A lightly platinized tungsten (Pt-W) wire electrode, axially inserted into a crayfish giant axon, causes the development of cardiac-like action potentials with durations of up to 4 s. The plateau in membrane potential typically occurs within 10 min of the start of action potential elongation. The effect occurs without passing current through the Pt-W electrode and is temporally related to a dramatic decrease in intracellular pH (pH,). Such an effect cannot be induced by a decrease in pH, produced by equilibrating the axon with HCO3-CO2 solution (pH 6), an NH4C1 rebound or direct intracellular injection of PO43− buffer (pH 4 5). Action potential elongation is accompanied by a block of delayed rectification and the possibility that inward rectification also develops cannot be ruled out. Plateau generation requires Na+ and Caz+ inward currents as demonstrated by abolition of the plateau by [Na+]o or [Ca2+]o depletion or treatment with tetrodotoxin (TTX) or verapamil. The block of outward rectification by Pt-W requires external Na+ or Ca2+. Action potential elongation produced by 3,4-diaminopyridine is not sensitive to verapamil and the waveform is different from that produced by Pt-W. The data support the possibility that different classes of excitable membranes have similar channel populations and that the functional differences between them reside in the inhibitory or masking influences that are present in the microenvironments of the various membrane channels.

This study arose from a chance observation made while using tungsten (W) wire as a substitute for platinum (Pt) as an intracellular current-passing electrode. Tungsten was expected to be a good alternative to Pt because of its superior mechanical properties and equivalent electrical properties.

When crayfish giant axons were cannulated with a platinized tungsten (Pt-W) wire, prepared similarly to platinized platinum electrodes, modification of the action potential (AP) occurred within 15 min. Whereas the normal action potential has a duration of approximately 1ms, action potentials with durations of up to 4 s were observed in axons exposed to the Pt-W wire. The rising phase of the AP was largely unaffected, while the falling phase developed a plateau similar to that seen in the cardiac action potential. It was not necessary for current to be passed through the wire for the effect to develop. Some component of the Pt-W wire or product of a chemical reaction between the Pt-W wire and axoplasm was evidently altering the membrane ionic permeability control mechanisms responsible for the production of the action potential.

Long-duration action potentials of cardiac muscle are due to a prolonged increase of Na+ and Ca2+ conductances combined with a low K+ conductance (Gettes & Reuter, 1974; Reuter, 1967; Weidmann, 1951). Elongated action potentials have been produced in nerve preparations only by the use of pharmacological or toxic agents which delay Na+ inactivation and/or K+ activation (Shrager, Macey & Strickholm, 1969; Shrager, Strickholm & Macey, 1969; Narahashi, 1974). The purpose of this study was to identify and characterize the ionic currents altered by the Pt-W wire, and how the effects are mediated, and to assess the potential of Pt-W as a probe of membrane electrophysiological function.

A preliminary account of this work has been presented in abstract form (Orr & Lieberman, 1983).

The medial giant axon of the ventral nerve cord of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii was dissected and isolated according to the method of Wallin (1967). The apparatus employed for membrane potential recording, space and current clamping (Fig. 1) was essentially as previously described (Lieberman & Lane, 1976) with the following modifications: the electrode used for monitoring membrane potential was a KCl-filled impaling glass microelectrode; the current-measuring circuit was a virtual ground system with an additional feedback circuit for voltage-clamping the guard electrodes and bath to a constant reference value; and two sets of external platinized Ag-AgCl plate electrodes were used. A set of external stimulating electrodes, placed near the suboesophageal ganglion, was used to generate propagated action potentials.

Fig. 1.

Diagram of the current and space clamp system. Membrane potential (Em) was monitored with an impaling glass microelectrode (Elrec) referred differentially to a second glass electrode placed in the bath. The axial wire stimulating electrode (Els) was a glass-insulated 25μ diameter platinized tungsten or platinum wire with an exposed length of 7–8 mm. Current was passed between El, and a double set of platinized Ag/AgCh plates (placed on either side of the axon) serving as guards (Eg) and a centre plate (Elc) with which membrane current (Im) was monitored. The two Elc plates represented approximately 20 % of the total surface area of the Elg and Elc surface area. The virtual ground current monitor utilized a voltage feedback system to maintain the bath and the electrodes at a uniform voltage (Elref) to ensure a constant partition of current between the plate electrodes, based on their relative surface area. Current through El, was generated by an operational amplifier voltage to constant current converter (I→V) driven by a Textronix TM506 pulse generator.

Fig. 1.

Diagram of the current and space clamp system. Membrane potential (Em) was monitored with an impaling glass microelectrode (Elrec) referred differentially to a second glass electrode placed in the bath. The axial wire stimulating electrode (Els) was a glass-insulated 25μ diameter platinized tungsten or platinum wire with an exposed length of 7–8 mm. Current was passed between El, and a double set of platinized Ag/AgCh plates (placed on either side of the axon) serving as guards (Eg) and a centre plate (Elc) with which membrane current (Im) was monitored. The two Elc plates represented approximately 20 % of the total surface area of the Elg and Elc surface area. The virtual ground current monitor utilized a voltage feedback system to maintain the bath and the electrodes at a uniform voltage (Elref) to ensure a constant partition of current between the plate electrodes, based on their relative surface area. Current through El, was generated by an operational amplifier voltage to constant current converter (I→V) driven by a Textronix TM506 pulse generator.

Microelectrode tips were bevelled in a swirling solution of 2·5 mol l−1 KC1 containing a silica polishing powder (Corson, Goodman & Fein, 1979) to facilitate impalement of axons. Bevelling had the dual function of sharpening the electrode tip and lowering its electrical resistance. Best results were obtained with microelectrodes with resistances between 10 and 20 MΩ. The electrodes used to monitor the potential of the external solution consisted of a glass pipette filled with 2·5 mol l−1 KC1 suspended in agar gel. Connection between the gel and the amplifier lead was made with a Ag-AgCl wire in 2·5 mol l−1 KC1 solution. Resistances of the agar electrodes were between 2 and 10 KΩ.

The axial wire current electrode was a 25 μm diameter wire (Pt or W) with an uninsulated length of 6—8 mm. Electroplating of the wire with Pt was carried out in a platinizing solution containing 3% PtCl3 and 0·025 % lead acetate in 30mmoll−1 HC1. Plating was carried out at a current level of 1·5 mA for variable periods an Required to produce the appropriate type of electrode. Current-voltage (I—V) relationships were determined from the change in membrane potential for a 100-to 300-ms constant-current pulse applied across the membrane and recorded oscillo graphically using x-y plotting techniques. Membrane resistance, at the resting membrane potential, was estimated graphically by determining the slope of the I-V relationship at the zero current intercept. AP traces and membrane potentials (Em) were permanently recorded using oscillographic methods.

Specific channel blockers were added to the external solution after the Pt-W wire had begun to take effect. In experiments in which plateau durations were studied, only large and obvious changes were considered to be significant. This was due to the dynamic nature of the Pt-W effect. Quantitative measurements and statistical analysis were therefore not reliable.

Changes in the ionic composition of the crayfish physiological solution (van Harreveld, 1936), used to study the ionic requirements for the development of the Pt-W effect, were accomplished by substituting Tris-HCl for NaCl, KC1 or CaCl2, Osmolarity was maintained with Tris buffer (pH 7·4). For Cl-free solutions all salts were made with isethionate as the anion. Ca2+ was slightly increased to compensate for the decrease in Ca2+ activity that occurs with isethionate (Lieberman, 1979).

Preliminary observations on the elongated action potential

Changes in the time course of the crayfish giant axon action potential occurred within 15 min of cannulation with the Pt-W wire. The initial changes involved a prolonging of the AP falling phase, a slight slowing of the rising phase and a small reduction in AP amplitude (Fig. 2A). The falling phase continued to slow, developing into a plateau typically within 10 min of the start of AP elongation (Fig. 2B). AP durations increased rapidly from this point, reaching durations of 20 ms to 4 s. Oscillations in the Em were often seen near the end of longer-duration action potentials (Fig. 2C).

Fig. 2.

The time-dependent development of the elongated action potential following cannulation of the axon with a platinized tungsten wire. In A-C action potentials were generated at a distance from the position of the Pt-W wire and propagated through the cannulated region. Action potentials generated by space and current-clamp pulses were not different from propagated action potentials. (A) Superimposed action potential traces showing the initial change in action potential kinetics. A small slowing of the rising phase and small reduction in amplitude occur. (B) Superimposed traces demonstrating the characteristic plateau formation over a 10-min period. Note change in time scale. (C) A typical long-duration action potential. The oscillations at the end of the plateau commonly occurred in long-duration plateaus and appeared to be small, 5–10 ms duration, action potentials. (D) Strip chart recording of the membrane potential following the cannulation of the axon with the Pt-W wire. The small depolarization near the beginning of the trace marks the time the axon was cannulated.

Fig. 2.

The time-dependent development of the elongated action potential following cannulation of the axon with a platinized tungsten wire. In A-C action potentials were generated at a distance from the position of the Pt-W wire and propagated through the cannulated region. Action potentials generated by space and current-clamp pulses were not different from propagated action potentials. (A) Superimposed action potential traces showing the initial change in action potential kinetics. A small slowing of the rising phase and small reduction in amplitude occur. (B) Superimposed traces demonstrating the characteristic plateau formation over a 10-min period. Note change in time scale. (C) A typical long-duration action potential. The oscillations at the end of the plateau commonly occurred in long-duration plateaus and appeared to be small, 5–10 ms duration, action potentials. (D) Strip chart recording of the membrane potential following the cannulation of the axon with the Pt-W wire. The small depolarization near the beginning of the trace marks the time the axon was cannulated.

The membrane potential showed changes that were typical of those shown in Fig. 2D. There was a hyperpolarization of about 5 mV prior to the beginning of AP elongation. Concurrent with plateau formation there was a slow depolarization that continued until the axon lost its excitability. Holding the Em at 80 mV allowed the axon to remain excitable for 20 min to 1 h until membrane resistance fell precipitously, resulting in a complete and irreversible loss of excitability.

The ability of the Pt-W wires to generate the elongated AP was very sensitive to the level and duration of the current used to electroplate the W wire with Pt. Any large deviation from the 5 s at 1·5 mA protocol resulted in a wire which had too thick or thin a coat of Pt to produce the effect. Apparently, both metals must be exposed in approximately equal amounts in order for the maximal effect to occur. Plateau amplitudes (measured from the resting membrane potential) ranged between 20 and 80 mV and averaged 65–70 mV. Each Pt-W wire had an effective lifespan, relative to action potential elongation, of up to 3 weeks. Electrodes could often be ‘recharged’ by an additional plating with Pt.

The rate of increase of AP duration during the formation of a plateau was found to be affected by three major factors. Significantly increasing the rate of AP production temporarily decreased the duration of an elongating plateau. This was followed by continued elongation at a slower rate. Similar results were obtained by increasing the flow rate of the external bathing solution. Larger axons (with greater volume of dilution) took longer to exhibit the effect.

In the normal crayfish axon, a single, long-duration depolarizing current pulse normally produced a single AP. Occasionally several APs were produced by a single pulse in a Pt-W-altered axon. The repetitive firing response was seen both before and during AP elongation.

The Pt-W effect was found to be reversible upon removal of the wire from the axon during the early stages of AP elongation. If the AP duration was less than 50 ms removal of the wire usually caused the duration to return to normal within 1 min. Removal of the wire after the AP duration had reached 100 ms usually had no effect on reversal of the AP elongation and membrane depolarization.

It was found that hyperpolarizing or depolarizing the axon by passing a continuous current through the axial wire caused a decrease in duration and plateau amplitude of an elongated AP. It appeared that the steady-state resting potential of the axon was the optimal potential for the Pt-W effect.

Components of the Pt-W wire responsible for the elongated action potential

A series of experiments was conducted to determine which component or combination of components of the Pt-W wire was responsible for the effect. Axons were cannulated with a plain W wire for up to 2·5 h with no change in AP kinetics. Injection of a K+ isethionate solution (artificial axoplasm) containing 1 mmol l−1 Na2WO4 into the axon also had no effect. The influence of lead in the platinizing solution was investigated by cannulating axons with a W wire which had been plated in a 30 mmol l−1 HC1 solution containing 0·025 % lead acetate as the sole solute. No change in AP kinetics was observed. Pt wires and platinized Pt wires have been used for decades with no unusual effects, suggesting that the combination of both W and Pt was necessary for the action potential elongation to occur. This idea was tested with a W wire electroplated in a 30 mmol l−1 HC1 solution containing 3% PtCl4 but no lead acetate. When cannulated into an axon, this wire was successful in producing elongated action potentials.

Pt-W amalgams are used extensively in chemical processes as inhomogeneous catalysts and as such may generate H+ or free radicals. The possibility that the electrode generated H+ was tested by injecting the pH indicator, phenol red, into the axoplasm in sufficient quantity to dye the axoplasm clearly red (pH >7). On cannulating the axon with a Pt-W electrode the axoplasm slowly turned yellow (pH < 6·6) over a period of 5–10 min. The action potential began to elongate as the colour change became visible. On occasion, the action potential of a Pt-W-treated axon alternated between a slightly elongated (5–10 ms) and a fully elongated AP (>50ms). In one extraordinary experiment this occurred in an axon injected with phenol red. As the action potential oscillated between long and short durations the colour oscillated between yellow (pH < 6·6) and red (pH >7), respectively, providing clear evidence of a relationship between pH, and the elongation of the action potential.

The possibility of action potential elongation due solely to lowered pHi was tested by the creation of an acidic axoplasm using either the NH4 rebound method or addition of CO2 to a physiological HCO3solution (Boron & DeWeer, 1976; Moody, 1980). These methods did not produce AP elongation. Attempts were made to produce an elongated AP by injecting potassium phosphate solutions (pH 4·5) directly into the axon in sufficient quantity to replace 50 % or more of the axoplasm. Phenol red was included in the solution to monitor the acidity of the axoplasm. Action potential duration increased slightly (2 ms) with no change in indicator colour. Although the evidence showed that a decreased pHi could not be the sole mechanism, it is possible that such a decrease is a necessary condition for action potential elongation. To further investigate the role of pHi, 20 mmol l−1 NH4C1 was added to the superfusate to counter the Pt-W-induced decrease in pHi. This procedure caused previously formed plateaus progressively to shorten and disappear. With the removal of the NH4C1, to generate an acidic axoplasm, the plateau reformed with durations in excess of those originally seen.

Effect of Pt-W on membrane resistance

A comparison of the I-V relationship for a normal axon with that for a Pt-W-treated axon, after AP elongation had occurred, reveals an obvious difference in the depolarized potential region (Fig. 3). The control axon exhibits outward rectification whereas the Pt-W-treated axon exhibits an apparent inward rectification. The large change in Em indicated by the dashed line represents the voltage shift of the AP plateau. Plateau formation could be explained by three possible mechanisms, alone or in combination: (1) a large, sustained inward current (i.e. a Na+ current with a delayed inactivation or a sustained Ca2+ current); (2) a decrease in outward K+ current; (3) a decrease in total K+ conductance, relative to rest, similar to that seen in cardiac muscle (Gettes & Reuter, 1974), in skeletal muscle (Adrian, 1969) and in oocytes (Hagiwara & Yoshii, 1979). Evidence for these possibilities was sought by injecting a train of small, negative, constant-current pulses across the membrane as an elongated AP was generated (Wiedmann, 1951). A typical result from this type of experiment is shown in Fig. 4, where the voltage deflections are over 200% larger near the end of the plateau than those seen at the rest potential, suggesting an increase in membrane resistance (Rm) during the plateau (presence of an inward rectifying channel). The apparent increase of Rm was variable from axon to axon, ranging from almost no increase to as much as 300 %. An increase in Rm was usually not seen in plateaus with durations less than 50 ms. The largest increases occurred in plateaus with durations greater than 100 ms.

Fig. 3.

Effect of the Pt-W electrode on current-voltage relationships from a single axon. An I—V relationship obtained with a platinized Pt electrode (Pt-Pt, closed circles) is plotted together with that obtained from an axon treated with a platinized W electrode (Pt-W, open circles) for comparison.

Fig. 3.

Effect of the Pt-W electrode on current-voltage relationships from a single axon. An I—V relationship obtained with a platinized Pt electrode (Pt-Pt, closed circles) is plotted together with that obtained from an axon treated with a platinized W electrode (Pt-W, open circles) for comparison.

Fig. 4.

Oscilloscope tracing of an action potential with superimposed current pulses demonstrating an apparent change in membrane resistance during the plateau. Note the approximately 200 % increase in pulse height at the end of the plateau relative to rest.

Fig. 4.

Oscilloscope tracing of an action potential with superimposed current pulses demonstrating an apparent change in membrane resistance during the plateau. Note the approximately 200 % increase in pulse height at the end of the plateau relative to rest.

Barium (0·1–1·0 mmol l−1), which is known to block inwardly rectifying channels in hyperpolarized membranes (Standen & Stanfield, 1978), was used to test for the presence of an inward rectifier unmasked by the action of the Pt-W wire. Ba2+ did not alter the Em or increase the amplitude of membrane potential responses to hyperpolarizing square current pulses, as would be expected if conducting, inwardly rectifying channels were being blocked.

Influence of [Na+]0 and the Na+ channel blocker, tetrodotoxin, on plateau development

When the Na+ concentration in the saline was reduced to 5 mmol l−1, the AP amplitude of a normal axon was reduced by approximately one-third. After the axon had been cannulated with a Pt-W wire, there was slight slowing of both the rising and falling phases of the AP but no plateau was formed. Upon replacement of the control concentration of Na+ (190mmoll−1), AP amplitude increased to normal and was accompanied by the rapid formation of a plateau.

Similar results were obtained with external solutions containing 25, 52, 73 and 97·5 mmol l−1 Na+. The effects of 25 and 73 mmol l−1 are shown in Fig. 5. With increasing external [Na+] the action potential reached greater final durations with a maximum observed duration of 15 ms at 97·5 mmol l−1 Na+. Addition of control [Na+]o rapidly increased the plateaus to 100 ms or greater. I-V plots from Pt-W-altered axons in 5, 25 and 52 mmol l−1 Na+ exhibited normal outward rectification. Axons in 73 and 97·5 mmol U1 Na+ exhibited typical Pt-W-induced ‘inward’ rectification.

Fig. 5.

Effect of low [Na+]o on the development of the Pt-W effect. (A) The maximum duration AP developed in 25 mmol l−1 [Na+]o was approximately 2 ms. (B) Within 2 min of the re-admission of 190 mmol l−1 [Na4],, the plateau elongated to 100 or more milliseconds. (C) In 73 mmol l−1 [Na+]0 plateau development is present but held to 5–7 ms (see shorter AP in D). (D) Following the readmission of 190 mmol l−1 [Na+]o the plateau further develops to greater than 25 ms within seconds.

Fig. 5.

Effect of low [Na+]o on the development of the Pt-W effect. (A) The maximum duration AP developed in 25 mmol l−1 [Na+]o was approximately 2 ms. (B) Within 2 min of the re-admission of 190 mmol l−1 [Na4],, the plateau elongated to 100 or more milliseconds. (C) In 73 mmol l−1 [Na+]0 plateau development is present but held to 5–7 ms (see shorter AP in D). (D) Following the readmission of 190 mmol l−1 [Na+]o the plateau further develops to greater than 25 ms within seconds.

Addition of 100 mmol l−1 TTX into the bathing solution after a plateau had been formed reduced the plateau duration. The action potential was then abolished. A current pulse injection resulting in an Em deflection of the same amplitude and duration as a normal AP would not initiate a plateau. An I-V plot from an axon exposed to TTX was produced immediately after the axon had been cannulated with a Pt-W wire and exhibited normal outward rectification. The outward rectification seen during depolarizing steps began to decrease as the Pt-W wire took effect. After 30 min the curve became completely linear, but did not go on to rectify in an apparently inward manner (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6.

The effect of tetrodotoxin (TTX) on a Pt-W-altered axon. Three superimposed I—V plots from TTX-treated axons showing the reduction of outward rectification during the onset of the Pt-W effect. Closed circles; I-V curve measured immediately after cannulation of the axon with the Pt-W electrode. Open circles; I-V curve obtained approximately 5 min after cannulation. The ohmic I-V plot (triangles) from TTX-treated axon was obtained 30 min after cannulation with Pt-W wire. No further change was seen with additional exposure. TTX prevented the development of the apparent inward rectification typical of the prolonged action potential. A developed plateau was reduced in duration by TTX even though the action potential remained near normal amplitude for several minutes following the initial reduction in duration.

Fig. 6.

The effect of tetrodotoxin (TTX) on a Pt-W-altered axon. Three superimposed I—V plots from TTX-treated axons showing the reduction of outward rectification during the onset of the Pt-W effect. Closed circles; I-V curve measured immediately after cannulation of the axon with the Pt-W electrode. Open circles; I-V curve obtained approximately 5 min after cannulation. The ohmic I-V plot (triangles) from TTX-treated axon was obtained 30 min after cannulation with Pt-W wire. No further change was seen with additional exposure. TTX prevented the development of the apparent inward rectification typical of the prolonged action potential. A developed plateau was reduced in duration by TTX even though the action potential remained near normal amplitude for several minutes following the initial reduction in duration.

Influence of [Ca2+]0 and the Ca2+ channel blockers verapamil and La3+

Experiments similar to those carried out in low [Na+]o were performed in one-quarter and one-half control [Ca2+]o. Plateaus did not develop in Pt-W-altered axons bathed in one-quarter control [Ca2+]o and action potentials were only slightly elongated in one-half control [Ca2+]0. Raising [Ca2+]o to the control level (13-5 mmol l−1) caused the plateau duration and amplitude to increase dramatically. External [Ca2+] affected the plateau size in a titratable manner and like [Na+]o was also required for the blocking of outward rectification.

When the Ca2+ channel blocker verapamil (10−0 mol l−1) was included in the bathing solution, action potentials had a maximum duration of 10ms and no plateaus. Plateaus formed in the absence of verapamil were abolished in its presence. I-V plots (data not shown) demonstrated an absence of normal outward rectification but no apparent inward rectification. The result was a straight, ohmic I-V plot similar to that seen with the Pt-W effect plus TTX.

Superfusion with the Ca2+ channel blocker La3+ at concentrations of 1 and 5 mmol l−1, abolished plateaus and prevented the apparent inward rectification in a manner similar to verapamil.

Influence of [K+]o

In initial experiments to determine the role of K+, the external K+ concentration was raised while using a holding current to maintain the Em at the potential expected in control [K+]o. High [K+]o resulted in a decrease of AP duration of Pt-W-treated axons. Maintaining the Em at a constant level ensured that the reduction in AP duration was not due to effects of depolarization on voltage-sensitive channels.

In four times control [K+]o (21·6 mmol l−1), Rm of an axon cannulated with a platinized Pt wire fell to one-third of its level in 5·4 mmol l−1 [K+]o (2136 Ωcm2vs 683 Ωcm2) (Fig. 7A). When the same procedure was carried out in a Pt-W-altered axon, a significant drop in Rm at 21·6 mmol l−1 [K+]o was not seen (1175 Ωcm2vs 1100 Ωcm2), suggesting that steady-state leakage channels normally opened by high [K+]o are prevented from doing so in the altered membrane (Fig. 7B). High [K+]o abolished the Pt-W-induced ‘inward-going’ rectification, significantly reduced the plateau and allowed the voltage-sensitive outwardly rectifying channels to operate normally (open under depolarization).

Fig. 7.

The effect of [K+]o on the I-V relationships of control and Pt-W-treated axons. (A) Axon cannulated with platinized platinum electrode. High [K+]o decreases the membrane resistance in the hyperpolarizing direction as well as decreasing outward-going rectification. At Em = – 85 mV the axon treated with high [K+]o (open circles) has a much lower resistance than before K+ treatment (closed circles). (B) A typical I-V relationship for a Pt-W-treated axon is shown (•). The I-V curve of an axon treated with high [K+]o (open circles) compared with an axon in control [K+] (closed circles) demonstrates that Pt-W protects the voltage-sensitive outward K+ channels from [K+]o. The hyperpolarizing segment of the I-V relationship is unchanged by [K+]o. The development of the ‘inward’ rectification is abolished but opening of the outward K+ channels is allowed in the depolarizing range of voltage by excess [K+]o.

Fig. 7.

The effect of [K+]o on the I-V relationships of control and Pt-W-treated axons. (A) Axon cannulated with platinized platinum electrode. High [K+]o decreases the membrane resistance in the hyperpolarizing direction as well as decreasing outward-going rectification. At Em = – 85 mV the axon treated with high [K+]o (open circles) has a much lower resistance than before K+ treatment (closed circles). (B) A typical I-V relationship for a Pt-W-treated axon is shown (•). The I-V curve of an axon treated with high [K+]o (open circles) compared with an axon in control [K+] (closed circles) demonstrates that Pt-W protects the voltage-sensitive outward K+ channels from [K+]o. The hyperpolarizing segment of the I-V relationship is unchanged by [K+]o. The development of the ‘inward’ rectification is abolished but opening of the outward K+ channels is allowed in the depolarizing range of voltage by excess [K+]o.

Comparisons with other agents that cause action potential elongation

Several agents known to cause AP elongation in a number of nerve preparations were employed to compare their effects on the action potential of the crayfish giant axon with the response described for Pt-W. External application of either 1 mmol l−1 tetraethylammonium (TEA) or 2 mmol l−1 Ba2+ did not affect the kinetics of the normal AP. AP plateaus with durations of up to 350ms were produced by external application of 0·5 mmol l−1 3,4-diaminopyridine (DAP) (Fig. 8). Addition of 10−5 mol l−1 verapamil or 0·5 mmol l−1 Mn2+ to the DAP-containing solution did not modify the effect, indicating that there is no significant Ca2+ component of the DAP-induced plateau, in contrast to the Pt-W-altered APs.

Fig. 8.

The effect of 3,4-diaminopyridine (DAP) on the duration and waveform of the crayfish action potential. (A) A normal propagated action potential. (B) The full effect of DAP is illustrated. In comparison with the effect of Pt-W, the DAP-modified action potential has a greater initial rise time, much more repetitive activity on the plateau, especially early, and a much faster decay of the plateau suggestive of a passive discharge rather than a plateau due to a maintained inward current.

Fig. 8.

The effect of 3,4-diaminopyridine (DAP) on the duration and waveform of the crayfish action potential. (A) A normal propagated action potential. (B) The full effect of DAP is illustrated. In comparison with the effect of Pt-W, the DAP-modified action potential has a greater initial rise time, much more repetitive activity on the plateau, especially early, and a much faster decay of the plateau suggestive of a passive discharge rather than a plateau due to a maintained inward current.

The duration of action potentials of the crayfish medial giant axon is increased from <lms to >50 ms by an intracellular Pt-W wire electrode. This effect is accompanied by a decrease in axonal pHi, but cannot be produced by such a reduction induced by various other treatments. The mechanism for the AP elongation can be explained by a decrease in outward (delayed) rectification coincident with an increase in inward Ca2+ current. Comparison of I—V plots before and after the Pt-W wire has taken effect (Fig. 3) reveals a block of delayed rectification. The AP plateau is inhibited by low [Ca2+]o and Ca2+ channel blockers in a preparation where Ca2+ influx normally plays an insignificant role in AP kinetics of the crayfish axon (Yamagishi & Grundfest, 1971). Although the apparent increase in membrane resistance (inward rectification) (Fig. 4) could as well be explained by changes in inward currents (Ca2+ and/or Na+) induced by the pulses used to estimate membrane resistance, true inward rectification cannot be ruled out without voltage-clamp studies of currents flowing during the plateau (Goldman & Morad, 1977).

In initial studies to investigate the active component of the wire, it was found that plain tungsten, sodium tungstate, platinum or lead acetate had no effect on the action potential. The only effective combination was lightly platinized tungsten metal. The effectiveness of the Pt-W wire was not dependent on the passage of current through it. Several characteristics of the Pt-W-induced effect seemed to indicate that the effective agent was released into the axoplasm from the Pt-W wire to react with the axonal membrane. The AP elongation took time to develop after cannulation of the axon, and axons with greater diameters (greater volume of dilution) took longer to exhibit the effect. The reversibility of the effect in its early stages of development indicates that the reaction product is of a rather labile nature or rapidly buffered. This would also explain the results of an experiment in which the injection of Pt-W-treated axoplasm into an axon had no effect on the AP. A constant source of the product seems necessary to reach an effective concentration. After a time, the membrane becomes permanently altered; removal of the wire would not cause a reversal of the effect.

These observations led to the consideration of ionic hydrogen as a possible active agent. Phenol red studies revealed that the Pt-W wire decreased pHi with a time course coincident with the initiation of AP elongation. While a decreased pHi alone did not result in AP elongation, it was found to be a necessary component of the effect. The NH4C1 rebound experiment provides evidence for this conclusion. This method for altering pHi produces an initial alkalinization of the axoplasm on addition of NH4Cl to the superfusate. During this period, the Pt-W-induced plateaus are abolished. The plateaus are reformed rapidly on re-acidification of the axoplasm by removal of the external NH4Cl Recent studies in squid axons have shown that passage of large, long-duration currents through wire electrodes generated H+ (Mullins, Requena & Whittenburg, 1985) which in turn was related to a large influx of Ca2+ (J. Requena & L. J. Mullins, personal communication). In addition, decrease of pHi in squid giant axons has been found to decrease outward K+ current (Wanke, Carbone & Testa, 1979; Carbone, Prir & Wanke, 1981). Other than the necessary decrease in pHi, it is not known what other products of the Pt-W/axoplasm reaction are involved in the AP elongation.

The block of outward rectification can account for the AP elongation caused by DAP (Fig. 8) (Kirsch & Narahashi, 1978) and part of the elongation caused by Pt-W. The decrease in outward rectification produced by Pt-W was found to be dependent on [Ca2+]o. Apparent inward rectification is abolished by both verapamil treatment or [Ca2+]o depletion. Abolition of the action potential can be a result of the increase in periaxonal K+ generated by the long depolarization represented by the plateau (Shrager, Starkus, Lo & Peracchia, 1983; Frankenhauser & Hodgkin, 1963), which serves to unblock the delayed rectifier (Dubois & Bergman, 1977), the increase in [Ca2+]i serving to enhance K+ efflux and limit further Ca2+ influx (Eckert, Tillotson & Brehm, 1981; Eckert & Ewald, 1982).

In untreated crayfish axons, a [K+]o-induced depolarization causes Rm to decrease at normal rest Em (Lieberman, 1979) suggesting that high [K+]o opens the voltagesensitive K+ channels and maintains them in a conducting condition even when the potential is returned to the level expected in control [K+]o by an applied current (Fig. 7). In Pt-W-altered crayfish axons, an increase of [K+]o causes almost no change in Rm at resting and hyperpolarized levels although voltage sensitivity of the outward rectifier is re-established. Under conditions where high [K+]o would be expected to open outward rectifying channels (Dubois & Bergman, 1977), they remain closed under the influence of Pt-W.

In cardiac muscle, a slowly activated Ca2+ current plays a major role in producing and maintaining the action potential plateau (Rougier et al. 1969; Cranefield, Aronson & Wit, 1974). It is likely that one effect of the Pt-W product is to increase Ca2+ influx during AP generation to the point that it makes a significant contribution to plateau formation. Moody (1980) found that internal acidification of crayfish slow muscle fibres caused a decrease in outward rectification and an increased voltage contribution of Ca2+ influx, leading to all-or-none Ca2+ action potentials. TEA also permitted the generation of all-or-none Ca2+ action potentials, suggesting that inward Ca2+ current, normally present but shunted by the voltage-sensitive outward K+ current, was now able to modify the membrane potential. In the Pt-W-altered axon, the increased inward Ca2+ current contributes to the generation of the AP plateau with a similar decrease in outward rectification.

Although a prolonged inward current (Ca2+ or Na+) is a sufficient explanation for the apparent inward rectification (Fig. 3) and the increased Rm during the plateau (Fig. 4) induced by Pt-W, the contribution of an inward rectifying channel cannot be ruled out except with voltage-clamp studies of the currents flowing during the plateau. External Ba2+, did not result in an increased membrane resistance at resting or hyperpolarized potentials, as might be expected if inwardly rectifying channel were present in the membrane. However, inward rectifiers ‘created’ by the action of Pt-W would not necessarily be Ba2+-sensitive.

An aspect of the Pt-W effect not seen in the action potential of cardiac muscle is the slow but continuous depolarization that usually begins soon after plateau formation. The most likely explanation for this involves the influence of relative chloride permeabilities in nerve and muscle membrane. Crayfish axon membrane has a relatively low chloride permeability (Lieberman & Nosek, 1976; Strickholm & Clark, 1977) compared to muscle membrane (Adrian, 1969). A K+ permeability which decreases during depolarization (inward rectification) would be a liability in muscle fibres if it were not damped by a high chloride permeability, because it would otherwise lead to an unstable resting potential. The Pt-W-altered axon contains K+ channels which fail to increase their permeability during depolarization. Removing chloride from the external solution of Pt-W-altered axons has no effect on AP kinetics or on the rate of depolarization, indicating that the chloride permeability of the Pt-W-altered axon remains relatively small and thus provides a plausible explanation for the Pt-W-induced depolarization.

Tungsten wire serves as a good substitute for Pt in the construction of axial wire electrodes for quantitative electrophysiological studies of axons. We are using these electrodes regularly in this laboratory on crayfish giant axons with appropriate precautions to prevent their reactivity with axoplasm, as described in this study. The primary advantage of tungsten is its mechanical strength, as compared to Pt of the same diameter, allowing the use of smaller wire for studies on axons with diameters as small as 100 μm.

The technique used by Nussbaumer (1981) to etch tungsten overcomes the necessity to platinize the tungsten wire, thus avoiding problems of electrode reactivity. If platinization is desirable a low-current, long-term platinization procedure will provide an even, full coverage of tungsten preventing its reactivity with axoplasm.

As described in this study, the Pt-W electrode may serve as a useful tool to generate H+ in a controlled manner for studies of H+ transport, its effect on electrical properties of membranes and relationships to biochemical structure. The advantage of the electrode is that it can be used in intact axons and avoids the problem of external membrane surface exposure to agents used to change pH; such as CO2 or NH4+ or to problems associated with replacement of the axoplasm, in whole or in part, with artificial solutions.

Finally, the events related to the alteration of a crayfish axon by Pt-W, which causes conductance changes resembling those expected in cardiac cells, are schematically represented in Fig. 9 and may provide some insights into the relationship between different types of excitable membranes. It is unlikely that the Pt-W product creates channels de novo considering the speed of onset of the Pt-W effect. All channels responsible for the Pt-W effect are therefore assumed to be channels already present in the membrane but structurally modified or chemically inhibited to be non-functional. An agent which alters ionic currents in one membrane type so that they resemble ionic currents in another suggests that excitable membranes possess similar ionic channels. Evidence exists that unitary Ca2+ currents in nerve of three different species have similar kinetics (Brown, Camerer, Kunze & Lux, 1982). The difference between different classes of excitable membranes (i.e. nerve vs muscle) could be due to modifications or ‘masking’ influences on the membrane channels. The products of the reaction of Pt-W with axoplasm may add or remove such a masking influence from a particular channel type, so that it responds in a manner characteristic of a different class of membrane.

Fig. 9.

The mode of action of Pt-W leading to action potential elongation. It is uncertain what the immediate product of the Pt-W and axoplasm reaction is (X?) in addition to H +. The product appears to reduce the voltage sensitivity of the outward rectifier (gKvt) in a manner dependent on [Na+] and [Ca2+] in the external solution. Depletion of either ion reduces the block while tetrodotoxin (TTX), verapamil or La3+ prevents the AP elongation but not the block of the outward rectifier. In order for the background steadystate K+ conductance (gKss) to be reduced both Na+ and Ca2+ fluxes are required. The Pt-W/axoplasm product appears to prevent opening of a proportion of the so-called steady-state ‘leak’ channels carrying K+ outwardly under certain conditions (high external [K+]). Whether the development of the inward (anomalous) rectifier occurs and is important to the development of the plateau is unresolved at this time.

Fig. 9.

The mode of action of Pt-W leading to action potential elongation. It is uncertain what the immediate product of the Pt-W and axoplasm reaction is (X?) in addition to H +. The product appears to reduce the voltage sensitivity of the outward rectifier (gKvt) in a manner dependent on [Na+] and [Ca2+] in the external solution. Depletion of either ion reduces the block while tetrodotoxin (TTX), verapamil or La3+ prevents the AP elongation but not the block of the outward rectifier. In order for the background steadystate K+ conductance (gKss) to be reduced both Na+ and Ca2+ fluxes are required. The Pt-W/axoplasm product appears to prevent opening of a proportion of the so-called steady-state ‘leak’ channels carrying K+ outwardly under certain conditions (high external [K+]). Whether the development of the inward (anomalous) rectifier occurs and is important to the development of the plateau is unresolved at this time.

The authors are appreciative of the technical assistance of J. Pascarella, S. Hassan and Dr A. M. Butt during the course of this work and the secretarial assistance of Brenda Elks and Denise Wilson in preparing the manuscript. This work was supported in part by a grant from Sigma Xi (to LAO) and a grant from the Army Research Office DAAG 29–82-K-0182 (to EML).

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