Climate change introduces greater thermal variability, profoundly affecting ectothermic species whose body temperatures rely heavily on the environment. Understanding the physiological and metabolic responses to such variability is crucial for predicting how these species will cope with changing climates. This study investigates how chronic thermal stress impacts mitochondrial metabolism and physiological parameters in Drosophila melanogaster, hypothesizing that a fluctuating thermal regime (FTR) activates protective mechanisms enhancing stress tolerance and longevity. To test this, Drosophila were exposed to constant 24°C or to an FTR of 24°C:15°C (day:night) cycle following an initial 5 day period at 24°C. The FTR group exhibited rapid transcript level changes after the first day of FTR, particularly those related to heat shock proteins, mitophagy and regulatory factors, which returned to initial levels after 5 days. Mitochondrial respiration rates initially decreased after 1 and 2 days of FTR, then recovered by day 5, indicating rapid acclimation. Enhanced antioxidant enzyme activities were observed early in the FTR group, after 1 day for mtSOD and SODcyt+ext and 3 days for both SOD and catalase, followed by a decline by day 5, suggesting efficient oxidative stress management. The FTR group showed lower CTmax on day 3, reflecting possible physiological strain at that time point, and complete recovery by day 5. Longevity increased under FTR, highlighting the activation of protective mechanisms with beneficial long-term effects. These results suggest that FTR prompts a temporal succession of rapid physiological adjustments at different levels of organisation, enhancing long-term survival in D. melanogaster.
Author contributions
Conceptualization: F.H.-M., N.P.; Data curation: F.H.-M., J.C., N.P.; Formal analysis: F.H.-M., J.C., N.P.; Funding acquisition: N.P.; Investigation: F.H.-M., J.C.; Methodology: F.H.-M., J.C., N.P.; Project administration: N.P.; Resources: N.P.; Supervision: N.P.; Validation: N.P.; Visualization: N.P.F.H.-M.; Writing – original draft: F.H.-M., N.P.; Writing – review & editing: F.H.-M., J.C., N.P.
This research was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC: RGPIN-2017-05100 and RGPIN-2023-05945), as well as by the Université de Moncton and the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF Research Assistantships initiative) to N.P. An NSERC doctoral scholarship (PGS D) was awarded to F.H.-M. to support her work.
Data availability
Dataset is available on Mendeley: doi:10.17632/s7nggjb37s.1