. 6 it will be seen that the peak output, achieved immediately on transfer to pond water, rises by 100% of the normal vacuolar output for approximately every 0·05 M increase in concentration of the ethylene glycol. This result therefore suggests that the normal excess internal osmotic pressure is that of 0·05 M non-electrolyte. Escape of the ethylene glycol from the organism during the course of the readings might lead to a slight overestimate.
Estimates of the excess internal osmotic pressure of C. aselli in pond water at 15° C. are therefore as follows: from the effect of sucrose solutions on the body volume, 0·04 M non-electrolyte (possibly slightly too low); from the relation of vacuolar output to concentration of sucrose in the medium, 0·04 M non-electrolyte (possibly slightly too high); from the peak rate of output on return to pond water after equilibration with solutions of ethylene glycol, 0· 05 M non-electrolyte (possibly slightly too high) ; and, for material from another source, from the effect of sucrose solutions on the body volume in the presence of cyanide (Kitching, 1938), 0·05 M non-electrolyte.
The general estimate of the internal osmotic pressure of C. aselli as that of 0·04–0·05 M non-electrolyte accords with experience of the effect of hypertonic solutions on this organism. It shrinks slightly in 0·05 M solutions of sucrose, and very strongly in 1·0 M solutions. If the excess internal osmotic pressure was only around 0·01 M, as suggested by Mast & Bowen (1944) for Vorticella similis, then it would shrink strongly both in 0 ·05 M solutions and in 1·0 M solutions. It is, however, interesting that Mast & Bowen have observed in Vorticella that the shrinkage of food vacuoles, which normally occurs in the first few minutes after uptake, is checked by the addition of sufficient sucrose—namely in 0·05 M concentration—to the medium. Apart from this, there is no reason why all peritrich ciliates should be considered as having the same internal osmotic pressure.
The effect of temperature on the uptake of water from the medium
The influence of temperature on the rate of osmotic uptake of water by Carchesium aselli from the external medium has a temperature coefficient of the order of 2·5–3· 2. This is too great to be explained in terms of a direct effect of temperature on the osmotic pressure of the internal solution, since such an effect would only be proportional, approximately, to the change in absolute temperature (Q10 < 1·05).
It is not possible to explain the results by postulating a change in the internal concentration of solutes. At 30° C. C. aselli also shrinks in solutions of sucrose at concentrations of 0·05 M-sucrose and upwards, so that the internal concentration of solutes cannot be materially greater than at 15° C. An increase of several-fold would be necessary to account for the observed change in the turnover of water.
The experiments on the osmotic swelling of Voritcella marina indicate a considerable effect of temperature on the initial rate of swelling. This may reasonably be interpreted as an effect on the permeability of the membrane through which the water diffuses. The figures suggest a Q10 of the order required, but they cannot be regarded as more than an approximate indication. However, the general conclusion finds support in the observations of Lucké, Hartline & McCutcheon (1931) on the eggs of Arbacia, and of Delf (1916) on onion leaf and dandelion scape.
It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the action of temperature on the uptake of water of a fresh-water peritrich, postulated in explanation of the ability of the organism to maintain its body volume in spite of great changes in vacuolar output, operates through an effect on permeability of the body surface, or part of it, to water. Change of permeability would include any effects on the diffusibility of water and on the properties of the membrane. The effect of temperature on the viscosity of water, as pointed out by Lucké & McCutcheon (1932) for echinoderm eggs, is not sufficient by itself to account for the results obtained. It has, however, been suggested (Davson & Danielli, 1943, p. 315) that the rate of passage of water through the living membrane is limited by the viscosity of the lipoid constituent, and it seems possible that the effect of temperature on the viscosity of the lipoid might be considerable. Perhaps, however, temperature has other profound effects on the structure of the membrane.
This effect of temperature on water exchange may have fairly widespread application among fresh-water animals. For instance, it has been shown that the rate of passage of water through frog’s skin rises considerably with increase of temperature (Hevesy, Hofer & Krogh, 1935), and so does the urinary output (Krause, 1928). It may prove of some ecological interest that temperature can influence the osmotic stress to which an organism is subjected, and so may determine the osmoregulatory activity which that organism must maintain.
The activity of the contractile vacuole in relation to the osmotic stress imposed on the organism
Under the influence of temperature the rate of output of the contractile vacuole may be varied from about 20% at o° C. to some 400–500% at 30° C. in relation to its normal level at 15° C., without detectable change in the body volume. It is therefore reasonable to suppose that in the case of changes of temperature the contractile vacuole responds primarily to the changed osmotic stress imposed upon the organism, rather than to the temperature directly, just as it must do in the case of the treatment with sucrose or ethylene glycol. This does not imply that the sensitivity of the mechanism may not be affected by temperature—that is to be expected in some measure-—but osmotic stress by itself appears to be capable of eliciting the necessary response.
Presumably the osmotic stress imposed upon a Carchesium must influence vacuolar activity through an effect exerted on the cytoplasm. The most likely means is by a change in the water content of the cytoplasm, perhaps in relation to the proteins, although it is not possible to exclude from consideration changes in the concentration of other solutes. It is therefore reasonable to postulate that the contractile vacuole is sensitive to changes in the state of hydration of the cytoplasm, whether these arise through changes of temperature acting on the permeability of the membrane through which water enters the body or through changes in the concentration of solutes in the external medium. The magnitude of the hypothetical change in body volume necessary to cause a given change in rate of vacuolar output remains unknown in the case of C. aselli. It should be pointed out that a change of body volume by less than 10% probably would not be detected. In the case of certain marine peritrich ciliates it is known (Kitching, 1934) that the contractile vacuole is relatively insensitive to changes of concentration of the external medium, and so of body volume, over the range 100 to 50% sea water. Only when the external medium has been very considerably diluted, and the body has already swollen considerably, do further small changes make a substantial difference to the rate of vacuolar output. In the fresh-water peritrichs, however, it seems that the organism is already very sensitive, so that even a small change in hydration provokes a response sufficient to maintain the body volume constant within fairly narrow limits.
I am grateful to Prof. J. E. Harris for valuable advice and criticism; also to Dr H. Heller for discussing with me certain aspects of the work, to Prof. H. Levy for the loan of a moment integrator, and to Mr E. Livingstone for collecting much of the living material. The camera used for this work was lent by the University of London.