The body temperatures (Tb) of nine yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) were monitored while fish swam in a large water tunnel at controlled velocities (U) and ambient temperatures (Ta). Monitoring Tb during step changes in Ta at constant U permitted estimation of the thermal rate coefficient (k), an index of heat transfer. In the yellowfin, k is dependent on both Ta and the direction of the thermal gradient (i.e. whether Ta is greater or less than Tb). Modulation of k in response to Ta was further demonstrated during tests in which U was varied; the elevation of Tb in response to equal increases in U was 3–4 times less at 30°C than at 25 and 20°C. These experiments demonstrate that the yellowfin tuna can modulate heat transfer. This ability could prevent overheating during intense activity, retard heat loss during a descent into cool water and permit increased heat gain upon returning to warm surface waters (i.e. when Tb<Ta).

This paper reports experiments, conducted in a large water tunnel, testing the capacity of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) to control rates of heat gain and loss in response to changes in ambient water temperature (Ta) and swimming velocity (U). Tunas swim continuously in search of prey and depend upon locomotion to ventilate their gills (Brown and Muir, 1970; Roberts, 1978) and to maintain hydrostatic equilibrium (Magnuson, 1973, 1978). Tuna aerobic locomotor (red) muscle, which powers sustained swimming, is unique among teleosts in that the supporting vasculature forms counter-current heat exchangers (retia mirabilia) that conserve metabolic heat. Large bluefin tuna can elevate body temperature (Tb, red muscle temperature) to as much as 20°C above Ta (Carey and Lawson, 1973).

As in mammals and birds, the elevated Tb of tunas enhances physiological and biochemical functions (Graham, 1975; Stevens and Neill, 1978; Dizon and Brill, 1979; Stevens and Carey, 1981). Endothermy also affords tunas a level of independence from the effects of acute changes in Ta such as those encountered during feeding sojourns into deeper, cooler water (Carey and Lawson, 1973; Neill and Stevens, 1974; Neill et al. 1976; Stevens and Neill, 1978; Dizon and Brill, 1979; Graham, 1983; Holland et al. 1992).

Although many endotherms (i.e. birds and mammals) maintain a nearly constant Tb by precisely balancing rates of heat gain and loss, the Tb and Tx (=Tb-Ta) of tunas is variable and is affected by both Ta and by U (Stevens and Fry, 1971; Carey and Lawson, 1973; Stevens and Neill, 1978; Dizon and Brill, 1979; Graham, 1983). This has raised questions about the potential for Tb control (Carey and Teal, 1966; Stevens and Fry, 1971; Carey and Lawson, 1973). Do tuna have thermoregulatory capabilities similar to, but less precise than, those of birds and mammals or is heat balance unregulated with the Tx values of the tuna being the consequence of a constant, though elevated, thermal inertia (Neill and Stevens, 1974; Stevens and Neill, 1978)?

Because there are circumstances in which an elevated Tb and thermal inertia may be a disadvantage, the ability to modulate thermoconservation would be useful. At high activity levels or in warm Ta, a tuna may risk overheating and thus would need to curtail heat retention to avoid thermal limits to activity and distribution (Neill et al. 1976; Stevens and Neill, 1978; Dizon and Brill, 1979). Also, a fish ascending to the surface following a period of foraging at depth, may have a Tb less than Ta and would be able to gain heat faster by increasing heat transfer (Dizon and Brill, 1979; Holland et al. 1992; Brill et al. 1994).

This study reports on several aspects of yellowfin thermoregulation determined with an experimental design that permitted calculation of the thermal rate coefficient (k) and determination of its dependence on Ta. Because k quantifies the internal and external conductive and convective properties influencing heat transfer, any modulation of heat flux by the fish should be reflected in changes in k (Dizon and Brill, 1979; Holland et al. 1992; Brill et al. 1994). By monitoring Tb during controlled changes in Ta, it was possible to calculate k [measured as°C min−1 (°C thermal gradient)−1 and therefore with units of min−1; Graham, 1983; Weller et al. 1984; Brill et al. 1994] in relation to other variables in the heat transfer equation:
where dTb/dt (°C min−1) is the rate of change of Tb and Hp (°C min−1), or heat production, is the rate at which Tbwould increase (as a by-product of metabolic processes occurring in the red muscle) in the absence of heat transfer (k=0). Because red muscle powers sustained swimming, Hp, although not directly measured, was regulated in our studies by controlling U.

The water tunnel and the protocols for maintaining tuna in captivity and during an experiment are described in Dewar and Graham (1994). An important feature for thermoregulation studies was the ability to bring about rapid (1°C min−1) thermal changes by the admixture of large reservoirs (3000 l each) of hot and cold water.

Yellowfin selected for study were dip-netted from the holding tank, placed immediately in a plastic cradle filled with hyperoxic water, and quickly fitted with a 30 gauge copper–constantan thermocouple that penetrated the red muscle (Fig. 1A,B). To facilitate implantation and prevent thermocouple damage during insertion, the wire was housed in a 17 gauge hypodermic needle and its tip bent to form a hook. The needle and thermocouple were inserted through a preformed hole in the corselet (at the leading edge of the first dorsal fin, approximately 1.5 cm from the dorsal mid-line; Fig. 1A) and directed ventro-posteriorly. The thermocouple was connected to a Physi-Temp digital thermometer (model BAT 12) and, during insertion, the temperature readout was used to position the thermocouple tip in the warmest sector of red muscle. Once the thermocouple position had been set, the 17 gauge needle was carefully withdrawn while Tb was monitored to ensure patent thermocouple position. The wire was then disconnected from the thermometer and secured in place by ‘self-tying’ loops through the corselet. Thermocouple implantation generally required less than 2 min, following which the fish was placed into the water tunnel. Thermocouple position was verified post mortem.

Fig. 1.

(A) Illustration of the point of thermocouple insertion in a yellowfin (adapted from Collette and Nauen, 1983). (B) Transverse sections of three tuna species showing the features related to endothermy. Indicated are the central rete (CR), the lateral retia (LR), the internal position of the aerobic locomotor (red) muscle, the dorsal aorta (DA) and post-cardinal vein (PCV) (adapted from Graham, 1975). Note that Thunnus thynnus has no PCV.

Fig. 1.

(A) Illustration of the point of thermocouple insertion in a yellowfin (adapted from Collette and Nauen, 1983). (B) Transverse sections of three tuna species showing the features related to endothermy. Indicated are the central rete (CR), the lateral retia (LR), the internal position of the aerobic locomotor (red) muscle, the dorsal aorta (DA) and post-cardinal vein (PCV) (adapted from Graham, 1975). Note that Thunnus thynnus has no PCV.

Immediately after placing the fish in the water tunnel’s working section, the lid was secured and the thermocouple wire was fed out and reconnected to the digital thermometer. For the first 2 h, U and illumination were adjusted to induce stable swimming as detailed by Dewar and Graham (1994). Throughout the experiment Tb, Ta, O2 concentration and U were monitored continuously.

Effect of Ta on Tsb

The response of Tb to rapidly implemented cyclic changes in Ta was monitored while the fish swam at a constant U. Fig. 2 illustrates the sequence of temperature changes used in all tests. Once the fish had been swimming stably in the water tunnel for at least 2 h, Ta was rapidly cooled from initial, ambient levels (23–25°C) to 18°C. After Tb had fallen to at least 22°C the first cyclic Ta change was initiated; Ta was increased by 7°C then, once Tb had risen to just 0.5°C below Ta, Ta was rapidly reduced by 4°C. The same sequence and timing were repeated two more times, but each subsequent thermal cycle was shifted upward by 3°C. Thus, the complete experiment consisted of three thermal cycles staggered by 3°C (Figs 2, 3 and 4).

Fig. 2.

Traces of Ta and Tbversus time for yellowfin no. 1 at a constant swimming speed (0.83 L s−1) show the typical experimental design used for all fish. The 120 min handling–recovery period and the initial drop in Ta set the stage for the subsequent cyclic changes in Ta. The k value for each Ta step change is given in parentheses.

Fig. 2.

Traces of Ta and Tbversus time for yellowfin no. 1 at a constant swimming speed (0.83 L s−1) show the typical experimental design used for all fish. The 120 min handling–recovery period and the initial drop in Ta set the stage for the subsequent cyclic changes in Ta. The k value for each Ta step change is given in parentheses.

Fig. 3.

Traces of Ta and Tb for yellowfin no. 5 (U=1.12 L s−1). The latency period (min) for each Ta step change is indicated in parentheses.

Fig. 3.

Traces of Ta and Tb for yellowfin no. 5 (U=1.12 L s−1). The latency period (min) for each Ta step change is indicated in parentheses.

Fig. 4.

Traces of Taand Tb for yellowfin no. 8 (U=0.93 L s−1). Note that the first and second step reductions in Ta (230 and 310 min) led to a ‘notch’ (inset, Ta=O; Tb=*) followed by a more gradual decline in Tb.

Fig. 4.

Traces of Taand Tb for yellowfin no. 8 (U=0.93 L s−1). Note that the first and second step reductions in Ta (230 and 310 min) led to a ‘notch’ (inset, Ta=O; Tb=*) followed by a more gradual decline in Tb.

Velocity effects on Tb

After the final cyclic change in Ta, the influence of increased U on heat balance was examined by monitoring the response of Tb to two incremental increases in U at Ta values of 30, 25 and 20°C (see Fig. 5). At each Ta, the yellowfin was first held at a U of 0.9 L s−1 (where L is fork length) and Tb was recorded. Then U was increased to 1.5 L s−1 and held there for 10 min while changes in Tb were recorded. Following this, U was returned to 0.9 L s−1. After Tb had cooled to control levels, U was elevated to 2 L s−1 for 5 min, and Tb records were obtained. Then U was returned to 0.9 L s−1 while cooling was again monitored.

Fig. 5.

Data for yellowfin no. 1 showing the effects of two incremental increases in U on Tb at 30, 25 and 20°C. At each Ta the control U was 0.9 L s−1 (C), where L is fork length. Velocity increments were to 1.5 L s−1 (1) for 10 min and 2.0 L s−1 (2) for 5 min. Each increase and decrease in U is marked by a vertical line. Tb was allowed to return to control levels after each test. The thermal excess (Tx) is also indicated.

Fig. 5.

Data for yellowfin no. 1 showing the effects of two incremental increases in U on Tb at 30, 25 and 20°C. At each Ta the control U was 0.9 L s−1 (C), where L is fork length. Velocity increments were to 1.5 L s−1 (1) for 10 min and 2.0 L s−1 (2) for 5 min. Each increase and decrease in U is marked by a vertical line. Tb was allowed to return to control levels after each test. The thermal excess (Tx) is also indicated.

Calculation of the thermal rate coefficient

Values of k were determined for both the increases and decreases in Tb occurring in each of the successive thermal steps. k is the time constant of the integral of equation 1 after removal of the Hp term:
where t is the elapsed time, Te is the equilibrium Tb at the new Ta [in fish that maintain a thermal excess, Ta (equation 1) is replaced by Te], and the other variables are as defined above (Neill et al. 1976; Stevens and Neill, 1978; Weller et al. 1984; Brill et al. 1994).

Using equation 2 and a MATLAB curve-fitting program, k was calculated from the Tb(t) curves associated with each change in Ta. The program was applied after the latency, or lag time, when Tb began to change exponentially (Fechhelm and Neill, 1982; Weller et al. 1984; Brill et al. 1994). To remove the latency period from each data set, successive points were eliminated from the beginning of the data set until the predicted values closely approximated the actual data over the region where Tb changed most rapidly [minimizing the square root of the mean of the sum of the squared residuals (RMS error)]. The Te (equation 2) was estimated from the Tx measured at the end of the initial 2 h recovery period and was then adjusted for each estimation of k to minimize the RMS error.

Effects of Ta on Tsb

The effects of cyclic Ta changes on the Tb of three yellowfin tuna are shown in Figs 2, 3 and 4 and the k values for the warming and cooling phases are summarized for nine fish in Table 1. The high k for cooling during cycle 3 (Fig. 2) occurred in all fish (Table 1) and this value is significantly higher [P<0.05; non-parametric a posteriori, multiple-comparison test (Nemenyi, 1963)] than k values in cycles 1 and 2, which do not differ from one another. No significant differences exist between the k values for warming.

Table 1.

Summary of the body mass, U and k values at each Ta step change in the three thermal cycles for nine yellowfin tuna

Summary of the body mass, U and k values at each Ta step change in the three thermal cycles for nine yellowfin tuna
Summary of the body mass, U and k values at each Ta step change in the three thermal cycles for nine yellowfin tuna

The thermal latency (the time interval between the reversal of the thermal gradient and the onset of the exponential decline in Tb) provides another indication of the yellowfin’s capacity to regulate heat transfer. Fig. 3 illustrates the effect of Ta on the latency for yellowfin no. 5. The reduction in cooling latency between cycles was observed for all yellowfin and the values in cycle 3 (mean 2.9 min) are significantly less (P<0.05; statistics as above) than in both cycles 1 and 2 (mean values 6.0 and 6.4 min). Latencies during heating were brief (1.5–4 min) and did not differ among cycles. This pattern of thermal dependence is the same as that observed for k.

Thermal notches

The Tb traces for yellowfin no. 8 (Fig. 4) are distinguished by the ‘thermal notches’ that occurred immediately after the thermal gradient reversal during cycles 1 and 2 but not during cycle 3. The thermal notch is characterized by an abrupt reduction and then rise in Tb, followed by a more gradual decline. The same pattern of notches was observed for yellowfin no. 9 and a notch is also seen in Fig. 5.

Activity effects

The effect of increased U on Tb at three Ta values is shown in Fig. 5. At 30°C, the initial steady-state Tx is low (0.7°C) and the two step changes in U have a minimal effect (1,+0.2°C; 2,+0.3°C). The steady-state Tx at both 25°C (1.7°C) and 20°C (1.8°C) is greater than that at 30°C, and the elevation of Tb associated with increases in U is three-to fourfold higher at 25°C (1,+0.7°C; 2,+1.1°C) and 20°C (1,+0.9°C; 2,+1.2°C) than at 30°C. It is also noteworthy that a thermal notch occurred with the reduction of Ta from 30–25°C.

Several previous studies examined the potential of tunas to control heat retention physiologically. Long-term ocean tracks by Carey and Lawson (1973) showed that large bluefin tuna can maintain stomach temperature within 5°C during 15°C changes in Ta. Holland et al. (1992) analyzed Tb/Ta relationships for a bigeye tuna tracked at sea: they determined that it could adjust k to retard heat loss during excursions into cool water and to allow rapid heat gain upon its return to warmer surface waters (when Ta>Tb). Modulation of k was also inferred during laboratory studies by Dizon and Brill (1979), where long-term changes in Ta from 20 to 30°C, while increasing swimming speed and consequently Hp, had a negligible effect on the steady-state Tx of yellowfin tuna.

While all of these findings support the hypothesis that tuna can regulate heat balance physiologically, each study is problematic in that swimming speed and consequently Hp (equation 1) were either unknown or uncontrolled (Brill et al. 1994). Hp will influence both steady-state and non-steady-state Tb and therefore estimated k values (Graham, 1983; Brill et al. 1994). In addition, inferences about physiological regulation based solely on comparisons of rates of heating and cooling (Holland et al. 1992) are complicated by the absence of Hp data. Because Hp can retard cooling and increase the rate of heating (Graham, 1983; Brill et al. 1994), it may produce results similar to those expected through the physiological regulation of heat balance. The differential influences of Hp on heating and cooling may be further confounded by the increased swimming effort associated with swimming upward as opposed to downward.

Our studies with stably swimming yellowfin are the first investigations of tuna thermoregulation in which the key variables influencing Tb (Ta and U) could be controlled. The ability to work with fish several hours after handling and to implement cyclic changes in Ta, approximating those experienced during foraging excursions (Holland et al. 1990), enabled us to mimic natural conditions and thereby to increase the probability of triggering ‘normal’ thermoregulatory responses.

The water tunnel, in conjunction with our experimental design, also enabled us to factor out effects that changes in Ta may exert on Hp (controlled in our tests) and cardiac output, both of which affect k. Cardiac performance affects tuna heat balance because retial heat transfer is inversely related to blood velocity (Dizon and Brill, 1979; Graham, 1983). Thus, alterations in cardiac output, in response to changes in either U or Ta, could affect heat exchange and produce results that mask or mimic physiological thermoregulation. The heart-rate reduction caused by cooler water would retard heat flux whereas warmer water would increase it.

Our experimental design allowed for separate comparisons of the k values estimated for heating and cooling during each of the thermal steps. This eliminated the need to correct for the influences of Hp and cardiac output within one thermal cycle. Also, the potential contribution of Hp and cardiac output between cycles can be estimated. If only thermally induced changes in Hp and cardiac output were responsible for the observed patterns, we would have expected a gradual increase in k with the rise in Ta from cycle 1 to cycle 3. Also, k should have changed maximally during the heating phases when both Hp and cardiac output would synergistically augment warming. Thus, because the k values for heating in cycle 2 are not intermediate to those of cycles 1 and 3, and because the most dramatic effects are observed during cooling (when Hp and cardiac output act in opposition, Figs 2, 3, 4 and Table 1), changes in k are due to the active modulation of heat flux.

Thermal notches

We interpret the thermal notches as evidence for the active regulation of heat transfer. Fig. 4 suggests that during the warming phase (i.e. Tb<Ta, and Tx is negative), heat transfer was increased to allow the influx of ambient heat to augment warming. Then, when Ta was dropped (Tx became positive), the fish was momentarily trapped in a ‘high-k mode’ which led to the rapid but short-lived fall in Tb. To prevent continued heat loss at the lower Ta in cycles 1 and 2, heat flux was abruptly curtailed, leading to the levelling off and subsequent increase in Tb. The absence of a notch in cycle 3 indicates that thermoconservation was not increased after Ta was reduced and that heat transfer is maximized at high Ta.

Given the constraints of equation 1, and because Hp should be constant over this short time span, the best explanation for the ‘notch’ is the active modulation of heat transfer. If this is the case, how can the subsequent rise in Tb be explained? The most parsimonious explanation for the rise in Tb is that the rapid induction of thermoconservation curtailed convective heat loss sufficiently to elevate Tb. Also, with the heat exchangers ‘turned off’ during the warming phase, the abrupt onset of cool water may have channelled unheated blood directly into the yellowfin’s red muscle to cause localized convective cooling. Because the adjacent white muscle is also warm but less vascularized (Carey, 1973; Bone, 1978; Dickson, 1988), its temperature would not decline as rapidly. Thus, conductive heat flux from the white to the red muscle may have also contributed to the elevation of Tb.

The dramatic reversal of dTb/dt suggests that tuna can control heat transfer to permit the influx of ambient heat if Ta>Tb. This confirms the contention of Holland et al. (1992), who reported that the heating and cooling k values, calculated during rapid vertical excursions of a bigeye tuna, were different.

Thermal dependence of velocity effects on Tb

Fig. 5 demonstrates that while changes in U can affect Tb, the magnitude of the change is dependent on Ta. The extent that an increase in U (=Hp) affects Tb is determined by the level of counter-current heat exchange. Thus, the slight increase in Tb at 30°C in comparison with that at 20 and 25°C verifies that thermoconservation is reduced at 30°C. That heat transfer is increased at high Ta is also indicated by the elevated Tx at both 25 and 20°C and by the ‘thermal notch’ that occurred when Ta was dropped from 30°C to 25°C. These findings corroborate earlier conclusions that heat is lost more rapidly at high Ta and show that the risk of overheating during high activity can be alleviated.

Comparative aspects of tuna thermoregulation

Our results warrant consideration of the possible mechanisms used by yellowfin to modulate heat transfer. Among the factors affecting k (i.e. internal and external conductive and convective processes), conductive heat loss is dependent upon fixed variables (surface area, tissue properties affecting molecular heat diffusion) and is thus not subject to short-term regulation. Convective heat loss is, by contrast, affected by blood flow, and rapid circulatory modifications are employed by many animals to alter heat flux. Also, changes in latency, which in this study show the same thermal dependence as the k values, are suggested to reflect variations in blood flow (Fechhelm and Neill, 1982). Thus, it is likely that alterations in blood flow to or through the retia are used to regulate heat transfer. There is presently no anatomical evidence for vascular shunts that affect tuna heat transfer. It is, nevertheless, possible to obtain insight into this question by comparing the general circulation patterns of tuna heat exchangers.

In addition to the yellowfin, there are 12 other endothermic tuna species in the scombrid tribe Thunnini. It is therefore useful to consider how factors such as retial configuration (which varies considerably) may influence both Tb and thermoregulatory capabilities. Among the Thunnini, there is a range of reliance on the central and lateral retia (Fig. 1B; Graham, 1975). At one extreme, Auxis and Euthynnus rely primarily on a central rete and have only one small pair of lateral retia. At the other extreme, the three species comprising the ‘bluefin group’ of Thunnus (T. thynnus, T. alalunga and T. maccoyii), as well as the bigeye tuna (T. obesus), have two pairs of lateral retia and have completely lost the central rete (Graham, 1975; Stevens and Neill, 1978). The yellowfin tuna is intermediate in this morphology, having a central rete and two pairs of well-developed lateral retia. It has been speculated that the frequent occurrence of the bluefin-group species and the bigeye tuna in cool waters at high latitude and below the thermocline relates to their sole reliance on the lateral retia (Graham, 1975; Stevens and Neill, 1978).

The results of preliminary studies with kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis) support the hypothesis that the lateral heat exchangers enhance thermoregulatory capabilities. In experiments similar to those described for yellowfin, we found the mean k for warming for three kawakawa to be 0.04 min−1 (N=7), which is less than half that for the yellowfin (Table 1). This reduced capacity for regulating heat flux may be attributable to a primary dependence on blood flow through the dorsal aorta and post-cardinal vein and the adjacent central rete.

Three facts demonstrate the ability of yellowfin tuna to regulate heat transfer in response to changes in Ta and the thermal gradient. First, the abrupt increase in heat loss between cycles 1 and 2 and cycle 3, and the maximal changes during cooling (Figs 2, 3, 4 and Table 1), are indicative of active control of heat flux rather than passive changes in Hp and cardiac output. Second, the thermal notches (Figs 4 and 5) indicate that both Ta and the direction of the thermal gradient trigger a thermoregulatory response. Finally, the ability to regulate k is confirmed by the differential effects of U (Hp) and Ta on steady-state and non-steady-state Tx (Fig. 5).

Tuna, like homeothermic vertebrates, affect Tb through alterations of both k and Hp. However, while Hp can be altered independently of locomotion in birds and mammals, it is logical to assume that Hp cannot be controlled independently of swimming speed in tunas. Thus, the physiological, energetic and hydrodynamic constraints on tuna swimming limit the contribution of Hp to the control of Tb. Consequently, regulating heat balance is dependent on altering heat transfer, most probably through changes in retial blood flow. The physiological modulation of heat retention is thus a powerful complement to behavioural thermoregulation in tunas. Enhanced warming during an ascent in concert with reduced cooling during the subsequent descent will augment foraging time at depth. An elevated heat flux will also reduce the risk of overheating. Although tunas have variable Tb and are only regionally endothermic, physiological thermoregulation reduces potential limitations to distribution and activity and thus facilitates the effective exploitation of cooler waters.

We thank Drs J. R. Hunter, R. H. Rosenblatt, R. Shabetai, R. E. Shadwick and Chin Lai for their valuable comments on this manuscript. We also thank W. Crawford, S. Zimmermann, P. Fields, S. Arce, C. Lowe, G. Spencer, D. Reisinger, K. Korsmeyer and the staff at the NMFS Kewalo Basin Research Facility for assistance. This research was supported by the US National Science Foundation (OCE-89-15927 and 91-03739). Supplemental funding was provided by the William H. and Mattie Wattis Harris Foundation, the Academic Rewards for College Scientists Foundation, Inc., the Maurice Massarini Charitable Trust and the SIO Tuna Endowment Fund. We thank the Southwest Fisheries Science Center NMFS for facilitating the Kewalo Basin research.

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