Insects can locate spatial goals by means of 2-D retinotopic views of the surrounding landmarks, which they memorise from the vantage point of the goal. Wood ants acquire such snapshot memories while fixating conspicuous landmarks with frontal retina, and their snapshots extend horizontally at least 120°into the periphery. Are spatially separate items within such an extended snapshot bound together so that a snapshot is recalled as a whole, or are its components recognised individually?

We approached this question by training ants to find food midway between two upright black cylinders of different sizes and then examined where they searched when they were given two cylinders of the same size. If the ants know which cylinder replaces the small cylinder and which the large, they should search at a position where the two equal-sized cylinders subtend the same angles as do the training cylinders when viewed from the feeder. Ants conformed to this prediction under one condition, searching at a shorter distance from the substitute for the large cylinder than from the substitute for the small cylinder. But, under another condition, ants were unable to distinguish between the two equal-sized cylinders. Ants failed when white curtains completely surrounded the platform on which the cylinders were placed. They succeeded when one side of the platform had a patterned curtain.

We suggest that ants take two snapshots at the feeding site, one when facing the small cylinder and one when facing the large cylinder, and that each snapshot includes the patterned curtain, if it is there. Ants will view the patterned curtain with the lateral retina of one eye when facing the small cylinder and with the lateral retina of the other eye when facing the large cylinder. Our data suggest that there may be associative links between these spatially separate components of the snapshot, which cause the memory of the small cylinder or the large cylinder to be recalled according to which eye sees the curtain. It seems that an extended snapshot not only enhances the accuracy of localisation but can also increase the reliability of snapshot recall, provided that the components of a snapshot are bound together.

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