Wind is a significant factor in the thermoregulation of chicks of shorebirds on the Arctic tundra. We investigated the effect of wind at speeds typical of near-surface conditions (0.1-3 ms-1) on metabolic heat production, evaporative cooling and thermal conductance of 1- to 3- week-old downy scolopacid chicks (least sandpiper Calidris minutilla;short-billed dowitcher Limnodromus griseus; whimbrel Numenius phaeopus). Body mass ranged from 9 to 109 g. To accurately measure the interacting effects of air temperature and wind speed, we used two or more air temperatures between 15° and 30°C that produced cold stress at all wind speeds, but allowed chicks to maintain normal body temperature(approximately 39°C). Thermal conductance increased by 30-50% as wind speed increased from 0.1 to 3 ms-1. Conductance in these chicks is somewhat lower than that of 1-day-old mallard ducklings of similar mass, but higher than values reported for downy capercaillie and Xantus' murrelet chicks, as well as for adult shorebirds. Evaporative water loss was substantial and increased with mass and air temperature. We developed a standard operative temperature scale for shorebird chicks. The ratio of evaporative cooling to heat production varied with wind speed and air temperature.

Many shorebird species (Scolopacidae and Charadriidae) migrate long distances to breed on the Arctic tundra(Piersma et al., 1996). On arrival, energy reserves of individuals are small, and consequently the energy needed to provide for eggs and chicks comes from the brief summer abundance of arthropod food items (Järvinen and Väisänen, 1978; Klaassen et al., 2001). Shorebird chicks leave the nest soon after hatching to follow their parents and forage for food (Nice,1962). Success requires chicks to grow to maturity quickly while food is available, and to do this while exposed to the frequently cold and windy Arctic microclimate.

Because downy chicks are poorly insulated compared to adults(McNabb and McNabb, 1977; Taylor, 1986; Visser, 1998), foraging and thermoregulation costs are high, accounting for 25-30% of the total energy budget (Schekkerman and Visser,2001). Moreover, foraging requires physiological maturity of muscle tissue for effective locomotion and thermoregulation, while rapid growth is typically associated with physiological immaturity(Ricklefs et al., 1994; Visser and Ricklefs, 1995; Starck and Ricklefs, 1998; Krijgsveld et al., 2001). This conflict limits the peak metabolic rate of young chicks.

Thus, foraging chicks often cannot, or at least do not, maintain a stable body temperature (Tb). Chicks of some species can continue foraging until Tb falls as low as 30°C(Norton, 1973), but nevertheless parental brooding eventually becomes necessary. Because brooding prevents foraging by both the chicks and the brooding parent, adverse weather can depress growth (Beintema and Visser,1989a; Schekkerman et al.,1998; Schekkerman and Visser,2001). To understand the behavior, physiology and energetics of Arctic breeding one must therefore relate foraging time and thermoregulatory costs to thermal conditions. Given the scarcity of shelter on the tundra, wind is likely to be a significant factor in the cost of Arctic shorebird thermoregulation (Piersma and Morrison,1994; Wiersma and Piersma,1994). Although some authors have remarked that down seems rather sensitive to wind (Taylor,1986; Visser,1998), the effect of wind on downy chicks has received but limited attention (Bakken et al.,1999), and no data are available on shorebird chicks.

We measured oxygen consumption in relation to temperature and wind speed in downy scolopacid chicks of different ages varying in mass by an order of magnitude. Chicks were from species with small, medium and large adults: least sandpipers Calidris minutilla (approx. 20-30 g), shortbilled dowitchers Limnodromus griseus (approx. 100-130 g) and whimbrels Numenius phaeopus (approx. 300-400 g). Heat loss from the legs and bill during cold stress is minimized by countercurrent heat exchange in a wide range of species (Ederstrom and Brumleve,1964; Steen and Steen,1965; Kilgore and Schmidt-Nielsen, 1975; Hagan and Heath, 1980; Midtgård, 1980). Consequently, the variation in relative leg and bill length of growing shorebird chicks of different species is probably unimportant. As their morphology is otherwise similar, we describe thermoregulatory responses by a single allometric model. We also use our data to define a standard operative temperature (Tes) scale that may be useful in field studies of shorebird chick behavior and energetics. Standard operative temperature is the temperature of a standard respirometer with essentially no wind, within which the same animal would have the same net heat production(Bakken, 1976, 1992).


We conducted this study at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre,Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, during the summer of 1997. We collected eggs from different clutches of least sandpiper Calidris minutilla Vieillot,short-billed dowitcher Limnodromus griseus Gmelin and whimbrel, Numenius phaeopus L., and transported them to the laboratory, where they were incubated at 37°C and 80% relative humidity. After hatching,chicks were kept in boxes with an elevated wire mesh floor over sawdust. A light bulb in one corner of each box allowed chicks to thermoregulate behaviorally until they were fully homeothermic at room temperature. The lights were then removed. Food (turkey starter, canned tuna, boiled eggs and fresh insects) and water were provided ad libitum (for details, see Krijgsveld et al., 2001). Eggs were collected under permit from the Canadian Wildlife Service, and laboratory procedures were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of Missouri — St Louis.

Experiments were begun when body mass was equal to or greater than 9 g(approx. 7 days post-hatching) for least sandpipers (N=4), 20 g (5 days) for dowitchers (N=8), and 63 g (7 days) for whimbrels(N=4). Studies were continued until contour feathers began to appear,at which time body mass was less than 18 g (14 days) for least sandpipers, 56 g (19 days) for dowitchers and 109 g (11 days) for whimbrels.

Body temperature

We measured Tb at 1 min intervals to within±0.1°C with a 36AWG (0.13 mm conductors, 0.14 mm×0.69 mm overall) Teflon®-insulated duplex thermocouple (type TT, Omega Engineering, Stamford, CT, USA). We looped one full turn of the wire through the thread holes of a clothing button, cemented it in place with the sensing junction extending 1-2.5 cm beyond the button, and rounded the sensing junction with a drop of epoxy cement. We matched button diameter and probe length to the size of the chick. At the time of the experiment, we lubricated the sensing junction with petroleum jelly, and inserted it into the cloaca. We then secured the assembly by folding several nearby feathers over the button and gluing them to the button with cyanoacrylate adhesive. At the end of the experiment, the glue was dissolved with acetone to release the feathers so that the thermocouple could be removed. Because some down was lost each time,we limited body temperature measurements to approximately 40% of our runs to avoid increasing normal rates of heat loss. We monitored Tb during the first experiments in each size class to avoid conditions leading to hypothermia. We also monitored Tb on a random sample of chicks thereafter.

Experimental conditions

Our experimental conditions excluded solar radiation and simulated the cold, windy conditions experienced by chicks during storms, heavy overcast days, or the brief Arctic night. Our small-volume wind tunnel metabolism chamber was limited to winds of speeds less than 3.5 ms-1(Bakken et al., 1989). However,this range of wind speed is sufficient to determine the quantitative trend of wind effects. Further, wind speed varies logarithmically with height(Campbell et al., 1980), such that wind measured at 10 cm height over tundra is only 20-35% of that measured 3 m above the surface (G.S.B., unpublished data from four tundra sites near the Churchill Northern Studies Centre). Thus, our data can be used directly with standard wind speeds up to 8-15 ms-1 (30-50 km h-1). Finally, internal temperature gradients and peak metabolic rates vary with body temperature, which complicates accurate measurements of thermal conductance on cooling animals(Eppley, 1994; O'Conner, 1999). Consequently,we used experimental air temperatures chosen such that chicks were normothermic but below their lower critical temperature at all wind speeds.

Gas exchange

We measured oxygen consumption and evaporative water loss at four wind speeds (u; 0.1, 0.8, 1.8 and 3.0 ms-1) and at least two air temperatures (Ta) between 15° and 30°C, the exact value of Ta depending on the age and mass of the chick. Procedures generally follow those detailed in earlier studies (Bakken et al., 1991, 1996), with some changes in instrumentation. We measured oxygen consumption using an open-circuit system supplied with dry, CO2-free, outdoor air at 1.11 min-1,measured using a precision rotameter (Brooks Full View, Emerson Electric,Hatfield, PA, USA) calibrated on-site against a bubble meter(Levy, 1964). We measured the oxygen content of a dry, CO2-free subsample (200 ml min-1) of chamber air with an electrochemical oxygen analyzer(FC-1, Sable Systems, Henderson, NV, USA) and the water vapor density of a separate subsample (200 ml min-1) using a dewpoint hygrometer (880,EG&G, Waltham, MA, USA). We corrected all values to standard temperature and pressure (STP) using an electronic readout barometric pressure transducer(Model 2014-27/31.5, YSI Instruments, Yellow Springs, OH, USA). We calibrated fan-shaft revs min-1, measured with a dedicated phototachometer,against wind speed, measured with a Prandtl-design Pitot tube and electronic hook gauge (Dwyer Instruments, Michigan City, IN, USA). We measured various temperatures with copper-constantan thermocouples (type TT, Omega Engineering,Stamford, CT, USA). A digital data logger (CR-21X, Campbell Scientific, Logan,UT, USA) recorded Ta, Tb and rotameter temperature, analyzer outputs and fan revs min-1. Control outputs were used to automatically step through a predetermined randomized sequence of wind speeds and switch a solenoid valve at 1 min intervals to alternate sample and reference gas flow to the FC-1 for continuous baseline correction. The FC-1 equilibrated within 40s of switching, including washout time for the analyzer gas scrubbers. We used Z-transform methods to compute `instantaneous'oxygen consumption and evaporative water loss for each 2 min sample interval(Bartholomew et al., 1981; Bakken, 1991a).

After weighing the chick, we installed the cloacal thermocouple and placed it in the chamber, before allowing 30 min for it to recover from handling. We then conducted measurements for 30 min at each wind speed. At the end of the run, we removed the thermocouple, reweighed the chick, and returned it to its box no more than 3.5 h after it was first removed. Because we needed to maintain normal growth patterns while making maximum use of a limited number of chicks, we made no attempt to ensure that chicks were post-absorptive. Consequently, the respiratory exchange ratio may have varied during the run. The order of wind speeds was randomized during each series to minimize any resulting bias in our estimates of the effect of wind on heat loss. Total chick metabolism included basal, thermoregulatory and active metabolism, the heat increment of feeding (SDA) and growth. We assumed full thermoregulatory substitution of all forms of metabolic heat production, which may or may not be correct (Hart, 1952; Paladino and King, 1984; Klaassen et al., 1989; Webster and Weathers, 1990; Zerba and Walsberg, 1992; Zerba et al., 1999).

Data analysis

Data were converted to heat production M (W) and evaporative cooling E (W), assuming 20.08 J ml-1 O2consumed and 2427 J g-1 H2O evaporated. We discarded all data from chicks that became hypothermic during the experiment(Tb<37°C). Also, data points identified as outliers(studentized residuals >3) in a preliminary multiple-regression model were further scrutinized, and the entire run was discarded if there was evidence of hyperactivity or abnormal experimental conditions during the measurements.

To allow comparison of thermoregulatory responses across the full range of age and body mass, we computed overall thermal conductance, Ko:
and, for comparison with older studies, wet thermal conductance, Kow:
where both Kow and Ko are W°C-1.

We used SYSTAT 7.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA) for all statistical analyses. Because of the considerable inter- and intraspecific variation in mass, we conducted allometric analyses using log10-transformed data when appropriate to ensure homogeneity of variances. Homogeneity of variance was then verified by examining residual plots. To allow statistical analysis, we assumed that rapid growth justified treating each measurement as independent. This assumption is not strictly correct, and consequently our results apply only to the specific animals studied. In any event, the greatest source of uncertainty in applying our data to wild chicks is systematic rather than statistical, namely the effects of captive rearing. For example, captive shorebird chicks may have lower total energy requirements and higher average growth rates than wild ones (Beintema and Visser, 1989b; Schekkerman and Visser, 2001).

Body temperature

The variation in Tb values in an individual chick during a run generally exceeded the variation among birds. Therefore, we treated the mean Tb value at each wind speed as an independent measurement. For each run, this yielded four temperature measurements spaced at 30 min intervals. Nearly all such Tb measurements fell within the 38-40°C range. The main exceptions were for a few of the smallest sandpipers and dowitchers near the end of measurements at the highest wind speed, 3 ms-1. Generally, if Tb fell below 37°C it would continue to decrease. We excluded these cases as incipiently hypothermic. For the remaining data, average Tb values were 39.24±0.45°C (mean ± S.D., N=15) for whimbrels,38.73±0.56°C (N=38) for dowitchers, and 38.56±0.80°C (N=9) for least sandpipers. These values are consistent with other data on chicks of the same species (J.B.W., unpublished data), and were assumed in calculations for experiments when Tb was not measured.

Heat is stored or released when chick Tb changes, and this needs to be included in the overall energy budget(Eppley, 1994). We estimated the maximum rate of heat storage or release as cpmTbt),where m is body mass (g), cp is tissue heat capacity (3.48 J g-1) and t is time (s). However, for the Tb variation observed in our normothermic chicks, heat storage was negligible relative to the average energy expended during a 30 min interval.

Evaporative water loss

Evaporative water loss from shorebird chicks varied with mass and Ta. The best-fit (adj. r2=0.76, F2,117=188) model for evaporative cooling E (W)was:
The interaction term between Ta and m was highly significant (t=5.02, P<0.00001) and resulted in a 10%decrease in the standard error of the estimate. This indicates that the effect of air temperature on evaporation varied with chick size, possibly because convective heat and mass transport vary with body size(Gates, 1980). Evaporative water loss in these shorebird chicks appears relatively high compared to other birds (Fig. 1). The published regression lines included for comparison are for thermally neutral temperatures, and consequently our data and regression in Fig. 1 have been adjusted to Ta=25°C using Equation 2. Note that we measured evaporative water loss primarily to estimate the effect of wind on dry thermal conductance, and did not attempt to standardize chamber vapor pressure. Consequently, our evaporative water loss data should be used with caution.
Fig. 1.

Logarithmic plots of daily total evaporative water loss (g day-1) as a function of body mass. As evaporative water loss from birds is sensitive to ambient temperature, Equation 2 was used to adjust both plotted data and the regression line to a nearly thermally neutral 25°C for comparison with simple and phylogenetic allometric regression models for birds in thermally neutral conditions (equations 2 and 7 in Williams, 1996).

Fig. 1.

Logarithmic plots of daily total evaporative water loss (g day-1) as a function of body mass. As evaporative water loss from birds is sensitive to ambient temperature, Equation 2 was used to adjust both plotted data and the regression line to a nearly thermally neutral 25°C for comparison with simple and phylogenetic allometric regression models for birds in thermally neutral conditions (equations 2 and 7 in Williams, 1996).

Thermal conductance

Wind speed u affects both boundary layer convection processes,which are proportional to u0.5, and dynamic processes(wind displacement of and penetration among insulating fibers), which are proportional to u2(Bakken, 1991b). The net result is that overall thermal conductance is related to u raised to an intermediate exponent, the value reflecting the weighting of convective and dynamic processes by the structure of the insulation. Therefore, we first fitted a preliminary model of the form a+buc+dmf to our data, where a, b, c, d and f are fitted coefficients. The best-fit wind speed exponents were c=1.04-1.09. The exact value of c was not critical, and consequently u1.0 was used in the final allometric models (Table 1).

Table 1.

Allometric models describing overall thermal conductanceKoand wet thermal conductanceKowfor adult nonpasserine birds and shorebird chicks

C0log10(m)uAdj. r2F
Dependent variable log10(Ko), Ko=(M—E)/(TbTa     
Adult nonpasserinesa -2.427 0.52    
Shorebird chicks -2.122 0.466 0.0594 0.88 F2,116=429 
Dependent variable log10(Kow), Kow=M/(TbTa     
Adult nonpasserinesb -2.326 0.46    
Adult summer nonpasserinec -2.505 0.57    
Adult winter nonpasserined -2.655 0.59    
Adult nonpasserine active phase -2.278 0.52    
Adult shorebirdsf -2.467 0.56  0.97 F1,6=281 
Shorebird chicks -1.869 0.399 0.0433 0.86 F2,116=361 
C0log10(m)uAdj. r2F
Dependent variable log10(Ko), Ko=(M—E)/(TbTa     
Adult nonpasserinesa -2.427 0.52    
Shorebird chicks -2.122 0.466 0.0594 0.88 F2,116=429 
Dependent variable log10(Kow), Kow=M/(TbTa     
Adult nonpasserinesb -2.326 0.46    
Adult summer nonpasserinec -2.505 0.57    
Adult winter nonpasserined -2.655 0.59    
Adult nonpasserine active phase -2.278 0.52    
Adult shorebirdsf -2.467 0.56  0.97 F1,6=281 
Shorebird chicks -1.869 0.399 0.0433 0.86 F2,116=361 

eAschoff (1981),active-phase nonpasserines.


Calder and King (1974),equation 14b.


Calder and King (1974),equation 14.


Kendeigh et al. (1977),equation 5.8.


Kendeigh et al. (1977),equation 5.


Our regression fitted to data from Kersten and Piersma(1987), table 3, for Arenaria interpres, Pluvialis squatarola and Haematopus ostralegus adults (118-540g), plus data for Charadrius dubius(36g) and Scolopax rusticola (mass 430g) from Kendeigh et al.(1977), Appendix 5.1.

We also plotted conductance as a function of body mass(Fig. 2A,B), using LOWESS(locally weighted scatterplot smoother) regressions(Cleveland, 1985) to data at each of the four wind speeds. The LOWESS lines suggest that the correlations between both log10Ko and log10Kow and log10m are nonlinear, and that wind has a relatively greater effect on the smallest chicks, a result expected from convective transport theory. LOWESS does not assume a particular model, and thus cannot provide statistical information on goodness-of-fit that might test the reality of, or hypotheses about, the curvature. (Indeed, the goodness of fit is set a priori by the LOWESS tension parameter). We tested polynomial regressions on body mass, as well as regressions where each species was assigned a dummy variable equal to 1 if the data applied to that species and 0 otherwise(Draper and Smith, 1981). These models explained significantly more variance than the linear model,indicating the relation is indeed nonlinear. However, we cannot discriminate between phylogenetic and mass-related physical effects such as convection because mass and taxon are confounded.

Fig. 2.

Logarithmic plots of thermal conductance versus body mass for downy shorebird chicks showing that conductance increases markedly with wind,especially for smaller chicks. To show trends, LOWESS (locally weighted scatterplot smoother) regressions have been fitted to data taken at wind speeds of 0.1 m s-1 (solid red line), 0.8 m s-1 (broken orange line) 1.8 m s-1 (broken green line) and 3.0 m s-1(dotted blue line). (A) Dry conductance Ko=(M-E)/(Tb-Ta). The dashed black line is a regression to data on adult nonpasserines(Calder and King, 1974). For comparison, the conductance of 1-day-old mallard ducklings exposed to 0.1 m s-1 wind is indicated with a black asterisk(Bakken et al., 1999). (B) Wet conductance Kow=M/(Tb-Ta). The results for our 7- to 10-day-old chicks at 0.1 m s-1 are consistent with data on newly hatched (<24 h-old) shorebirds in still air(dotted red line; Kow=0.0125m0.371)(Visser and Ricklefs, 1993). The conductances of notably cold-resistant downy chicks are shown for comparison, including 1-day-old mallards (asterisk; Bakken et al., 1999), 2-day and 6-day-old Xantus' murrelets (pentagon; Eppley, 1984), and 3-day and 6-day-old capercaillie (diamonds; Pis,2002). Also shown are some regression models for adult conductance: broken red lines, our regression to data from adult shorebirds(36-540 g; Kersten and Piersma,1987; Kendeigh et al.,1977); solid black lines, active phase adult nonpasserines(Aschoff, 1981); broken black lines, winter adult nonpasserines(Kendeigh et al., 1977). Model parameters are given in Table 1.

Fig. 2.

Logarithmic plots of thermal conductance versus body mass for downy shorebird chicks showing that conductance increases markedly with wind,especially for smaller chicks. To show trends, LOWESS (locally weighted scatterplot smoother) regressions have been fitted to data taken at wind speeds of 0.1 m s-1 (solid red line), 0.8 m s-1 (broken orange line) 1.8 m s-1 (broken green line) and 3.0 m s-1(dotted blue line). (A) Dry conductance Ko=(M-E)/(Tb-Ta). The dashed black line is a regression to data on adult nonpasserines(Calder and King, 1974). For comparison, the conductance of 1-day-old mallard ducklings exposed to 0.1 m s-1 wind is indicated with a black asterisk(Bakken et al., 1999). (B) Wet conductance Kow=M/(Tb-Ta). The results for our 7- to 10-day-old chicks at 0.1 m s-1 are consistent with data on newly hatched (<24 h-old) shorebirds in still air(dotted red line; Kow=0.0125m0.371)(Visser and Ricklefs, 1993). The conductances of notably cold-resistant downy chicks are shown for comparison, including 1-day-old mallards (asterisk; Bakken et al., 1999), 2-day and 6-day-old Xantus' murrelets (pentagon; Eppley, 1984), and 3-day and 6-day-old capercaillie (diamonds; Pis,2002). Also shown are some regression models for adult conductance: broken red lines, our regression to data from adult shorebirds(36-540 g; Kersten and Piersma,1987; Kendeigh et al.,1977); solid black lines, active phase adult nonpasserines(Aschoff, 1981); broken black lines, winter adult nonpasserines(Kendeigh et al., 1977). Model parameters are given in Table 1.

Standard operative temperature scale

Standard operative temperature Tes is the temperature defined by an enclosure with free-convection conditions (u½0)in which the animal with the same body temperature Tbwould have the same net heat loss as it does in its actual environment(Bakken, 1976, 1992). We defined a standard operative temperature (Tes) scale appropriate for use in the absence of thermally significant visible radiation. For this case,operative temperature Te equals air temperature Ta, and:
The overall thermal conductance in the reference enclosure is Kos, and the overall thermal conductance in the actual environment is Ko. Using the regression equations in Table 1 to define Ko and Kos gives Tes scales based on dry conductance:
and wet conductance
However, these equations may slightly underestimate the effect of wind on the Tes experienced by the smallest chicks, because of the known greater importance of convective heat transfer for smaller animals noted earlier.

Standard operative temperature

In the absence of solar radiation, the main factor causing Tes to differ from Ta is wind speed. Early studies of the effect of wind speed on thermoregulation almost always presented their data as regressions using u½ as the independent variable. This practice was based on engineering relationships developed for smooth metal surfaces(Porter and Gates, 1969). This u½ response was imposed on the relationship between wind and thermal conductance, and carried over to Tesscales based on these published data. This includes the general passerine scale proposed by Bakken(1990):
This dependence is incorrect for porous insulation, as noted earlier(Campbell et al., 1980; Bakken, 1991b; Bakken et al., 1999). Correlations based on u½ overestimate the effect of small increases in wind speed, but the practical significance is not obvious. Given the observation that the thermal conductance of contour feathers varies as approximately u0.7, and fur or down as u1.0, (present study; Bakken, 1991b; Bakken et al., 1999), the overall effect of imposing a u½ on the Tes scale should be evaluated for both down and contour feathers.
A suitable published Tes scale for adult birds with contour feathers is not available, so we reanalyzed data on dark-eyed juncos from Bakken et al. (1991). The best-fit relation had conductance vary as u0.7. The corresponding Tes scale is:

For downy chicks that respond to u1.0, we used Equations 3a and 3b, plus a Tes scale developed for 1-day-old mallard ducklings (equations 4 and 5 in Bakken et al., 1999). The junco and mallard Tes scales involve recursive relations,and were solved numerically (Bakken et al.,1991).

Because these Tes scales have different mathematical forms, they are best compared graphically(Fig. 3). Comparisons assume the average conditions of the present study, Ta=20°C and u=0-3 m s-1. The importance of wind is evident, as even at room temperature, a wind speed of 3 m s-1 decreases Tes by 7-8°C and increases heat loss by 40-50%. The overall effect of wind, and thus the effect of differences in wind response among temperature scales, is greater at lower Ta values. While the relative effect of wind on Tes is similar among the downy chicks and adult passerines, the effect on required heat production also depends on the baseline conductance at low wind speed:
Thus, the substantially higher conductance of chicks(Fig. 2) means they experience a greater absolute change in energetic cost for a given change in Tes.
Fig. 3.

Comparison of the effect of wind speed on operative temperature Tes given by different Tes scales. Solid lines, 25 g shorebirds (upper line, Equation 3b; lower line, Equation 3c). Long broken lines, dark-eyed junco modeled using the best-fit wind speed dependence of u0.7 (junco data taken from Bakken et al., 1999). Short broken lines, mallard ducklings using the best fit wind-speed dependence of u1.0 (Bakken et al.,1999). Dotted line, Equation 4, based on published data using u0.5 (Bakken,1990). See text for discussion.

Fig. 3.

Comparison of the effect of wind speed on operative temperature Tes given by different Tes scales. Solid lines, 25 g shorebirds (upper line, Equation 3b; lower line, Equation 3c). Long broken lines, dark-eyed junco modeled using the best-fit wind speed dependence of u0.7 (junco data taken from Bakken et al., 1999). Short broken lines, mallard ducklings using the best fit wind-speed dependence of u1.0 (Bakken et al.,1999). Dotted line, Equation 4, based on published data using u0.5 (Bakken,1990). See text for discussion.

The only clear conclusion about the effect of different wind speed exponents is that the correlation using u½ is too sensitive to wind speeds from 0.5 to 1.5 m s-1, and that the discrepancy is most significant for downy chicks. Otherwise, the shorebird chick scales based on wet and dry thermal conductance bracket the mallard scale and overlap the junco scale. These differences are within experimental error.

Evaporative water loss

During the experiments, humidity was generally higher than has been recommended for making standardized evaporative water loss measurements(Lasiewski et al., 1966). The high chamber humidities were unexpected, as we were examining the response of animals below their lower critical temperature, where evaporative water loss is generally low. The dewpoint increased significantly (P<0.001)with the size of the bird. Consequently, the E of small birds may be exaggerated compared to the larger ones, and this may account for the shallower slope of the shorebird chick regression compared to the adult correlation (Fig. 1). High chamber humidity should have decreased evaporation, but nevertheless our measured values of evaporative water loss from shorebird chicks, adjusted to Ta=25°C using Equation 2(Fig. 1), are substantially higher than comparable values for adult birds under thermally neutral conditions (Williams,1996).

Calder and King (1974)suggested that, to a first approximation, the ratio E/M should be mass-independent. Briefly, they argued that metabolism is proportional to respiratory minute volume, as is respiratory water loss. Further, metabolism is proportional to mass, as is surface area, and cutaneous water loss is proportional to surface area. Indeed, their review of published data demonstrated that, at a given temperature, E/M had a consistent relationship to ambient temperature, across a wide range of body mass. It is particularly interesting that while E and M are positively correlated with each other and with mass at one temperature, they are negatively correlated across temperatures, such that E/M=0.05+0.0148exp(0.087Ta). Bartholomew(1972) suggested that the remarkable ability of birds to decrease E when M, and thus minute volume, was increasing was because colder inspired air chilled the respiratory tract, and thus water condensed on the respiratory passages when exhaled. Respiratory passages were increasingly chilled as ambient air temperature decreased, and consequently the temperature of exhaled air decreased, and therefore its water content. This mechanism is not affected by wind, and E should thus remain constant or even increase when convective cooling increases M. Consequently, one expects E/M should track Ta as in Calder and King's equation, and perhaps even increase when wind increased M at a given Ta.

In shorebird chicks, we found that M and E are correlated with each other (r=0.66, P<0.00001), and with body mass. However, we were unable to fit Calder and King's exponential to our data. Using a linear model, we found E/M increased with Ta (P<0.00001) as expected, but contrary to expectation, E/M decreased rather than increased with wind speed u (P<0.00001):
(adjusted r2=0.65, F2,117=111). Evaporation thus appeared to respond to aggregate cold stress rather than air temperature. When we used Tes to incorporate convective cooling in the temperature variable, the Gauss—Newton least-squares routine in SYSTAT easily fitted Calder and King's exponential:
(adjusted r2=0.641, N=120). These data, Equation 8 and Calder and King's correlation have been plotted in Fig. 4. This relationship to Tes is consistent with earlier work, which found that Tes was a better predictor of E/M than Ta when radiation was present(Bakken, 1980), but begs a physical explanation.
Fig. 4.

The ratio of evaporative cooling E to metabolic heat production M for shorebird chicks varies with standard operative temperature Tes, and is independent of body mass. The solid curve is an exponential function fitted to these data (see text), and the broken line is the correlation found by Calder and King(1974).

Fig. 4.

The ratio of evaporative cooling E to metabolic heat production M for shorebird chicks varies with standard operative temperature Tes, and is independent of body mass. The solid curve is an exponential function fitted to these data (see text), and the broken line is the correlation found by Calder and King(1974).

We suggest that reduced skin temperature and relatively high cutaneous evaporative water loss may account for the wind effect. Because down is relatively poor thermal insulation, a significant part of the overall resistance to heat loss is provided by tissue. Thus, a wind-induced increase in heat loss reduces skin temperature with no change in air temperature. Reduced skin temperature may reduce E via two mechanisms unrelated to M, and thus decrease E/M: (1) a low skin temperature causes vasoconstriction and reduces water movement to the skin by increasing the diffusion distance for liquid water; (2) the vapor pressure of the water that does reach the stratum corneum decreases with air temperature.

This wind effect on E/M was not seen in a study of adult juncos(Bakken et al., 1991), possibly because they are better insulated so that skin temperature is less affected by wind (thermal conductance of shorebird chicks is 30-60% greater than that of juncos of similar mass).

Down versus contour feathers as insulation

Wind has a substantial effect on thermal conductance. For a 25 g bird (the approximate geometric mean for our study), increasing wind speed from 0.1 to 3 m s-1 increased Ko by 50% and Kow by 30%. Data from heated taxidermic mounts(Bakken, 1991b) indicated that the thermal conductance of contour feather insulation increases with wind speed as u0.7u0.8. Fur is more affected by dynamic processes and responds as u1.0, with some very soft furs on strongly curved surfaces responding as u1.5. The best exponent for downy shorebird chicks was 1.04-1.09, which indicates a fur-like response to wind matching the fur-like appearance of down.

Because the chicks of Arctic-breeding shorebirds are often exposed to cold,one might expect their down to provide unusually effective insulation. In Fig. 2, we compare our data with other chicks and regressions to data on adult birds with contour feathers. The downy insulation of shorebird chicks was slightly better than that of day-old mallard ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos), but inferior to the extremely dense down of notably cold-hardy capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus; Pis, 2002) and Xantus' murrelet (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus; Eppley, 1984) chicks. The down of the latter two approaches the insulating value of summer adult plumages(Fig. 2B). Comparison with various regressions for adults indicates that shorebird chicks are rather poorly insulated compared to adults. The regression coefficients for published adult regression models as well as a regression that we constructed from published data for adult shorebirds(Kendeigh et al., 1977; Kersten and Piersma, 1987) are listed in Table 1.

Energetic considerations are probably paramount in determining the use of down rather than contour feathers in chicks. The mass of contour feathers needed to give the same amount of insulation is approximately 3 times the mass of down (McNabb and McNabb,1977), and the cost of synthesizing feathers appears to be considerably greater than for other proteins(Lindstrom et al., 1993). Apparently, the selective tradeoff between the thermal benefits of improved insulation and the cost of synthesizing contour feathers and keeping them properly preened favors the use of down by chicks.

Shorebird versus duckling insulation

Some data are available to compare the overall thermal conductance Ko of downy shorebirds to that of ducklings breeding in the same area. In another study at Churchill, we measured three long-tailed(oldsquaw) 4-day-old ducklings (Clangula hyemalis) averaging about 35 g, using the same equipment and protocol. These long-tailed ducklings had an average Ko=0.040 W °C-1, increasing by 13%to 0.045 W °C-1 at u=1 m s-1. The conductance of shorebird chicks with the same body mass as the ducklings, 35 g, is similar, Ko=0.039 W °C-1, increasing by 14% to 0.045 W °C-1 at u=1 m s-1(Table 1).

Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) typically breed at lower latitudes and have higher thermal conductance than Arctic-breeding shorebirds(Fig. 2). However, 1- to 2-day-old mallard ducklings are physiologically more mature, having greater thermogenic capacity than 1- to 2-week-old shorebirds of similar size(Visser and Ricklefs, 1995). Consequently, they are able to tolerate Ta values at least as low as 10°C for over an hour(Koskimies and Lahti, 1964; Bakken et al., 1999).

In conclusion, the insulation of Arctic-breeding shorebird chicks thus appears somewhat, but not greatly, better than that of many other downy chicks. However, shorebird chicks are considerably less well insulated than capercaillie or Xantus' murrelet chicks of similar mass. Wind can increase heat loss and metabolic rate by 30-50% under windy conditions (30-50 km h-1). Thus, the success of Arctic breeding shorebirds depends on efficient parental care, the ability to use stored heat to enable foraging with falling body temperature, and perhaps behavioral adjustments such as foraging in such sheltered areas as may be available.

    List of symbols
  • Cp

    tissue heat capacity

  • E

    evaporative cooling

  • Ko

    thermal conductance in actual environment

  • Kos

    thermal conductance in convection-free enclosure

  • Kow

    wet thermal conductance

  • m

    body mass

  • M

    heat production

  • t


  • Ta

    air temperature

  • Tb

    body temperature

  • Te

    operative temperature

  • Tes

    standard operative temperature

  • u

    wind speed

We thank the Churchill Northern Studies Centre for housing and logistic support. Quynh Luong assisted with animal care, and Jacqueline de Fritas assisted with the measurements. Indiana State University provided a van for operational travel. This research was supported by NSF grant OPP 94-23522 to R.E.R. The authors wish to dedicate this article to the memory of Bill Calder in honor of his work in avian allometry. The personal encouragement and inspiration he gave G.S.B. is greatly appreciated.

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