Comparative determinations of fleece atmosphere R.H. using cobalt-chloride papers and paper hygrometers showed that the former were reliable, although their use was subject to a limited humidity range (40−70 % R.y.). Determinations made by means of wool samples were found to be subject to large positive errors, since the wool near the skin did not appear to be in equilibrium with the fleece atmosphere.
Measurements of fleece R.H. by cobalt-chloride papers on twenty-eight sheep of various breeds showed that the R.H. varied considerably from day to day in individual sheep, and in different sheep at the same time. The common condition was one of low R.H., unsuitable for the development of blowfly eggs.
R.H. measurements and a study of the fate of L. sericata egg batches placed in fleeces showed, however, that conditions suitable for development were occasionally experienced in these sheep. Humidities high enough for hatching were more rarely found.
Rapid secretion of watery material by the skin (sweating), leading to suitable humidity conditions for strike, was detected. The various sheep used showed great differences in sweating rates, the most rapid sweating being found in two Down Cross lambs where, at one period, the limiting factor for strike must have been that the blowflies were not attracted to them.
Davies & Hobson (1935), making use of the natural hygroscopic properties of wool, measured the relative humidity of the atmosphere within the fleece. They, studied a variety of fleece types under various weather conditions, and found that the R.H., except on the rump and anal regions, rarely exceeded 70 % even during wet weather. These results, considered in conjunction with the results of laboratory experiments by Evans (1934) led them to conclude that low humidity in the fleece was the deciding factor in determining susceptibility to blowfly strike, and that the humid conditions in soiled wool around the breech, accounted for the frequency of strike in that region. Evidence confirming these conclusions was obtained by Macleod (1940), in a study of the water balance of the fleece. He showed that the fleece R.H. near the skin under summer conditions rarely exceeded 50 %, and, in the sheep he used, rarely became saturated even after heavy rain.
Recent laboratory studies (Davies, 1948) have shown that Lucilia sericata (Mg.) eggs can survive fairly long periods under rather dry conditions at the temperature found near the sheep’s skin, and would thus be expected to complete their development in fleeces if rapid increases in R.H. occurred during their incubation period. The question of fleece R.H.’S was therefore reinvestigated in order to determine whether such fluctuations in R.H. did occur during summer weather. Humidity readings were made by means of cobalt-chloride papers (Solomon, 1945)—a method particularly suitable for this purpose since consecutive readings at particular sites in the fleece could be carried out, and a record of day to day changes in fleece R.H. obtained, with the minimum of disturbance of fleece conditions. In addition a study of the fate of egg batches placed in the fleece was made in order to see how far laboratory results paralleled the behaviour of eggs under field conditions.
(a) Method
Cobalt-chloride papers were used to measure the R.H. of the atmosphere within the sheep’s fleece. Papers for use in the field and standards for comparison were prepared according to the method described by Solomon (1945). Pieces of cobaltchloride paper, numbered before use, of various sizes from 1 × 1 to 1 × 4 cm. were used, and carried to the sheep in dry stoppered tubes. They were carefully inserted end-ways into the fleece, so that one end of the paper rested against the skin and the paper lay along the wool fibres. The position was marked by loosely tying the tips of the wool staples with string. Care was taken to cause as little disturbance as possible to the fleece structure. Standard papers were prepared at 30° C. over a range of R.H. of 30−90 %, at intervals of 5 %. They were made by exposure to the particular humidity for 30 min., and those used in field determinations of fleece humidity were left in position for the same period. On removal from the sheep they were quickly transferred with forceps to a bottle of medicinal paraffin, which preserved the colour they had attained in the fleece. Comparison with standards was made in the laboratory under constant conditions usually within 4 hr. of removing the papers from the fleece.
The most accurate readings were found to be given from 40 to 70 % R.H., where the method was probably accurate to within 3 % R.H. At R.H.’S of 30−40 % no estimate of the precise humidity was made but papers giving such readings were classed below 40 % and are represented on figures as 35 % R.H. When papers were exposed to air well below 40 % R.H. (e.g. 15 % R.H.), their intense blue colour could be distinguished from that at the 30-40 % range. Papers giving this intense blue were thus classified as ‘below 30’. Such readings were encountered under winter conditions (Table 2 (b)). At humidities of over 70 % R.H., owing to small colour differences, readings could only be made to the nearest 5 % R.H.
In view of the fact that steep humidity gradients were found in the fleece, laboratory experiments were carried out on the effects of humidity gradients on strips of cobalt-chloride paper similar to those used in the field. Conditions on sheep wet with rain were simulated by sticking a large piece of fleece, 5 cm. thick, on to a cardboard sheet. The base of the fleece next to the cardboard was maintained dry by packing it with silica gel, while the free wool tips were maintained moist by spraying with water. In this way a steep R.H. gradient in the fleece atmosphere, of below 40 % at the base, to almost 100 % at the wool tips, was maintained. Cobalt-chloride strips measuring 1×3 cm. were placed in this gradient, and the readings at the ends of each paper recorded after various intervals. It was found that very little ‘creep’ of water occurred within 30 min., the time employed in field readings. After 80 min. appreciable ‘creep’ occurred, but it was insufficient to affect the colour at the extreme ‘dry’ end of the strips.
The positions at which papers were placed in fleeces were standardized as much as possible, and were: withers; midback; tailhead; right and left crutch; right and left flank (the flank position being half-way down the sheep’s flank and some distance behind the last rib) ; right and left belly (8 cm. to either side of the umbilicus respectively). Papers were placed at other positions in fleeces, where such readings were likely to be of interest.
In the course of the work, readings by cobalt-chloride papers were obtained for twenty-eight sheep. Daily readings over periods of several days were obtained for nine sheep—five at Houghall Farm, Durham, and four at Crag Farm, Ravenglass, Cumberland. In Table 1 details of five of these sheep referred to in Figs. 2-6 are given.
(b) Comparison of the method with those previously used
A series of parallel fleece humidity readings, using cobalt-chloride papers and the wool weighing technique of Davies & Hobson (1935), were made on three sheep under summer conditions. A further series of triple comparative readings using the present method, the wool method, and the paper hygrometer technique as used by Macleod (1940), were made on three sheep under winter conditions, in December. Care was taken to adhere to the technical details of the methods as given by the above authors, and the results obtained are given in Table 2 (a) and (b). They show several points of interest. The basal wool sample weighings in Table 2 (a) show that their water content was higher than would be expected on the basis of the fleece atmosphere R.H. readings by cobalt-chloride papers; the basal wool, it seems, was not in equilibrium with the basal fleece atmosphere. Table 2 (b) shows that this condition also existed in winter. This phenomenon was found also by Macleod when he Compared the results of wool calibrations with those of paper hygrometers. He suggested that the positive discrepancy in the results of the wool weighing technique was probably due to continuous skin gland secretion (possibly yolk), which would be expected to be less marked in winter. However this may be, it seems that the wool weighing technique is subject to such positive errors that it cannot legitimately be used to assess the suitability of fleece humidity conditions for blowfly strike near the skin.
In the present paper it will be shown that considerable humidity changes can occur in the basal fleece atmosphere within periods as short as 1 hr. ; therefore the time taken by pieces of fleece to regain equilibrium with the fleece atmosphere after a sudden humidity change is of practical importance. In the laboratory, it was found that unwashed naked fleece samples, about 400 mg. in weight, transferred from 0 to 95 % R.H. at 37° C., needed well over 3 hr. to regain complete equilibrium with the higher humidity, while cobalt-chloride strips showed that the air entangled in the fleece samples reached the new humidity (95 % R.H.) within 1 hr. This considerable lag would invalidate results by the wool calibration method during showery weather, when the basal fleece humidities may fluctuate rapidly.
The consecutive humidity readings in Table 2 (a) show that rain on the outside of the fleece, although not penetrating to the basal 1 cm., increased the moisture content of the basal fleece during the wet period. This phenomenon was also described by Macleod in his paper and he suggested the possibility of some vapour diffusion process at work along the length of the wool fibres.
Although cobalt-chloride papers cannot be used with accuracy below 40 % R.H., Table 2 (b) shows fairly close agreement between R.H. measurements by this method and those by paper hygrometers, at identical sites in the fleeces. Cobalt-chloride papers have distinct advantages over paper hygrometers for fleece humidity measurements in that they are far smaller and can be inserted into the fleece with less disturbance of fleece conditions. Further they are capable of registering the type of humidity gradients which occur in fleeces under British conditions. For example, in Table 2 (b), it will be seen in the third set of readings (sheep 2) that cobalt-chloride papers indicated an R.H. gradient in the fleece atmosphere, rising sharply from 40 % near the skin to 58 % R.H. at 3 cm. off the skin. A paper hygrometer placed as close as possible to the skin at this point in a natural shed of the fleece, failed to give any indication of this gradient but showed an intermediate R.H.—namely 50 %. It will be appreciated that a paper hygrometer in the form of a cylinder 1-25 cm. in diameter and 8 cm. long, placed with the long axis parallel to the skin, cannot easily rest in contact (with the latter) along the whole of its length in a fairly close fleece.
(c) Fleece humidity fluctuations, as measured by cobalt-chloride papers
In the following pages, unless otherwise stated, the terms ‘fleece R.H.’ and ‘basal fleece R.H.’ refer to the R.H. of the fleece atmosphere within 1 cm. of the skin of the sheep. The figures except Fig. 6, refer to the R.H. at this position.
Sheep nos. 1−3 and 7, the fleece R.H. readings of which are graphed in Figs. 3−6, were studied at Houghall Farm, Durham, and should be considered in the light of meteorological data taken at this farm and summarized in Fig. 1. Sheep nos. 4 and 5 were at Crag Farm, Cumberland.
The time of day at which particular fleece readings were made is given as G.M.T.
Sheep 4 and 5 (Fig. 2). Observations on these sheep were made during cool summer weather. It will be seen that the fleece R.H. near the skin at the midback of sheep 4 was below 40 % during most of the period; this is shown in Fig. 2 as 35 %. It will be seen that when these sheep were wet after rain (e.g. 6, 8 Aug.) the fleece R.H. was appreciably raised, especially in sheep 5, in which after heavy rain it frequently reached 60−80 %. The fleece of this sheep (5)—a Herdwick wether—was short and coarse (see Table 1) and penetration of rain drops to the basal cm. of the fleece along the back and flanks was the rule rather than the exception. That the effect of rain on the basal fleece R.H. was of short duration is shown on 8 Aug. where two sets of readings were made—one at 09·00 hr. when the sheep were wet after night rain, and another at 14·30 hr. when the sheep had dried. The readings showed that after the rain dried from the outsides of the fleeces, the R.H. near the skin had fallen rapidly in all cases.
The general picture of fleece humidities in sheep 4 (Fig. 2) is one of low R.H. raised for short periods by the effect of rain and dew, and agrees with the account given by Macleod (1940), who used mainly Down Cross lambs. The same figure, however, shows other features. In sheep 4 the R.H. near the skin at the right crutch was, during most of the period, significantly higher than over the rest of the body, although the fleece was not contaminated with any dung or urine. By estimating the percentage development of freshly laid L. sericata egg batches, placed in various parts of the fleece of this sheep, it was shown that only in the crutch was the humidity suitable for blowfly egg development; other parts were too dry (see Section II of this paper). This higher R.H. in the crutch region seems to have been due to more rapid skin secretory activity in that region compared with the rest of the body surface, since cobalt-chloride strips in the former position frequently showed a higher R.H. at the skin surface than at 2 cm. up the wool staple. Other experiments on sheep 4 also pointed to the same conclusion (Cragg & Davies, 1947).
Comparing fleece R.H. readings for sheep 4 with those for sheep 5 (Fig. 2) it will be seen that the fleece of the latter sheep was consistently more humid. In sheep 5, only 37 % of the ninety-three readings taken were at 50 % R.H. or below that level, compared with 79 % in sheep 4 (ninety-four readings). These differences may be due to greater skin secretory activity in sheep 5. This view was confirmed by the fact that in this sheep, when the fleece was not wet with rain, the R.H. was frequently higher near the skin surface than at points farther out in the fleece ; this occurred less frequently in sheep 4.
Sheep 2 and 3 (Fig. 3). These were two short-fleeced Swaledale × Border Leicester (‘Mule’) lambs. Humidities are again seen to be below 40 % R.H. when the sheep were dry, but rain on the outside of their fleeces raised the basal humidities considerably, e.g. 22 July. Since their fleeces were short, rain was frequently found to penetrate to the basal cm. of the fleece, and sometimes to the skin along their backs. On their flanks, the wool locks formed an efficient ‘roof-tile’ system whereby the rain was turned off their bodies. These two lambs, however, did show idiosyncrasies in fleece R.H., possibly correlated with differences in their fleeces (see Table 1). After rain, the fleece R.H. tended to be higher in the close-fleeced sheep 2 than in the slack-fleeced sheep 3 (Fig. 3: 22, 29, 30 July). Macleod (1940) claims to have shown that rain penetrates farther into a close than into a slack fleece. It was noticed in the field that the slack fleece of sheep 3, after rain had ceased, always became dry to the touch in a shorter time than did that of sheep 2. These observations tend to support the contention of Macleod. It is also to be expected that drying processes within the thickness of the fleece would be more rapid in a slack fleece.
Fig. 3 indicates that the fleece humidities of these short-fleeced lambs tended to follow fluctuations of macroclimatic R.H., apart from the direct effect of rain drops in their fleeces.
Suggestion of a diurnal rhythm of fleece R.H., which would be well developed in hot weather with heavy dew or rain during the night, is afforded by the data in Fig. 3 (22 July) when humidity readings were taken in the morning, after night rain, and again in late afternoon (cf. Fig. 2: 8 Aug., when a similar result was obtained).
Sheep 1 and 7 (Fig. 4). The picture of fleece R.H. in these two Down Cross lambs differs markedly from that of the sheep hitherto considered. Humidities in the fleeces of these sheep from 8 to 16 July were above 60 % and frequently above 85 % R.H. For the most part high R.H.’S were confined to the basal 1 cm. or so next to the skin, and cobalt-chloride paper strips indicated very steep humidity gradients, from 60 to 90 % R.H. near the skin, to below 40 % R.H. 3 cm. up the wool staples. To confirm the existence of a high humidity near the skin, on 13 July a batch of laboratory laid L. sericata eggs, which had been incubated to within half an hour of hatching, was placed in the fleece, at the withers of sheep 1. Half of the batch was placed at the base of the fleece against the skin, and the other 3 cm. away from the skin. The eggs placed near the skin hatched immediately, and a strike was established at that spot without any addition of moisture ; those eggs 3 cm. from the skin did not hatch. This shows that the humidity near the skin was at least 80 % R.H., and nearer the outer surface of the fleece very much lower (see Cragg & Davies, 1947). These two lambs (sheep 1 and 7) were healthy and undipped. Drops of yellow-stained watery material were observed on wool fibres near the skin, and were wet to the touch. When cobalt-chloride strips came into contact with them, they produced a characteristic decolorization in which the cobalt salt was washed up the paper, leaving a colourless edge. This phenomenon was similar to that produced by contact with water droplets. Contact with greasy material, causing a translucent stain on the papers, was much rarer.
Since sheep 1 and 7 were sweating to an extent sufficient to maintain suitable humidities for the development and survival of blowfly eggs and young larvae during the period 8−16 July (Fig. 4), the limiting factor for strike on these sheep must have been that they did not attract blowflies to oviposit on them. The weather during that week was exceptionally hot and dry (Fig. 1). Sweating, as measured by a high humidity close to the skin, was particularly rapid in the withers region in both sheep (Fig. 4), and it appeared to spread to other parts of the body as the hot weather continued. Observations on five other Suffolk Cross and Oxford. Cross lambs during the same period showed that similar high fleece R.H.’S existed in four of them, at one or more of the positions where humidity readings were taken.
From Fig. 1 it will be seen that the weather after 13 July became cooler and wetter. Sheep 1 and 7 were dipped in a D.D.T. emulsion on the morning of 18 July and daily fleece readings recommenced on 23 July; some of the results are graphed in Fig. 5. Comparing Figs. 4 and 5, it will be seen that in the second period their fleeces were considerably drier, and quite in keeping with Figs. 2 and 3. In both sheep, however, during the period 23−27 July (Fig. 5), humidities were still high in the flank position. It is concluded that sweating had diminished over most of the body surface, but was still sufficiently rapid on the flanks to maintain high R.H.’S close to the skin. Additional daily humidity readings taken in dry weather showed that rapid sweating frequently occurred over large areas of the flanks of both sheep at this time. Fig. 6 shows that these flank sweat-areas were not constant, but varied from day to day.
Some indication of the relationship of fleece atmosphere R.H. to macroclimatic R.H. is given in Fig. 7, where humidity readings at the skin surface are compared with those at 3 cm. off the skin, and with the macroclimatic R.H., read by a sling psychrometer at the time the fleece readings were taken. The fleece readings refer, to the right flank position of sheep 1 during a period when sweating was occurring in that region. From the data in Fig. 7 the following will be noted:
Quite apart from the direct effect of rain, the fleece R.H. at 3 cm. off the skin tended to follow variations in macroclimatic R.H. (e.g. 31 July-2 Aug.).
The skin surface R.H. bore no relation to macroclimatic R.H.
During rapid sweating the fleece R.H. was found to be highest close to the skin : this represents a reversal of the gradient to be expected on grounds of thermal stratification of the fleece atmosphere (e.g. 24-26 July, 31 July-1 Aug.).
The R.H. gradient, due to sweating, may be abolished (27 July) or its direction may be reversed (30 July) by heavy rain.
It was shown by Cragg & Davies (1947) that increased sweating can be produced, in some sheep, by causing them to run. In four such running experiments on one sheep, sweating was detected at the withers in each case, but never at the midback. Since the withers and midback positions were only about 30 cm. apart, sweating would thus appear to be sometimes sharply restricted to particular parts of the body surface. This fact may account for some strikes on clean wool, otherwise difficult to explain. Examples of such strikes, occurring at the same spot on one sheep in successive years, are quoted by Macleod (1943). The following observations show that factors other than muscular exertion also influence the rate of sweating. Fleece humidity readings were taken on sheep 10, a Swaledale Ram lamb, at 09.30 hr. on 20 Aug.; these readings are given in Table 3. The higher humidities next the skin indicate that rapid sweating was occurring, although the sheep had not been running nor was it excited abnormally during the period of the observations. Readings at the same positions on this sheep were carried out 3 hr. later under similar weather conditions. They showed that the fleece atmosphere throughout the thickness of the fleece was below 40 % R.H., indicating that sweating had ceased, or at least was proceeding at a slower rate. Simultaneous observations on sheep 4 showed no such variations, although both sheep were kept together and treated identically. It is evident that skin secretory activity in sheep may be governed by factors, other than muscular activity, which are not directly dependent on external conditions such as atmospheric humidity or air temperature.
The above observations also show that moisture at the base of even a thick, close fleece, is very rapidly evaporated, and that to maintain high humidities at its base, suitable for blowfly eggs to develop, a continuous supply of moisture is needed.
Egg batches, freshly laid by laboratory bred flies, were placed in various positions on the sheep mentioned in the preceding section. A small number of eggs of each batch were set aside in saturated air as controls. Batches were removed from the sheep after 12−16 hr., the constituent eggs teased out after wetting, and the proportion of eggs containing fully developed first instar larvae estimated (Table 4).
The humidity readings in Table 4 (b), col. 4, were taken 6−12 hr. after the end of the incubation period of the eggs in question. Thus, they do not necessarily represent the humidity conditions to which the eggs were subjected during development.
In general, the results in Table 4 confirmed laboratory experiments on the L. sericata egg, and emphasized the reliability of readings of fleece humidity by cobalt-chloride papers. Using the latter technique, it was shown for sheep 4, that humidities in the crutch region were higher than in most other parts of the fleece (Fig. 2). The humidity in the crutch often approached 50 % R.H.—the minimum humidity for the successful development of eggs at 37 ° C. These results were confirmed by placing eggs in various parts of the fleece of this sheep (Table 4 (b)). Of five batches placed in the midback and withers regions, in three, all eggs failed to complete development, whilst in the other two only 10 % reached the prehatching stage. Of four batches placed in the right crutch, three showed practically 100 % completion of development, whilst 20 % of the remaining 4th batch reached the same stage. Thus only the crutch region was sufficiently humid for the development of L. sericata eggs.
Altogether forty-two egg batches were placed in the fleeces of nine sheep; in sixteen batches more than 50 % of the eggs completed development; in twelve between 1 and 50 % of the eggs reached the same stage ; whilst in the remaining fourteen batches all eggs died through desiccation at an early stage in development. In a few batches, several eggs hatched whilst in the fleece. Of the batches in which more than 50 % of the eggs completed development, some were taken out of the fleece after 10−12 hr. and placed in saturated air; from these many larvae hatched within a few minutes.
It is clearly evident from the above experiments, that humidity conditions in sheep fleeces are sometimes maintained at a level sufficient for blowfly eggs to complete development. Humidities high enough for hatching, however, occur less frequently.
Since a proportion of L. sericata eggs can complete development at 50 % R.H. 37 ° C. (Davies, 1948), the present observations show that suitable humidities for the development of blowfly eggs occur comparatively frequently in the fleeces of some sheep. In such sheep the crucial factor would appear to be the extent and rapidity of rises in fleece R.H. which enable hatching to occur. The rise in basal fleece humidity caused in some way by the presence of free water on the outside of the fleece, described by Macleod (1940), was confirmed in the present investigation. When the outside of the fleece was wet, basal fleece humidities frequently rose to 60−80 % R.H., when some hatching would occur. The fleece atmosphere near the skin did not, however, become saturated, again confirming Macleod’s findings. Rain drops were observed to penetrate within 1 cm. of the skin along the back, in short-fleeced Swaledale × Border Leicester lambs, and also in short coarse fleeced Herdwick and Swaledale wethers.
It can be visualized that sudden heavy rain, or sunny showery weather, in addition to promoting fly activity, could provide sudden rises in fleece R.H. and enable eggs to hatch. Under such conditions, the ability of the larvae to remain imprisoned in the shell for 3 hr. (Davies, 1948), is of potential importance, since, especially in hill districts, heavy rain may occur within short periods during weather which is mainly sunny and suitable for fly activity. Blowflies are particularly active during the early forenoon, and eggs laid at such a time would be reaching the hatching condition during a period when dew was falling, or when the sheep might be lying in dew-laden vegetation. The sudden rise in basal fleece R.H. when the outside of the fleece is wet, might lead to hatching of the eggs, especially if they were not laid near the skin. For example, in sheep i, the basal humidities at the tailhead and right crutch positions at 04·00 hr. on 9 July, a cool morning with very heavy dew, were 68 and 67 % R.H., respectively. At these positions at 14.00 hrs. on the same day when the sheep were dry and the afternoon hot, the humidities had fallen to 53 and 57 % R.H., respectively.
Laboratory experiments (Davies, 1948) have shown that 50 % of L. sericata eggs survived in saturated air after exposure for 7−8 hr. to air of 40 % R.H. 37 ° C., provided the eggs had not previously been exposed to high humidities. Eggs laid under dry fleece conditions in the field would therefore be expected to survive if the humidity rose sharply during the incubation period. The present work showed that such rapid rises in humidity near the skin of sheep, do occur. It seems, however, that the transitory effect of rain in raising the basal fleece R.H. would rarely cause strike to develop, since first instar larvae of L. sericata survive for only about 1 hr. at 50 % R.H. 37 ° C. (Davies & Hobson, 1935).
It was also shown (Davies, 1948) that L. sericata eggs, if incubated in saturated air at 37° C. for a few minutes, could withstand very little desiccation when subsequently incubated at a low R.H. This property of the eggs may be of importance in preventing strike development in the field, particularly when eggs are laid immediately after rain, since the water present on the outside of the fleece raises the R.H. near the skin for so short a time.
Both Davies & Hobson (1935) and Macleod (1940) found that the vapour pressure near the skin of sheep, even in dry summer weather, was usually higher than that of the external atmosphere. They considered the excess to be due to evaporation from the skin. It appears from the readings of fleece R.H. given by Macleod (1940) that in the sheep he used, evaporation of water from the skin as measured by the positive balance of vapour pressure near the skin, was much less rapid than was found in some of the sheep used in the present investigation. Among the latter the high R.H. of the basal fleece, due to sweating, showed marked variation in intensity and in distribution over the body. Of twenty-eight sheep of various breeds investigated, five were Down Cross lambs (either Suffolk × Mule or Oxford × Half Bred) of which two, studied in detail, showed continuous sweating in warm weather to such an extent that their fleeces were humid enough near the skin for strike to develop. In these sheep the usual descending R.H. gradient towards the skin (owing to the higher temperature near the latter) was not present. Instead, a gradient in the reverse direction occurred with humidities of 70−90 % R.H. near the skin, whilst the outer layers of the fleece were considerably drier (25−50 %). In none of the other sheep used (various Herdwicks and Swaledales and their crosses) was such continuous general sweating found over large areas of the body. In the latter sheep, as shown in the figures, sweating over more restricted areas and for shorter periods sometimes occurred.
Many farmers consider Down breeds and their crosses to sweat more than other classes of British breeds, especially when fat, and in addition they are considered to be more susceptible to blowfly strike. In one Down Cross lamb (sheep 1, Fig. 4) sweating was found for considerable periods to be more rapid at the withers, a region where strikes occur comparatively frequently (Macleod, 1943).
It appears probable that some part of the suint fraction (Freney, 1940) of the living fleece represents the dried residue of the watery skin secretions which, in the present work, was found at times to raise the R.H. near the skin of some sheep. That rapid changes may occur in the rate of this secretory activity is suggested by R.H. changes which are not referable to weather changes, and which can occur at the base of the fleece (e.g. sheep 10, Table 3 and text). In view of these observations the work of Hobson (1936) appears in a new light. He carried out suint analyses on wool samples from struck and unstruck sheep, and concluded that strike could occur when the suint content was low. This result does not preclude the possibility that susceptibility to strike may sometimes be linked with rapid sweating, leading to high basal fleece humidities. Such activity might render a region suitable for strike development, before any appreciable local rise in the suint content of the fleece could occur. Hobson (1936) also found that in Welsh mountain sheep, flank and belly wool contained more suint than wool from other parts of the body. In sheep studied in the present work, two Down Cross lambs (sheep 1 and 7) showed sweating restricted to the flanks for a considerable period, and one Swaledale Ram, not included in the preceding figures, was also found to sweat continuously on the flanks alone, for a period of 3 weeks. These observations tend to confirm the belief that the suint fraction does have some connexion with the watery skin secretions found in sheep used during the present investigation. Freney (1940) has already suggested that suint may be a constituent of a true sweat, utilized to regulate body temperature.
My thanks are due to Mr J. B. Cragg for much guidance and encouragement; to Dr V. B. Wigglesworth, F.R.S., for his interest in the work, to Mr G. B. S. Heath of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Veterinary Laboratory for facilities willingly granted to me at Crag Farm, Cumberland, and to Mr J. W. Cassels of the Durham County Council, School of Agriculture, for his willing co-operation in providing extensive opportunities at Houghall Farm. The work was financed by a grant from the Agricultural Research Council.