In a series of methods recently proposed (Robertson & Webb, 1939) for the micro-estimation of the principal constituents of sea water and of the body fluids of marine animals, that for sulphate was on the whole the least satisfactory. As there described it consists of precipitation by means of barium chloride and direct titration of the excess barium with sodium sulphate, using rhodizonic acid as indicator. The simplicity of the method is to some extent outweighed by the capricious behaviour of the indicator, which renders the judging of the end-point an operation which, even after considerable practice, it is difficult to perform with great confidence. Although the error may usually be kept without difficulty below 2 %, duplicate titrations are necessary if an occasional error somewhat larger than this is to be avoided. In cases where speed is of greater importance than the highest accuracy the method is probably the best that is available, but it was thought that an alternative method, based on that of Van Slyke et al. (1927) for total base in blood, might be made to yield more accurate results and require less practice.
The basic principle of this method is the same as that used by Sendroy (1937) for the estimation of chloride; namely, the addition of an insoluble iodate, which reacts with the ion to be estimated so as to form a more insoluble salt and liberate iodate ions into the solution. For the estimation of chloride silver iodate is used; for sulphate, barium iodate. A few preliminary experiments with lead iodate and lead iodide showed that they were useless except perhaps for very high concentrations of sulphate.
The values of k1 and k2 under the given conditions must therefore be determined empirically. This was done by determining the value of the ratio [SO4″]i/[IO3′] for values of [SO4″]i at either end of the working range. In Table I each ratio represents the mean of three determinations, made at 23 · 7 ° C.1 on solutions of sodium chloride and sodium sulphate with a SO4/C1 ratio equal to that found in sea water (0 · 1396 by weight). By substituting these values in equation (10) simultaneous equations are obtained for k1 and k2, yielding the values (in terms of mM./l.)
If is plotted directly against a straight line is obtained, as shown in Fig. 2, which corresponds to the equation
There remain to be considered the influence of temperature and chloride concentration on the position of equilibrium. In Table III are shown the figures for the analysis of a diluted sample of natural sea water at various temperatures. The sulphate content, as calculated from the chlorinity, was 5·34 mM./l. It will be seen that there is, throughout the temperature range studied, a fall of 0·3 % in the ratio for each rise of 1° C. It is therefore sufficient to know the temperature at which equilibration takes place to the nearest degree.
With regard to chloride concentration the results are shown in Fig. 3, for which the points were obtained by the analysis of appropriate mixtures of sodium sulphate and sodium chloride solutions. Smooth curves may be fitted to the points in such a way that the maximum deviation is 1·2 %. Reasonably accurate results may therefore be obtained by interpolating other curves for any other sulphate concentration, a fixed point for each being given by the broken curve, which represents the ratio given by different sulphate concentrations when the SO4/C1 ratio is equal to that found in sea water, and is in fact derived from the curve shown in Fig. 1. Even in the most unfavourable case a change of 25 % in the chloride concentration produces a change of only 1·7 % in the yield of iodate from a given concentration of sulphate, so that a very rough knowledge of the chloride concentration, say to 10 %, is all that is required.
By interpolation as described above results may be obtained for solutions with sulphate concentrations of 2·5 to 10 mM./l. and chloride concentrations of 0 to 360 mM./l., such that the error will seldom exceed 2 % and hardly ever 3 %. For greater accuracy it is necessary first to obtain an approximate result by this means and then to perform a second analysis along with that of a standard of known sulphate content, in which the concentration of both chlorides and sulphates is as close as possible to that of the sample. Under these conditions both standard and sample may be expected to yield an almost identical , ratio, and the difference in the titration figures will therefore, if it is sufficiently small, be directly proportional to the difference in sulphate content.
This double analysis and synthesis of an artificial standard adds of course considerably to the labour of the analysis. Nevertheless, if the absence of any necessity for deproteinization be taken into account, this method is no more laborious, and is probably more accurate, than any that has been hitherto proposed for the analysis of similar material.
All déterminations were carried out at this temperature unless otherwise stated.