In a warming world, it is crucial to understand how rising temperature affects the physiology of organisms. To investigate the effect of a warming environment on the metabolism of heterothermic bats during the costly lactation period, we characterised metabolic rates in relation to roost temperature, the bats' thermoregulatory state (normothermia or torpor), time of day and age of juveniles. In a field experiment, we heated the communal roosts of a wild colony of Bechstein's bats (Myotis bechsteinii) every other day while measuring metabolic rates using flow-through respirometry. As expected, metabolic rates were lowest when the bats were in torpor. However, when bats were normothermic, colder temperatures had little effect on metabolic rates, which we attribute to the thermoregulatory benefits of digestion-induced thermogenesis and social thermoregulation. In contrast, metabolic rates increased significantly at temperatures above the thermoneutral zone. Contrary to our expectations, metabolic rates were not lower in heated roosts, where temperatures remained close to the bats' thermoneutral zone, than in unheated roosts, where temperatures were more variable. Our results show that torpor and digestion-induced thermogenesis are effective mechanisms that allow bats to energetically buffer cold conditions. The finding that metabolic rates increased significantly at temperatures above the thermoneutral zone suggests that the physiological and behavioural abilities of Bechstein's bats to keep energy costs low at high temperatures are limited. Our study highlights that temperate-zone bats are well adapted to tolerate cold temperatures, but may lack protective mechanisms against heat, which could be a threat in times of global warming.
Author contributions
Conceptualization: J.M.W., P.L., G.K.; Data curation: J.M.W., G.K.; Formal analysis: J.M.W.; Funding acquisition: G.K.; Investigation: J.M.W., P.L., G.K.; Methodology: J.M.W., P.L., G.K.; Project administration: J.M.W., P.L., G.K.; Resources: P.L., G.K.; Software: J.M.W.; Supervision: P.L., G.K.; Validation: J.M.W., P.L., G.K.; Visualization: J.M.W.; Writing – original draft: J.M.W., G.K.; Writing – review & editing: J.M.W., P.L., G.K.
J.M.W. was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG RTG 2010) ‘Biological Responses to Novel and Changing Environments’.
Data availability
The associated data, code and appendices are available from the Open Science Framework (OSF) at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/7VGDK.