Viviparous snakes may be particularly vulnerable to predicted increases in drought due to the high hydric costs associated with embryonic development, gestation, and their reliance on limited free-standing bodies of water or rain events for hydration. Drought will have negative implications for viper populations if females become increasingly water-stressed and resorb developing embryos to conserve bodily water. We conducted a study to investigate the importance of drinking water in late-term pregnancy and its effect on cutaneous evaporative water loss (CEWL). We measured hydration and water loss in response to supplemental hydration during the final stages of embryonic development and gestation in arid-adapted Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis). Our goal was to assess how supplemental water affects hydration status and water loss (via CEWL) of females during and after pregnancy, and of their neonates before and after their first ecdysis. Supplemental hydration of pregnant C. viridis improved their hydration state and their neonates were also born more hydrated than those from control mothers, showing that they transfer water to neonates via the placenta even over a very short period in the late stages of pregnancy. The supplementally hydrated maternal C. viridis experienced slightly higher rates of CEWL compared to control snakes, but CEWL was primarily driven by ambient temperature and vapor pressure deficit at the time of measurement. At birth, neonate plasma osmolality and CEWL were both directly associated with their mothers’ plasma osmolality and CEWL. Additionally, we found that neonate CEWL increased after the first ecdysis, suggesting that natal skin may help neonates avoid desiccation. Investigating and quantifying physiological implications of water shortage and dehydration can help us better understand the effects of drought and predict how wild populations of arid-adapted reptiles may respond to the predicted increase in frequency and severity of droughts.
Flexibility of cutaneous evaporative water loss in response to hydration in pregnant Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) and their neonates
Present address: Department of Biology, University of North Carolina, 205 Coker Hall, 120 South Road, CB 3280, Chapel Hill, NC 27599
These authors contributed equally to the work
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- Accepted Manuscript 13 December 2024
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Robin E. Bedard, Savannah J. Weaver, Haley A. Moniz, Scott M. Boback, Emily N. Taylor; Flexibility of cutaneous evaporative water loss in response to hydration in pregnant Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) and their neonates. J Exp Biol 2024; jeb.247964. doi:
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