In two recent papers (Young, 1929 a, b) attention was directed to the fact that, in mammals, spermatozoa which appear to have attained their full structural development while still attached to the germinal epithelium, are compelled to pass through the long coiled ductus epididymidis before they reach the vas deferens where they are in a position to be discharged. It was noted further that, while the significance of the epididymis for spermatozoa and the nature of changes undergone by spermatozoa during their passage through this organ have been subjects of experimentation by numerous investigators, current opinions with respect to these questions are both numerous and varied.

Among other opinions, the suggestions had been made (1) that certain developmental changes which are important for the successful functioning of spermatozoa are attributable to some specific action of the epididymal secretion (Tournade, 1913; Stigler, 1918; Braus and...

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